Stretch reflex

The stretch reflex is a physiological protective mechanism that prevents and helps reduce muscle sprains and tears when they are overextended or stretched. This reflex is important in a person’s daily life, as it allows one to maintain the correct technique for performing various movements and avoid injury.

What is the mechanism of this reaction? When a muscle contracts and stretches, numerous micro-tears and tears of muscle fibers occur in it. With further attempts to increase the load, these injuries can lead to serious consequences such as fractures, dislocations and bruises, which can even become chronic.

The stretch reflex is an important health system, and its role becomes especially important in certain situations, such as high-intensity physical activity or flexibility exercises. While an athlete can gradually increase the intensity of their workouts, stretching the muscles to relieve tension and prepare for intense exercise is imperative.

When preparing these muscles and ligaments, you can use both classical stretching techniques and other forms of exercise, which also allow you to achieve high results. Some of the most effective methods for working on this function include dynamic muscle exercises, swimming, yoga, Pilates and light cardio.

The strength of the retractile reflex is an important component of healthy and safe training. Injury prevention is the first step towards peak performance, staying fit and enjoying being active. And although the reflex can only remain active for a while, after a few minutes