
The navel is the scar left where the umbilical cord joined the fetus during fetal development.

The umbilical cord connects the developing fetus to the placenta, through which it receives nutrition and oxygen from the mother. It is attached to the abdominal wall of the fetus in the area of ​​the future navel.

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is tightened and cut. The place where the umbilical cord attaches to the skin turns into an umbilical stump, which over time turns into an umbilical scar - the navel.

The navel is located in the center of the abdomen. This is an area of ​​skin with a diameter of about 1 cm, which is slightly depressed relative to the surrounding surface.

Thus, the navel is a natural scar, reminiscent of the prenatal period of human life. It is present throughout life.