Stretch Marks and Age Spots on the Skin During Pregnancy. Prevention of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Title: Stretch marks and age spots on the skin during pregnancy. Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy.

The skin plays an important role during pregnancy, as due to accelerated metabolism, it absorbs oxygen more actively and releases toxins. To keep your skin in good condition, it is recommended to take not too hot showers and use moisturizing creams. It is also important to eat right, drink enough fluids and exercise outdoors. This will help maintain the beauty and health of your skin.

However, some women face cosmetic problems during pregnancy, such as stretch marks, age spots, and darkening of the nipples. Usually these changes go away after childbirth. To prevent stretch marks, special creams and massage are recommended. It is important not to worry about minor cosmetic imperfections and maintain a positive attitude.

The main cause of stretch marks is the rapid growth of the abdomen, which causes the skin to stretch greatly. This leads to tears in the connective tissue. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use special creams, massage, exercise, and eat right. This will help stretch the skin gradually and evenly.

Age spots are the result of hormonal changes. They appear more often in dark-haired women and with frequent exposure to the sun. For prevention, it is recommended to use sun protection creams and take folic acid. The spots disappear after childbirth.

It is important to sunbathe wisely, using protective creams, hats, and spending midday hours in the shade. The sun is beneficial, but it also has side effects.

To maintain beauty and health during pregnancy, a balanced diet, fresh air and moderate physical activity are very important. This will improve the well-being of mother and child.