Head Reflex Reflex

When we are young, we don’t know and can’t do a lot. Only our parents and other adults know how to manage our lives. And at this moment, to watch a movie or play video games, we can only do what we are told. At the same time, we did not know how to stop at a corner or assess the situation in order to understand whether it was worth continuing along this path. We just did it because we were told to do it.

But here's what happens over time as we get older... We start to think for ourselves. Our feelings and desires come to the fore. We no longer accept other people's opinions and words as truth. This is a very interesting process, but it can also be difficult due to all our new knowledge and life experiences.

Often, if we think we don't know something, the first thing to do is start studying it. If you are faced with a situation that you find difficult to evaluate, you can use the following simple process: ask yourself a question that will provide a clear answer to whether you are making the right choice. Your head will and always will be pointed downward in every possible way. This means you need to stop and think before making any decision. More informed decisions need to be made than ever before. Understanding this process is important for self-improvement and making smarter decisions.

Essentially a reflex