Mental Immaturity

Mental immaturity is a psychological phenomenon characterized by a personality that is immature for certain age stages. This term describes behaviors and emotional reactions that are normal in children and adolescents but persist into adulthood. Here are some examples of behavior characteristic of a mentally immature person:

1. Impulsivity - neuropsychic agitation in response to the appearance of unexpected circumstances, often consists of the spontaneous implementation of an idea that suddenly came to mind or making a decision without sufficient reflection. 2. Hot temper and rash actions - usually manifests itself in children and young people. Both of these factors indicate a person's inability to regulate his behavior in accordance with the situation. 3. Capriciousness and frivolity - inability to control one’s emotions and adequate perception of reality. For example, lack of a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and habits. This can also manifest itself in relationships with other people. A mentally immature person is prone to egocentrism, envy, deceitful and ostentatious actions. 4. Manifestation of irritation, anxiety, uncertainty and depression - children and adolescents, as well as sometimes adults, in response to any unexpected changes, sometimes experience attacks of fear, anxiety and despair. 5. Extreme interests - passion for any specific