Retinol acetate for facial skin: how to use

Vitamin A has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, retinol for facial skin can accelerate metabolic processes, which is why it is often used for acne and to eliminate facial wrinkles.

Beneficial features

Retinol acetate and palmitate are vitamin A that is often used to regenerate facial skin. It is characterized by strong regenerating and moisturizing properties. At the same time, the molecules of this substance have a very small molecular weight, due to which they can penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis. This allows you to influence not only the studded layer, but also the deep ones, eliminating internal inflammatory processes.


Retinol for face

It is prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and preparation for childbirth. This substance helps cleanse the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. By the way, there are special tablets or entire complexes of nutrients and minerals for internal use.

Benefits of retinol for facial skin:

  1. It is a natural antioxidant. It helps to increase the resistance of the epidermis to external irritating factors, protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays, and relieve itching during the inflammatory process. In addition, vitamin A is able to cleanse the skin of various toxins;
  2. The substance helps improve blood circulation. This allows you to provide the necessary nutrition to the deep layers of the epidermis;
  3. The product strengthens blood vessels. This is a significant advantage in eliminating blood vessels on the face;
  4. Retinol peeling will help remove acne, subcutaneous pimples and blackheads, as well as ensure normal pore function. It is performed together with fruit acids, due to which it completely renews the top layer of the skin;
  5. It helps fight the primary signs of aging due to its strong antioxidant and moisturizing properties. It strengthens collagen and elastane fibers, and also “provokes” their increased work.

Retinol is available in the following forms:

  1. Injection. Despite the name, it is often used in cosmetology practice. It is this form of retinol that is most convenient to use at home. It absorbs quickly, leaves no residue on clothing and is known for its high concentration of nutrients;
  2. Oil solution. Externally, it is very similar to a solution of tocopherol acetate or vitamin E. It is recommended to apply it to dry or sensitive facial skin. Due to the presence of oils in the composition, this type of vitamin will help not only deeply nourish, but also moisturize the skin. For the best effect, you can drink a spoonful of acetate in the morning on an empty stomach;
  3. Tablets or capsules. Known for their low vitamin content. Here, retinol is most often combined with other nutritional and mineral components.

Reviews claim that a concentrated solution of retinol for the face has the most powerful effect.

Instructions on how to use retinol

Masks with this vitamin have excellent effectiveness: they significantly speed up metabolic processes, due to which you can get rid of various skin problems in a short time. They can be used to eliminate almost all known aesthetic skin problems. The simplest application option is to apply the solution in its pure form.

Apply the solution to cleansed skin and do not wash off the mixture. If possible, it is recommended to leave this mask on overnight. If it is more convenient to do it during the day, you can leave the solution for 20 minutes.

For acne on the face Retinol in oil helps a lot. You need to mix blue clay in equal proportions with water, then add ½ part of the vitamin to the mass. Apply the mask in a thick layer and leave until it hardens. You can repeat it every other day.

For severe comedones or ulcers You can make masks with aloe and vitamin A. The leaf of the plant is broken off and cut along the growth line of the spines. The pulp is scraped out with a teaspoon. After this, it is mixed with a vitamin ampoule. For severe inflammatory processes, only 3 masks are enough to relieve skin soreness.

Lifting effect provides a remedy with raw potatoes and eggs. This mask with retinol has not only a strong cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. Potato helps tighten collagen fibers, while egg and retinol nourish and refresh the epidermis. Half a potato is grated on a fine grater, and 1 egg and 1 spoon of retinol are added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the chest, neck and face.


Photo - Retinol and tocopherol

Also for intensive hydration The use of retinol and honey is suitable. This natural sweetness has excellent nutritional and brightening properties. Honey is heated to a liquid state, after which vitamin is added to it. If desired, you can also add any suitable vegetable oil. Keep the mixture on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

The only thing more useful than one vitamin is a mixture of them. For deep nutrition and hydration and eliminating age spots, it is recommended to buy acetate, tocopherol and vitamin B12 at the pharmacy. All these substances are mixed in equal quantities and applied to problem areas. An important fact is that it is not advisable to use the mixture just a few hours after its preparation - all the vitamins have evaporated and there will be no effect. Keep the solution for no more than 30 minutes. You can repeat it 2 times a week.

Video: retinol for acne and wrinkles

Professional and pharmacy products

Many cosmetics manufacturers (both domestic and foreign) offer girls various ready-made products with vitamin A. Let’s consider the most famous names of products with retinol for the face (the list contains both creams and masks, tonics and ointments):

Name Properties
Retinol Fusion PM Night serum with retinol for face It contains pure, concentrated retinol, which helps solve the problems of breakouts, early wrinkles or spider veins. This cosmetics is used for all types of epidermis.
RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream RoK is an effective night moisturizer with retinol for the face. It is used in particularly difficult cases when the skin is dry and prone to flaking. In addition to vitamin A, the composition also contains shea butter and ascorbic acid.
Korff Lifting pencil with hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Like glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid acts on the inner layers of the epidermis, compressing elastane fibers. Retinol deeply moisturizes the skin at this time.
Regetsin A special medicinal gel with a powerful vitamin composition. Prescribed for seborrhea, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Eliminates pain, itching, whitens the epidermis.
Proteik Gf Contains pro-xylan and retinol. Helps eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Retin-A Cream (Tretinoin) Sold by prescription only. It has an effect similar to AHA peeling, so you need to use the product carefully. Intensively restores the skin, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles.
Belita-Vitex Retinol+magnesium Belarusian manufacturers are known for the high quality of their products. Belita cream is a worthy replacement for expensive imported products. It contains magnesium, which provides intensive tissue restoration.
Thiogamma This is a rejuvenating tonic with vitamin A. It is used as an additional means of combating wrinkles. Does not contain alcohol, so can be used for dry and sensitive skin.
Shiseido Benefit WrinkleResist24 Mask for the skin around the eyes. Helps instantly remove swelling and bruises. Its duration of action is 5 minutes, so the drug is classified as an emergency drug.

Of all the listed products, it is necessary to highlight Russian-made retinoic ointment. You can buy this product with retinol for the face only at the pharmacy, its price is about $1. According to reviews, this remedy will help solve almost all age-related problems, and the effect is noticeable after the first use.

To maintain youthful and healthy skin, vitamins are necessary. Scientists were the first to discover vitamin A; over the years of research, the healing effects of retinol on the skin have been repeatedly proven.

At first, vitamin A was used only for internal use, but every year, thanks to the ability of the vitamin to act deep in the layers of the skin, cosmetologists use it more and more in their work.

Beneficial properties of vitamin A and its effect on facial skin

Retinol acetate for facial skin acts as a powerful stimulator of the growth of new healthy cells. Working at the DNA level, it affects primarily the cells that divide, hair, skin, and nails.

Thanks to vitamin A, the renewal of the epidermis is noticeably accelerated, and the skin takes on a healthy and fresh appearance.

Over time, the skin begins to fade after about 35 years of age. Retinol can stimulate the body to produce more natural collagen when used correctly and continuously. Gradually filling small wrinkles from the inside, over time vitamin A completely smoothes them out.


Cosmetologists have noticed that correct and long-term use of retinol promotes increased production of hyaluronic acid, which allows the skin to maintain elasticity longer.

Note! Retinol acetate is used not only to rejuvenate facial skin, but also in adolescence to combat acne. Vitamin A improves blood circulation, restores normal functioning of pores, and prevents the appearance of acne scars.

Numerous positive effects of the vitamin on the skin:

  1. Helps eliminate sagging skin. Makes it more elastic.
  2. Brightens the overall complexion and helps in the fight against age spots.
  3. The strongest antioxidant and assistant in protection from sun rays.
  4. Prevention against skin cancer.
  5. Eliminates redness and irritation, soothes and saturates the skin with oxygen.
  6. Cleanses blood vessels and prevents the appearance of vascular networks on the face.
  7. Gets rid of blackheads. And evens out the contour of the face.
  8. Retinol acetate will relieve the skin from dryness and excessive peeling.


When should you use retinol acetate?

Dry and irritable skin is the first sign that the body does not have enough vitamin A. The amount that a person receives from food is often not enough. Dermatologists prescribe the use of retinol in the following cases:

  1. for all forms of dermatitis, as a sedative;
  2. cheilitis can be easily eliminated by constantly lubricating the lips with an oil solution of the vitamin;
  3. if protein synthesis is impaired, with rough, flaky skin;
  4. the first signs of wrinkles;
  5. abrasions and cracks in the skin.


In addition to eliminating dry facial skin, retinol acetate effectively fights various manifestations of dermatitis and even helps eliminate small scars

Important to remember! It is better to prevent the occurrence of illnesses and use retinol acetate in small doses for facial skin as a preventive measure. In this case, the epidermis will receive all the necessary vitamins to function without failures and to activate all biological processes.

Dermatologists always say that it is better to maintain skin health by caring for it than to restore it later.

Precautions and contraindications for use

When consuming vitamin A, do not immediately start with large doses. Otherwise, the skin will immediately get used to it, and will soon cease to have a healing effect.

Cosmetologists advise starting use with small doses, from 0.1% to 1%. If there is an excess of retinol, then an allergy is possible.

Then you should either significantly reduce the dose or stop using the drug altogether. And if you overdo it with retinol when treating acne, then even more irritation, peeling and itching of the skin is possible.


The following contraindications are also possible:

  1. Pregnant women, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, are better off eating carrots and other foods rich in vitamins, excluding the use of preparations with retinol.
  2. If there are open wounds on the skin.
  3. If there are severe purulent rashes on the skin.

Retinol release forms

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin and is mainly available in oily form. It is sensitive to light and its structure is easy to destroy, so high-quality packaging is always dark and opaque. It is better to choose a drug with a dispenser to minimize air ingress.

Oil capsules

Such packaging allows you to use exactly as much as you need without damaging the drug. The capsule is pierced with something thin and the contents are squeezed out. Suitable for internal use and for making various masks.




The highest concentration of retinol is contained in the solution.

It is used not only for intramuscular injections, but also for preparing all kinds of lotions. The absence of greasy marks is another advantage of using the solution.

Oil solution

Dark bottle with oily liquid. Perhaps apply before bed if the skin is very dry, or take a couple of drops in the morning before breakfast. Perfect for making homemade scrubs.


The retinol content there is minimal; it is often a multivitamin complex. It is important that the vitamins in the preparation are combined as effectively as possible.

A qualified doctor will always be able to select a drug individually for each case.

Professional cosmetics based on retinol

Every year, cosmetic companies release many products containing vitamin A. When choosing, the main thing is not to make a mistake with your skin type and choose the ideal cream or serum based on this principle.

Not only retinol acetate, but also excipients are of great importance for facial skin in the cream. If they are correctly selected and perfectly combined, then working in tandem, they help achieve the most positive result.

Retinol Fusion PM


Additional components are vitamins E and C. They protect the skin from the action of free radicals, plus they add additional nutrition and hydration.

The night serum contains 1.5% retinol, smoothes out deep wrinkles, and gives the face radiance.

Sold in a small dark blue bottle with a convenient dispenser. The amount of 30 ml is just enough for a full course of 1-2 months. Average price - 8,330 rub.

Korff Lifting

Korff Lifting is a pencil with a high content of hyaluronic acid and vitamin A.

Designed for the skin around the eyes. Aimed at combating many fine wrinkles under the eyes. Apply preferably in the evening to completely cleansed skin.

Gel Regetsin

Zinc-based gel is relatively inexpensive, which does not reduce its effectiveness in the fight against acne. And due to hyaluronic acid, it also softens the skin without drying it out at all. Cost – 230 rub.


Cream Retin – A

Trans-retinoic acid is the most effective form of vitamin A, and it is contained in the cream. The drug is universal in its properties, helps both with teenage rashes and in the fight against skin aging. Has different concentrations of retinoic acid (0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%). Average price – 1050 rub.


Belita-Vitex cream “Retinol + magnesium”

Belarusian cream with magnesium can restore skin elasticity and slow down aging. The microrelief of the skin is noticeably evened out. This skincare product is not expensive. The cost is about 190 rubles. Experts consider it an excellent analogue of more expensive imported products.

ROC corrective night cream with Retinol

Created by French cosmetologists specifically for sensitive skin. It is very gentle and suitable even for severe allergies. The mineral complex, acting together with retinol, fills expression lines from the inside, making them almost invisible. Cost about 1500 rub.


Liquid soap with retinol CleasnsingSoap from GiGi

Israeli cleansing soap CleasnsingSoap eliminates all impurities not only from the surface of the epidermis, but also penetrates deep into the cells. After using the soap, the cream will be much stronger. The soap costs approximately 850 rubles.

Medicines with retinol acetate for facial skin from a pharmacy

In pharmacies you can inexpensively purchase retinol-containing solutions and ointments:

Redecil Ointment for problem skin, used for psoriasis, eczema, stimulates the epithelium to quickly regenerate. 283 rub.
Retinoic ointment A universal and inexpensive anti-aging product. Helps with acne too. 232 rub.
Radevit Can replace night cream, the ointment perfectly moisturizes. 354 rub.
Retinol acetate Retinol acetate for facial skin in an oil solution, very convenient for preparing homemade masks. 81 rub.
Aevit Gelatin capsules with an oily solution of vitamins A and E. Used both internally and for cosmetic purposes. 34 rub. -184r.


Recipes for masks with the addition of retinol acetate

Retinol acetate for facial skin is highly concentrated in pharmaceutical preparations, and as part of a homemade mask along with other components it will be even more effective.

The mask is applied to dry, well-cleaned skin no more than 1-2 times a week. You should start with minimal amounts of the vitamin, gradually increasing the dose.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Mix dry crushed chamomile or sage leaves with liquid honey. Then add a few drops of retinol and crushed aloe leaf to the composition. Leave on the skin for 15-20 minutes, remove with a damp cotton swab. Remains of the mask should be washed off with water.


Composition for dry skin

A mixture of white clay, apricot kernel oil and 5 ml will help eliminate dryness. Vitamin A. Gradually stirring, you need to add a little extra milk. After the procedure, be sure to use a moisturizer.

Oil rejuvenating mixture

To honey, preheated to room temperature, add 1 teaspoon each of olive and burdock oil and a retinol capsule. You need to apply the mask composition to your face and neck and leave it on for up to 30 minutes. The rejuvenation result is noticeable after 3-4 applications.

Retinol acetate for facial skin against acne

You will need to grind the lentils to a powder, add 10 ml of retinol and a little zinc ointment. The resulting mask should be lubricated with problem areas of the skin no more than 3 times a week.

Mask for problem skin

Mix cosmetic white clay and the white of an ordinary egg, gradually adding 3 drops of lemon juice, 1 capsule of retinol. The mixture should resemble sour cream. You need to keep it on your face until it dries completely. Then remove with a moistened cotton pad or napkin.


Retinol lotion

It is easy to prepare retinol lotion at home using natural products without unnecessary chemicals, without purchasing expensive drugs.

Anti-inflammatory lotion

Boil nettle and plantain leaves, add a couple of drops of liquid retinol. This lotion should be applied to the face in the morning and evening. Store no more than 3-4 days.


Lotion for dry skin

To prepare a medicinal lotion, you need to grind the melon pulp and pour it with fresh hot rosehip decoction. Leave for 1 hour, then add vitamins A and E. Clean your face with a cotton swab once a day before bed.

Oily anti-aging lotion

Pour boiling water over chopped seaweed for 3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth, add cucumber juice, almond oil and retinol capsule. Store in the refrigerator, shake the lotion before applying to the skin.

Retinol acetate lotion for acne

To prepare a healing, skin-soothing lotion against acne and acne, you need to pour boiling water over calendula and prepare a chamomile decoction in another container.


After 2 hours, mix them, adding retinol. Since calendula and chamomile do not have any serious contraindications, with very severe rashes you can wipe your face up to 5 times a day.

Lotion for problem skin

Strain the concentrated sage decoction and add vitamin A, and then bergamot oil. Apply small amounts of this composition with a cotton swab 1-2 times a day.

The effectiveness of retinol acetate for facial skin. Wrinkle smoothing:

Products with retinol against aging skin:

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is used in cosmetic products to remove acne, smooth out wrinkles and restore facial skin.

Retinol for facial skin is an important component that allows the skin to remain beautiful and youthful. It is important to know the characteristics of the substance and form before using it.

Description and action

Retinol or vitamin A is beneficial not only for facial skin, but also for the body as a whole. The tool is capable of:

  1. Normalize protein synthesis.
  2. Helps cell division.
  3. Takes part in tissue restoration.
  4. Strengthens the immune system and has a rejuvenating effect.
  5. Lightens the skin and can remove age spots.
  6. Evens out the relief of the face.
  7. Protects tissues from diseases.
  8. Copes with wrinkles and their development.

Retinol can be used for seizures, dermatological diseases, eczema and skin injuries. When using vitamin A, an effect appears that resembles the effect of peeling. Exfoliation of the keratinized ball of tissue and cell renewal begins.

Rejuvenation occurs due to the antioxidant effect, the process of collagen breakdown in the layers of the dermis slows down, and the tissues become more elastic.

The effectiveness of retinol

After contact with the skin, retinol is converted into retinoic acid, due to which the surface appears and the deep substance penetrates into the dermis.

This result allows you to improve the production of natural collagen, and the effectiveness depends on the concentration of the additive in a particular product.

Retinol for facial skin can provide the following results:

  1. Removes acne - the effect occurs due to the dissolution of the substances that make up acne, in addition, the activity of the sebaceous glands, which clog the pores, is reduced. This results in deep cleansing.
  2. The thickness of the horny ball of the skin is reduced as the removal of dead cells improves. After using retinol, your face becomes younger, fresher and smoother.
  3. The thickness of the skin layers increases, which will not allow moisture to quickly evaporate from the surface, and any moisturizers will work longer.
  4. The release of elastin and collagen in the layers of the dermis increases. This action makes it possible to smooth out wrinkles, remove fine lines and folds on the face, and improve skin elasticity.
  5. The release of hyaluronic acid improves.
  6. Skin lightening and pigmentation are removed.

Many cosmetic products containing retinol contain only 0.1% of the substance.

In isolated cases, you can find a concentration of 0.4% when it comes to medicinal cosmetics. Most companies don't even list this additive in their ingredients.

Release form

Retinol can be purchased in several forms. On sale you can find:

  1. Retinoic acid.
  2. Retinol palmitate.
  3. Retinol acetate.

Most often it is acid that is used, and the maximum result and effect will only come from it in its pure form.

The remaining forms of the vitamin, after contact with the skin, turn into acid, which begins to affect the cells and structure of the skin.

To improve skin condition and overall health, it is recommended to use retinol palmitate.

It is worth noting that retinol acetate is rarely used for facial skin; it is more often used in veterinary medicine, although it also belongs to the form of vitamin A.

Acetate is obtained by a simplified method in comparison with palmitate, due to this the cost is lower and the spectrum of action is smaller. Retinol acetate is part of acetic acid, due to which it is not the best product for facial skin.

Palmitate is absorbed faster and easier, while retinol acetate for facial skin is initially processed by cells and only after a while begins its absorption.


Not everyone is allowed to use vitamin A for the epidermis. Before starting use, you need to know the main contraindications and prohibitions:

  1. Allergy to this additive.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Liver pathologies in the acute stage.
  4. Alcoholism
  5. Severe nicotine addiction.

When using the vitamin in its pure form, there is a risk of severe dryness of the epidermis. To eliminate this effect, you need to add the mixture to masks, creams and other cosmetic products.

Rules for using retinol

Cosmetics and home remedies containing retinol should be used correctly. This will eliminate a negative skin reaction and will also increase the effect and effectiveness of the procedures.

It takes about six months for the tissues to get used to retinol. It is recommended to plan ahead before using cosmetics.

In the first months, it is not recommended to frequently attend events where there will be large crowds of people. This rule should be used when using a large amount of the supplement, as well as for women who have sensitive, dry skin.

Retinol can dry out the skin, so it is not recommended to use cosmetics and other products in winter.

Although active substances can protect the epidermis from the negative effects of sunlight, it is necessary to use a cream with SPF protection. The minimum value should be 30, in addition you should use hats and glasses.

When using retinol, you should avoid any cosmetics that may irritate your face. To do this you need to get rid of:

  1. Chemical peeling and scrubs.
  2. Alcohol-based products in the form of tonics and lotions.
  3. Cosmetics that dry out the epidermis.

It is not recommended to wax in areas where retinol is applied. Before using the substance, it is necessary to clean the tissues; to do this, you need to wash your face using a mild tonic, milk and other products.

After this, blot the skin with a napkin and wait until it is completely dry. After 20 minutes, you can apply a cream with added retinol.

The preparatory procedure helps reduce dryness of the facial skin, eliminates peeling and irritation. A quarter of an hour after retinol, a moisturizing cream is applied.

Retinol acetate-based products for facial skin should be used in minimal doses. Enough to squeeze out a pea-sized amount to cover your entire face.

Application to delicate areas is not recommended, namely around the eyes and mouth.

Ultraviolet light can destroy vitamin A molecules, so do not use retinol during the day, but apply it before bed. Otherwise, there is a risk of pigment spots appearing.

Many dermatologists and cosmetology specialists recommend using the following scheme for using the substance:

  1. At first, apply only once every 3 days for 2 weeks.
  2. Then you need to use the cream every other day.
  3. After a certain time, switch to daily use of funds.

During each stage, you need to monitor the tissue reaction. Everyone gets used to retinol differently, so the periods are different. If a person has light skin, the process takes up to six months.

Homemade masks with added retinol

There are several proven remedies for improving skin condition at home. To do this, you need to use mask recipes that are applied to the epidermis and contain vitamin A.

For homemade masks it is recommended to use:

  1. Aloe vera. You need to take 1 tsp. night cream to nourish the epidermis, add 10 drops of retinol in the form of oil and 5 drops of aloe juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and transfer to a glass container. Before applying to the face, it is better to steam and clean it. Leave the cream for 20 minutes, then remove with a cotton pad.
  2. Olive oil. To prepare, you should buy retinol acetate, mix the contents of one ampoule with 1 tbsp. oils, spread over skin. This mask does not require rinsing with water; the residue is removed with a napkin after half an hour.
  3. Cottage cheese. In this case, you need 1 tbsp. add 1 tbsp of high-fat cottage cheese. olive oil and 10 drops of retinol. After stirring, apply to clean face for 30 minutes. Finish the procedure by washing your face and applying your usual night cream.
  4. Sour cream. For 1 tsp. fat sour cream, add the contents of 1 ampoule of retinol and grind the ingredients with 1 tsp. cottage cheese. Next, leave the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour and wash with warm water. After the procedure, immediately apply a cream that is suitable for the skin.
  5. Oil and honey. You need to combine 1 tsp. liquid honey, with 1 tsp. almond and burdock oils, stir, add ½ tsp. retinol in oil form and mix again. Apply with massaging movements, leaving for half an hour. Remove excess with a napkin.

For acne and pimples, it is recommended not only to make masks, but also to prepare a healthy tonic. For it you need to steam 1 tbsp in 200 ml of boiling water. daisies.

When the infusion has cooled, add the contents of the retinol ampoule, pour the liquid into a clean container and use the composition about 2 times a day to wipe the face.

The best cosmetics with retinol

Among the most effective and efficient industrial products are creams with added vitamins. They belong to pharmaceutical drugs, are distinguished by a high level of quality and therapeutic effect.

With regular use, noticeable skin rejuvenation appears. The only drawback is the cost of the product, but there are also cheaper products that can be bought in cosmetic stores.

TOP positions include:

  1. Retinol 0.3% from SkinCeuticals is an American cream that is sold in some pharmacies. Its cost starts from 4,700 rubles.
  2. Kinetinol, Martiderm - Spanish cream with a cost of about 4,000 rubles.
  3. LipoCeutical Retises Nano, Sesderma - manufacturer in Spain, starting price from 2000 rubles.
  4. Redermic R, La Roche-Posay is a French facial product with an average price of 1,400 rubles.
  5. Absolute Care is a cream from an Israeli company, intended for daytime use, has UV protection with a value of 15. (Israel), from 1,100 rubles.
  6. Lifting care from L’Oreal - high-quality French cream with vitamin for night use, cost about 500 rubles.

In addition to the cosmetics described, you can find cheaper options, but the production will be domestic. It is worth remembering that any product with retinol should not be stored for a long time.

Homemade creams

At home, you can make an analogue of a branded cream, but based on only natural ingredients and much cheaper. There are different recipes suitable for certain skin types:

  1. Anti-aging – suitable for dry skin types. You need to chop clean 9 currant leaves, 3 rowan leaves, 5 nettle leaves, 2 jasmine buds and 4 roses. Melt 1 tbsp over the fire. wax and butter, until the mold is liquid, add the plant mixture, pour in 5 ml of vitamin E, 10 ml of retinol and 15 ml of jojoba oil. Stir, use every day, store in a glass in the refrigerator.
  2. Yogurt for oily skin. You need to melt 20 grams of wax and add 1 tbsp. yogurt without additives, add 1 ml of vitamin E and retinol. Stir thoroughly and apply to face daily.
  3. Honey for any fabrics. Required for 2 tbsp. honey, add 20 ml of castor oil, 30 grams of melted wax and 2 ml of vitamin E, retinol. Use the cream every day before bed.
  4. Soothing – recommended for sunburn. You need to add 50 ml of aloe juice, 10 ml of vitamin A and 15 drops of lavender oil to 120 grams of yogurt. Apply not only to the face, but also to the entire body.
  5. Nourishing for dry face. Melt 45 grams of Shea butter with the addition of 1 tbsp. coconut and cocoa butters. Add additional grape seed oil and 1 tbsp almond oil to the finished mixture, add 1 tsp. starch. Make a homogeneous consistency, let cool. After this, add 5 ml of vitamin A and 5 drops of lavender, jasmine, and orange oil. Stir until thick and apply every day.
  6. Emollient - the product will tone the cells, get rid of flaking, can be used for rough areas on the body. You should melt 20 grams of wax and 2 tbsp. cocoa butter After cooling, add 2 tbsp. olive and apricot oil, 1 tbsp. glycerin and essential lemon oil, as well as 10 ml of retinol. Stir until thick.

It is better to make small portions of the cream so that its properties are not lost. Store any of the recipes described in glass in a refrigerator.

Retinol acetate for facial skin is an anti-aging product that is recommended to be used to slow down the natural aging process.

You can apply cosmetics at the first symptoms of aging and wilting of the epidermis. Cosmetologists advise starting to use the cream with the additive from the age of 28-30, when changes only begin to appear.

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