Stretch marks on the skin of the chest

Every woman in her life is faced with the concept of stretch marks on her chest. The moment of meeting them, of course, is not the most pleasant, but on the contrary, it can cause a storm of negative emotions. This is not their only habitat. They appear on the thighs, inner shoulder, buttocks.


The word striae from Latin means stripes. As soon as a person rose higher in rank and began to earn more, the stretch marks immediately became larger. You may ask how you can connect money and stretch marks on your body? A person earns more - his food becomes more varied. In addition, it is often excessive in calories. Accordingly, the body gains excess weight.

Reasons for appearance

A possible reason for the appearance of unpleasant stripes on the skin is sudden weight loss, and then rapid weight gain. Another reason is pregnancy and childbirth. The wealthier the family, the more children they have. The more a woman gives birth and breastfeeds, the more stretch marks she has.

In addition to the fact that a woman’s body already undergoes a huge number of changes during pregnancy, it all happens very quickly. In addition to the fact that the baby inside begins to gain weight, amniotic fluid adds weight, and the woman herself begins to eat more. In addition to gaining a decent 20-30 kg during the entire pregnancy, milk in the breasts is added after childbirth. The muscles of the mammary gland do not have time to react so quickly to dramatic changes and the skin on the chest stretches.


Afterwards, the woman wants to urgently lose weight, because she is returning from maternity leave to work and then urgently needs to fit into her old wardrobe. A woman goes on a diet, limits her food intake and achieves her goal. In a few months, minus ten kilograms and, to put it mildly, her body is in shock again. These changes are typical causes of stretch marks on the chest.

Tendency to develop stretch marks

First you need to understand that stretch marks on the chest do not appear in all people and not in the same quantity. Some women can gain weight and lose weight several times a year, while others need to lose weight sharply once and that’s it—deep, long stretch marks appear on the face almost all over the body.

The genetic characteristics of the body are to blame. For example, residents of the Caucasus and India, carriers of the Mongoloid and African genotypes, suffer from stretch marks much more than the fair-skinned races of people on the planet. In this case, the gender of a person does not play a role at all.

Of course, we more often hear about the appearance of stretch marks from women and everyone asks one question: how to remove them. This is not due to the characteristics of the body, but rather to aesthetic perception. A woman in summer wants to wear a dress with a large neckline, while a man at this time can easily get by with a completely covered T-shirt. When putting on lace underwear, a girl sees not her entire seductive appearance, but how visible the stretch marks are on her chest and hips.

Cosmetologists observe the most complex types of stretch marks on the chest in men. A man strives to make his life as comfortable as possible. This includes buying a car. Here he is, a handsome alpha male, goes to the gym, starts a small business. The work brings good profits, and from a small business he is already the owner of a large corporation. He buys an expensive car and devotes all his time to work. Accordingly, no one goes to the gym anymore. He has dinner at night, travels only in a car, and is nervous a lot. All this leads to excess weight. And with it, stretch marks appear.

In addition to the genetic predisposition to striae, weakened immunity also has a strong influence. Hormonal imbalance, inflammation of the skin, and surgical interventions contribute to the appearance of stretch marks on the chest. Artificial termination of pregnancy “helps” to activate previously existing stretch marks, and surgical removal of various tumors leads to the appearance of new stretch marks in the breast area.

Types of stretch marks and the reasons for their appearance

Early striae are very different from older ones in color and structure. They are red and blue, riddled with blood vessels. They can still be influenced and significantly reduced in size. White stretch marks hardly undergo correction and are very similar to old scars. The area where stretch marks are located can either be level with the skin, or sink or rise above it. Any physical discomfort or pain is completely absent in the presence of stretch marks.


There are several reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the chest:

  1. excessive stretching of body tissues;
  2. loss of skin elasticity;
  3. loss of elasticity of the muscle frame. When the body is constantly exposed to moderate physical activity, the muscles are toned and ready for any changes.

Adolescents are very susceptible to stretch marks. The body is growing rapidly, hormonal levels are just off the charts, and in girls, the mammary glands are actively enlarging. This is all a favorable environment for the appearance of stretch marks.

Stretch marks on the chest are very similar to scars, only they are located not on the surface of the skin, but inside. There is absolutely no pigmentation on the surface of micro-tears. Because of this, tanning in the areas of stretch marks is completely impossible. The only positive aspect in this situation is that stretch marks acquired during pregnancy or growing up do not pose any threat to the health and life of a woman.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest?

One of the main ways to treat stretch marks is intensive prevention. No matter how sad the whole situation may seem, they will not disappear simply by wishing or even by magic spell. Constant work on the body, fight against them, control of nutrition, and of course cosmetic procedures are required.

There are only a few rare cases where a young girl acquired stretch marks due to hormonal maturation, and then had them removed. But this happens in the case when they immediately noticed red-blue stretch marks and immediately consulted a doctor. If stretch marks have already turned white and have been on the body for more than one year, then you won’t be able to get rid of them completely. They can only be made less noticeable. There are a number of cosmetic procedures for this. And if the case is completely advanced, then surgical intervention is necessary.


You need to choose a beauty salon very carefully, otherwise the consequences of the procedure will be sad. List of particularly important procedures.

These procedures include:

  1. laser body resurfacing;
  2. chemical or laser peeling;
  3. microdermabrasion;
  4. laser nanoperforation;
  5. fractional photothermolysis.

All these procedures smooth the surface of the skin, promote its regeneration and natural collagen production. Because of this, stretching of the skin becomes almost invisible.

In cases where cosmetology is unable to help, surgical intervention is necessary. The plastic surgeon lightly excises deep stretch marks on the chest from the surface of the skin. But there is an acceptable operational depth. If the stretch marks on the chest are completely neglected, then no doctor will do this. This will simply be dangerous for the woman’s health. In any case, before making a decision, you need to consult with a competent plastic surgeon.

If the stretch marks are “fresh” enough, then the most optimal method for getting rid of them is ultrasound. It massages the skin at the micro level, stimulates increased skin elasticity and collagen production.

A similar method is ozone therapy. The oxygen mixture is introduced into the striae itself. In mesotherapy, a mixture of vitamins and nutrients is injected into the stretch to increase skin elasticity. And plant extracts in the mixture increase metabolic processes. If stretch marks have just begun to appear, you can try to eliminate them with the help of masks, wraps, massage, a specially designed nutrition system, and also taking medications.

Masks to eliminate stretch marks

We all know how important face masks are for wrinkles or dry skin. The same thing happens with the whole body. The skin of the breast needs to be smooth and elastic. And it certainly shouldn’t age quickly, just like the skin on your face. You can make masks from absolutely anything you find in the refrigerator. The main thing is desire and a little imagination.

The components of masks against stretch marks increase blood circulation and increase skin elasticity. It is better to carry out procedures after a bath or shower, when the body is steamed and absorbs nutrients as much as possible.


Every day you need to rub the oil into the skin of your chest. Peach, olive and almond are suitable for this. You can mix them together, add a couple of drops of lavender, rosemary or rose oil. After applying the oil, you can wrap the breasts with cling film. The procedure itself should last about fifteen minutes. Such wraps must be performed twice a week. Such mixtures of oils give a good effect during massage procedures.

A recipe for a rolled oatmeal mask will help prevent the first stretch marks. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of dry rolled oats flakes and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then drain the remaining water. Add two tablespoons of fat sour cream to the resulting mixture and place in the refrigerator. Let it brew for one night. The next day after the bath, apply this mask to the skin of your chest. Leave for fifteen minutes.

Another option to improve the condition of your breast skin is to make a cottage cheese mask. To do this, you need to combine one spoon of cottage cheese with an egg, add a teaspoon of honey, sour cream and olive oil. Apply the mask to the stretch marks on the body and wait twenty minutes. Afterwards it must be washed off with lukewarm water.

All these procedures will not create an immediate effect, but they will help to delay skin aging and reduce stretch marks.

Massage against stretch marks on the chest

Another way to combat stretch marks is massage. A woman can massage her breasts on her own. This must be done very gently, always clockwise. The main thing is to massage without causing pain. This procedure helps remove congestion in the chest, prevent the appearance of mastopathy, and eliminate the appearance of stretch marks. Massage can be done with essential oils or use only cedar oil, which accelerates skin regeneration and helps fight skin diseases.


Shilajit creates a beneficial effect for the skin. This substance can be added to body cream and used for breast massage. The only problem is that there is very little of this substance in nature and it is very expensive. Be careful, because here you can run into a fake.

Preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent a situation than to deal with its consequences. This applies to everything that surrounds us in life. But we need to take the issue of health especially seriously. Stretch marks at first glance are not at all dangerous, but if you take a closer look, you will notice dissatisfaction with your appearance, many complexes, and depression. All this can be changed if you direct your life in a different direction. For this you need little - just love yourself and take care of your body. There are a number of procedures aimed at improving the skin. These include:

  1. Regular contrast shower. It should start with hot water and end with slightly cool water. Be sure to direct the stream of water to the neckline and hips;
  2. It is necessary to drink at least two liters of clean water per day. No cream or mask will help if the skin is dry and cracked. Tea, coffee or juices do not count as water;
  3. You need to eat a balanced diet. The daily diet must include a large amount of vegetables and fruits, as little meat, heavy and fried foods as possible. What we eat and drink, when we get inside, immediately appears outside. We see skin unevenness, acne, rashes;
It is very important to exercise. To prevent stretch marks, it is necessary to “enter” the sport very gradually and continue training progressively; You shouldn’t go on a strict diet one day and work yourself half to death on the treadmill. This will only make the result worse. You will suddenly begin to lose weight, your muscles will not be ready for this, and your skin will immediately begin to get damaged; Remember, everything requires common sense, a gradual and regular approach. It is important to listen to your body, monitor it, and take care of it. Selection of individual masks, massage and regular peeling will help make the breast skin firmer and more elastic. Also, due attention should be paid to nourishing and firming creams. Regularly taking care of your body will bring results; accordingly, the chances of stretch marks will decrease.


Many women face the problem of stretch marks (striae) on their breasts. Despite the fact that this area of ​​the female body is often hidden under clothing, awareness of the presence of a defect causes internal discomfort among the fair sex. Today, there are many methods for getting rid of stretch marks; these can be pharmacy, folk, home remedies or salon procedures. By observing regular cosmetic procedures, it is possible to get rid of this skin defect on the chest forever.

What are stretch marks

Striae are formed as a result of the replacement of normal structures of the epidermis and fiber with connective tissues. Their appearance is preceded by microtraumas caused by excessive stretching of the upper layer of skin. Often, defects are localized in the hips (on the inner and outer surfaces), buttocks, abdomen, chest, shoulders (on the inner surface).

Stretch marks are strips of skin up to 5 mm wide and up to 10 cm long. Immediately after the appearance of stretch marks, they have a bright red, sometimes blue-violet tint. Over time, they become white, even shiny (pearly). Blue and red stretch marks are permeated with blood vessels, in this state they can be significantly influenced and their size reduced. White stretch marks are practically not corrected, and over time they become like scars. The surface of the stretch marks may sink or protrude above the rest of the skin. Damaged areas do not cause pain.

Causes of stretch marks on the chest

Often stretch marks form with sudden significant fluctuations in weight. This may be due to hormonal imbalances or due to rapid changes in body weight. The main reasons for the formation of stretch marks can be represented by three points:

  1. Excessive stretching of the epidermis.
  2. Loss of skin elasticity.
  3. Flabbiness of the muscle frame (to resist excessive tissue stretching, the muscles must be toned).

In addition to obese people, stretch marks on the chest can form in the following groups of people:

  1. Teenagers. During puberty, when teenage girls begin to rapidly grow breasts, stretch marks may form. This process is due to the fact that the muscles do not have time to increase to support the breasts, as a result of which the epidermal tissues are torn.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women. Many representatives of the fair sex gain excess weight during pregnancy, which directly affects breast enlargement, because it consists of adipose tissue. In addition, the mammary gland is prepared for lactation; an abundant supply of nutrients “fills” the breasts. Striae after childbirth are formed as a result of milk flow. During the feeding process, the breasts empty almost at lightning speed. This fluctuation in volume provokes skin stripes. After a period of breastfeeding (BF), stretch marks may also appear, since the epidermis does not have time to recover from the breasts, which have sharply decreased in volume.
  3. Losing weight. As a result of a sudden loss of extra pounds, both young girls and older women are at risk of developing crimson-colored stretch marks.
  4. Athletes. The breasts can significantly decrease in volume due to a sharp decrease in the muscle frame. Such a jump may occur due to the cessation of intense sports training.
  5. Genetically predisposed. Stretch marks can appear in girls due to the fact that from birth they have very thin skin that is prone to injury. Scientists have proven that northern women are more susceptible to this type of defect than southern women.


Prevention methods

It is possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest using the following preventive measures:

  1. Care. The décolleté area needs special moisturizing and nourishing care. Products should contain components such as collagen, elastin, and natural plant oils. Nourishing creams and oils should be applied regularly. There are also special cosmetics for the prevention of stretch marks.
  2. Water balance. To maintain balance, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Dehydrated skin is more easily injured.
  3. Proper nutrition. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
  4. Balanced diet. When losing weight, you need to ensure that the weight decreases gradually. It is considered comfortable for the body to lose weight from 200 g to 1 kg per week, depending on the initial weight.
  5. Cold and hot shower. This procedure is an effective prevention of stretch marks. The shower should start with warm water and end with cool or cold water.
  6. Massage. Mainly using the Garcia method, it is not difficult to master, but regular procedures are the key to healthy breast skin.
  7. Linen. The bra must fit your breast size exactly. The underwear should tightly surround the glands, without pressing or rubbing. A bra during breastfeeding should be made only from natural fabrics.
  8. Sport. Health-improving gymnastics, moderate physical activity at home or in the gym, strengthen tissues. Choose a sport that you like, it could be Pilates, stretching, swimming or simple morning exercises. It is important to exercise regularly.
  9. Wraps. In this case, mud and algae wraps work well.

Methods for treating stretch marks on the chest

Unfortunately, treating stretch marks is long and painstaking work. Success depends entirely on the regularity of events. Newly formed stretch marks can be removed at home using pharmaceutical or cosmetic products, using traditional methods. The latter include the preparation of homemade creams, masks, scrubs, and body wraps. It is almost impossible to remove old stretch marks using the measures listed above. Salon procedures have been developed for this purpose. Maximum results can be achieved using a whole range of measures.

Cosmetical tools

There are products on the cosmetics market aimed at getting rid of and preventing stretch marks. They can be purchased in many mass markets of decorative cosmetics. It is better to choose products for stretch marks on the chest with a natural composition. The list of components should include vitamins A, E, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, natural oils and extracts. It is important to give preference only to proven brands, otherwise it is better to purchase pharmaceutical products.

Salon treatments

The range of salon procedures is very wide, which allows you to choose a technique that will most effectively solve the problem of skin defects, depending on the size, depth and age of stretch marks. The procedures are highly expensive, and the principle is true: the older the stretch marks, the more expensive their treatment will be, but this does not mean that the salon cannot select effective methods at an affordable price. Popular procedures for getting rid of stretch marks:

  1. Wrap. This procedure nourishes tissue directly through the skin. The wrap can be done at home, but the salon procedure differs in the preparation for applying the product and its composition, which includes a balanced vitamin and mineral complex. The duration of a salon wrap is from 30 minutes to an hour. For a noticeable effect, 10-15 procedures are necessary.
  2. Ultrasonic exposure. A painless and effective way to get rid of stripes is regular ultrasound. The procedure improves blood flow in tissues and accelerates the process of skin regeneration. Ultrasound treatment is effective for young stretch marks.
  3. Chemical peeling. The procedure is very effective, but expensive and painful. Using a special chemical composition, the upper layers of the epidermis are burned, skin regeneration processes are launched, resulting in the formation of new smooth skin without stretch marks. This procedure requires long-term rehabilitation.
  4. Laser peeling. An equally painful procedure, similar to chemical peeling. The burn is carried out by the action of a laser. The opinions of specialists in this field are divided into two opposing categories. Some believe that laser peeling is the most effective procedure against stretch marks, while others are categorically against treating the skin in this way. If the stretch mark is younger than 5 years, then 3-5 procedures will be needed to get rid of it; if the strip is older, about 10 visits to the beauty salon will be needed.
  5. Microdermabrasion. A more gentle but painful procedure. The skin is exposed to a stream of air containing small solid particles. Thanks to this influence, surface scrubbing and micro-polishing of the epidermis occurs. The procedure is effective for fresh strips.
  6. Mesotherapy. It is an injection procedure during which a composition rich in vitamins and minerals is injected under the skin. The quick desired result can be obtained in combination with other methods, this could be plasma lifting or microcurrents.
  7. Collagen injections. The procedure compensates for the lack of collagen protein; its small amount is the root cause of the formation of stretch marks.
  8. Microcurrent therapy. The skin is exposed to current pulses. At the cellular level, the procedure improves blood circulation, increases metabolic processes, and tissue tone. For a visible effect, it is necessary to conduct 8-10 sessions at monthly intervals.
  9. Ozone therapy. The influence is carried out through an ozone-oxygen mixture. The procedure stimulates blood flow and lipid metabolism. To achieve the desired result, ozone therapy should be performed once a week. This technique is often recommended to be combined with breast massage and the use of gels and creams at home.
  10. Surgical intervention. If none of the salon procedures helped achieve the desired result, experts often recommend surgical intervention. During surgery, the affected areas are removed. Such an event is not always justified. Often the operation provokes the appearance of new stripes. Very deep stretch marks are a contraindication to this procedure. In this case, no specialist will undertake the removal of stretch marks on the chest.

Pharmacy products

One of the most effective remedies against stretch marks on the chest is Contractubex gel. It is positioned as a drug for getting rid of scars. The main active ingredient of the gel is liquid onion extract. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. In combination with excipients, Contractubex gel has regenerating properties. It counteracts the formation of fibroblasts - connective tissue cells, which prevents the appearance of scars, including stretch marks. The gel is highly effective and affordable.

A product called Clearvin has proven itself well as a cream for stretch marks on the chest. This budget pharmacy product has a completely natural herbal composition, including neem (margosa), known for its antiseptic properties, lodhra - fights scars and stretch marks, amla (emblica) - contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen synthesis. The cream fights not only with stretch marks, it generally improves skin tone, evens out and improves its color, eliminates acne and acne marks.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest: effective findings

Many women have wondered how to remove stretch marks on their breasts. This is not surprising, because every woman dreams of attractive and toned breasts, which is quite natural.

The appearance of a woman’s main asset can be ruined by stretch marks, which arise for various reasons. After the appearance of such a deficiency, the question of solving this problem becomes relevant.

To combat it, various methods are used: cosmetological, salon, folk. Which ones are considered the most effective?

Causes of the problem

Striae are formed according to a fairly simple principle: due to rapid changes in body weight, collagen fibers in the skin lead to stretching and then to rupture.

Blood vessels are visible through the tightly stretched skin, which has become thinner. They give the affected areas a purple or reddish color. Gradually, the stretch marks become overgrown with connective tissue and lighten, becoming almost invisible.

The most pronounced ruptures become after sunbathing, as well as when the skin becomes red.

The main reason for the formation of stretch marks is a sudden increase in body weight and breast volume. This often occurs during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during puberty.

Other factors also lead to the appearance of stretch marks:

  1. mechanical damage resulting from careless handling of the breast;
  2. hormonal imbalance;
  3. stretching of large breasts due to incorrect selection of underwear;
  4. strict diets and other methods to help you lose weight quickly;
  5. physical training with high load on the pectoral muscles;
  6. genetic predisposition.

If stretch marks appear, you should consult a dermatologist to select the most effective method for their correction or complete removal through surgery.

TOP 5 rules for the initial fight against stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks, which significantly worsen the appearance of the breasts, you must immediately eliminate the possible causes of their appearance:

  1. Buy high-quality underwear with a supportive and corrective effect. It allows the skin to breathe and does not interfere with normal blood circulation. It is better to avoid lace products with underwires during this period.
  2. Check your hormonal levels. Almost all aesthetic defects must be combated from the outside and from the inside. If there are problems with hormones, specialists select suitable medications and give the necessary recommendations.
  3. Resort to moderate physical activity. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful figure, 2-3 sessions per week are enough, and training may also include exercises for the chest muscles.
  4. Avoid strict diets. The diet must include vitamins A, C, E, proteins and calcium. Lack of iron negatively affects the condition of the skin. To determine the presence of this factor, it is enough to donate blood for hemoglobin. If its amount is below normal, you will need to take medications containing iron, as well as enriching the diet with buckwheat, red meat, eggs, and liver.
  5. Quit smoking. Giving up a bad habit will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body.

Reviews from women who talk about how to remove stretch marks on the chest indicate that in some cases the listed rules help to significantly improve the appearance of the mammary glands. But the recovery process will be long.

Cosmetology techniques

Such methods will be effective only in the presence of superficial and not very deep breaks. Old severe stretch marks require more drastic measures.

The most common cosmetic procedures include:

  1. Algae wraps. They regenerate the epidermis well in the presence of fresh and shallow damage. The main component used in the wrap is spirulina. This algae contains 17 amino acids, 9 of which are considered essential for the skin. To achieve a positive result, many sessions will be required, which must be repeated regularly.
  2. Applying masks and creams. It is recommended to use products that contain elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, vegetable oils, vitamins, and extracts from medicinal plants. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers of creams and masks.
  3. Massage. It is recommended to do it even for women who do not have stretch marks on their breasts. It is recommended to use special oils that are designed to combat stretch marks. Make all movements carefully, do not squeeze the mammary glands. It is better to go to a specialist for such a procedure.

Seaweed wraps can be made at home. Dry kelp, which is sold in pharmacies, is suitable for this.

After taking a shower, you need to carefully rub your chest with a towel, lubricate the skin with oil for stretch marks, and then apply steamed seaweed. After this, the chest is covered with film and wrapped for 1 hour.

Salon treatments (6 options)

How to remove stretch marks on the chest with a laser or other method? The services of qualified cosmetologists help get rid of old defects that appeared 5 or more years ago.

The duration of therapy directly depends on the age of the stretch marks; the older it is, the more procedures will be required.

The choice of appropriate techniques depends on the condition of the skin, ruptures, and individual parameters of each patient.

Procedure name What is it? Peculiarities
Laser resurfacing Controlled laser damage to problem areas. Microburns form on them, which activates the production of collagen and elatin. This leads to thickening of the dermis and a decrease in the severity of stretch marks. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using a fractional laser. To achieve the desired result, at least 5 sessions will be required. Dealing with old stretch marks may require up to 10 treatments.
Chemical peeling The effect of acid-containing agents on the upper layers of the epidermis. The resulting injury leads to stimulation of regenerative processes. Healed skin acquires an even texture, and imperfections are completely absent. High results are achieved only if the procedure is performed professionally and after proper care. Chemical peeling is a painful procedure and is performed under local anesthesia.
Wraps Saturates the body with beneficial microelements through the skin. It differs from similar home methods by the use of preparatory manipulations that help the active components penetrate more quickly to the source of the problem. Up to 15 sessions will be required.
Ultrasonic exposure It acts on the deep layers of the epidermis, activates blood circulation, which leads to an intensive supply of nutrients. All this provokes the regeneration of injured areas. Suitable only for the treatment of “fresh” stretch marks.
Mesotherapy Subcutaneous administration of drugs with plant extracts, tissue restoration activators, vitamins, minerals, proteins. To increase efficiency, it is combined with microcurrents and plasma lifting.
Microdermabrasion Massage of the upper layers of the epidermis, which is carried out by supplying crushed solid particles with a stream of directed air. The technique affects only the surface of the dermis, therefore it is intended for the treatment of recently appeared stretch marks.

It is not recommended to prescribe treatment for yourself and sign up for the first procedure you come across. You should consult your doctor first.

Question answer

What are the most effective creams?

What are the benefits of massage?

What can a plastic surgeon do for this problem?

TOP 10 folk recipes

How to remove stretch marks on the chest at home? This is precisely what various recipes from the people are intended for.

All formulations are created only from natural ingredients that can restore skin elasticity. Before using home methods, you must carefully monitor the freshness of all ingredients and first do an allergy test.

Folk recipes include wraps and masks:

  1. Essential oils. They are applied to the skin, used for massage, and added to creams. The components are mixed in the following proportions: for 0.5 tablespoon of vegetable oil, take 2 – 3 drops of ether.
  2. Base oils. The proportions are the same as in the previous recipe. Olive, jojoba, apricot, peach, and almond oils are suitable for this.
  3. Oil mixture and honey. If you add natural honey to the oils (in the proportion described above), the consistency will be more viscous. It can be used as a mask, which is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
  4. Cereals. The product is poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. A spoonful of rich sour cream is also added here. The finished mask is applied to the chest and washed off after 15 minutes. Suitable for combating early breaks.
  5. Cottage cheese, honey, jojoba oil, egg. The components are mixed and left on the skin for 15 – 20 minutes.
  6. Kelp powder. 2 tablespoons of this component should be poured with boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then the composition is applied to the chest and covered with polyethylene. After 20 minutes, the kelp is washed off. It is recommended to do the wrap in the evenings at least 1 – 2 times a week.
  7. Linden decoction. Used as an additional tool. A cotton pad soaked in this product should be used to wipe the mammary glands twice a day.
  8. Mumiyo. Helps against deep damage. 1 gram of wax must be added to any nourishing cream and applied with massaging movements to the affected areas.
  9. Coffee scrub. Completely cleanses the skin and restores its elasticity. You can prepare a mixture from coffee brewed in hot water, honey and a few drops of rosemary oil. Use up to 2 times a week, only on steamed skin.
  10. Sea salt scrub. To prepare, you will need a small amount of salt, 0.5 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of almond oil.

Traditional recipes are suitable for teenagers, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Preventive actions

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in how to remove stretch marks on the chest after childbirth. It is easier to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the mammary glands than to treat them.

Skin requires regular proper care. In this case, the risk of defects is significantly reduced. There is a list of rules that will help maintain the attractiveness of a woman’s breasts:

  1. The skin needs additional nutrition and hydration. Products with these effects must be used regularly. Cosmetics should contain natural vegetable oils, elastin, and collagen.
  2. It is important to monitor your own weight and avoid sudden changes. If you need to lose weight, special sets of exercises and menus are selected that lead to gradual weight loss. The pace of training should increase gradually, without overwork.
  3. The body should be hydrated from the inside by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. The daily diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, and proteins. You should not consume sweets and flour products in large quantities.
  5. A contrast shower serves as the best prevention of ruptures. Pouring cool water stimulates blood microcirculation and nutrition of the epidermis. It is important to start the procedure with hot water and end with cold water.
  6. Massage. Garcia massage is considered the most effective. It is quite simple, so every woman can master the technique. The key to breast health is regular procedure.
  7. Underwear is selected exactly in size so that there is no compression, friction, or discomfort. The quality of the bra for nursing women is of particular importance. It is worth giving preference to products made from natural fabrics.
  8. It is important for pregnant women to follow all of the above rules and additionally wear a bandage. Before purchasing, you should consult with a specialist.

Regular adherence to preventive measures will protect the mammary glands from the formation of stretch marks and other problems.

Expert opinion

Elsa Borodina

plastic surgeon

From my practice, I can say that 80% of women, having tried various methods, end up with us for surgical intervention. If the case is not advanced, then we use mesotherapy (DMAE cocktail 3%) and collagen + plasma lifting. Sometimes we do RF lifting.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

To combat this problem, I recommend laser resurfacing, peelings, and mesotherapy. But we must not forget that the mammary gland is a sensitive organ, so you should trust this area only to professionals. But if the woman who gave birth plans to undergo plastic surgery in the future, then it is better to postpone cosmetic procedures. In addition, such manipulations are not able to remove excess skin. This is also worth taking into account.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks on the chest? If cosmetology, salon and folk methods do not bring the desired result, surgical treatment is used.

The possibilities of plastic surgery are extensive, so they allow you to restore the attractiveness and natural beauty of the breast even in the most advanced cases.