Rhodiola rosea medicinal properties for women

Rhodiola rosea is one of the most mysterious plants. It was considered a sacred herb by the Gauls, Persians, ancient Greeks and Romans. Ancient people sincerely believed that if you rub yourself with golden root, any wish will come true. It is also known as a plant against vampires and the evil eye. For the Druids, Rhodiola was a deity - according to their belief, a magical drink made from the herb cured all ailments.

What are the benefits of Rhodiola rosea for women?

Thanks to numerous studies, it is known why Rhodiola rhizome has been used in traditional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Contains vitamins A, B, C, E and P, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, anthocyanins and phenolic acids, glycosides, flavonoids, phytoestrogens.

For centuries, the plant has been used as a diuretic and expectorant (useful for dry coughs), to regulate the digestive system - improves appetite, prevents diarrhea and constipation.

For women during menopause, to maintain beautiful skin, healthy blood vessels and strong bones - Rhodiola rosea has a very wide use in natural medicine. Its properties have also been noticed by the pharmaceutical industry; in pharmacies you can find a very wide range of drugs based on this plant.

Rhodiola rosea has anti-inflammatory properties, so the prepared decoctions were used for gargling, in the form of compresses for wounds and burns. It was popular to use golden root to treat acne - when consumed in the form of tea, the severity of seborrhea and acne is reduced.

External use of radiola relieves swelling of insect bites, various types of eczema, psoriasis and brings relief during conjunctivitis.

In addition, a positive effect of Rhodiola rosea on hair was observed - it prevents baldness and reduces hair loss associated with hormonal disorders. It has a good effect on the circulatory system, strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels.

Preparations with rhodiola extracts act on the nervous system and prevent osteoporosis. The leafy part has an antifungal effect, so it is used as decoctions in the treatment of colds and the respiratory system. There is evidence of the positive effect of Rhodiola as a prophylactic agent in the event of a threat of benign and malignant tumors.

Indications for use

Rhodiola rosea is one of the few plants that is taken for thyroid diseases. It also helps hypertensive patients, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and removes radioactive compounds from the body. By taking medicine from this plant, you can extend your life by 15-20 years.

  1. The plant, from roots to branches, contains a lot of healing substances. Golden root helps with bronchial asthma and rheumatism.
  2. Golden root tincture gives an excellent effect for cysts on the thyroid gland and seals.
  3. Biologically active substances that are formed in the leaves can improve blood circulation in the scalp and stimulate hair growth processes.
  4. This plant has a number of healing properties: firstly, it produces antibactericidal substances - phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on most known microorganisms.

Rhodiola juice can heal wounds, frostbite, erosion, and also help with a runny nose, sinusitis, and sore throat. It helps with duodenal and stomach ulcers.

How to use Rhodiola rosea

For pharmacological purposes, the aerial part of the plant is completely used. Experienced folk healers advise drying flowers and leaves in pitch darkness. In their opinion, this unusual approach enhances the healing properties of the herb.

Composition of Rhodiola rosea

The effectiveness of using a perennial plant is due to the rich list of substances and aromatic compounds contained therein and a short list of contraindications. The chemical composition of Rhodiola is presented:

  1. Glycosides. Substances that have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. They calm you down.
  2. Flavonoids. These substances increase the flexibility and elasticity of blood vessels, stabilize blood pressure and heart rate. They play an important role in the production of bile and urine, and make the adrenal cortex work more actively.
  3. Tannins. Change the structure of the protein.
  4. Anthraquinones. Substances that help strengthen the immune system. They have a laxative effect.
  5. Salidroside.
  6. Essential oils. They are excellent antiseptics, relieve inflammation, and heal wounds. They have a positive effect on the nervous system and have a neuroprotective effect.
  7. Coumarins. Substances that suppress tumor metastases, slow down the growth of tumors, and even help overcome the coxsackie B3 virus.
  8. Organic acids: oxalic, succinic, malic, citric. All of them have a beneficial effect on organs and systems.
  9. Phenols. Serve to strengthen and protect the circulatory system.
  10. Carbohydrates. Rose root contains glucose and fructose. The first carbohydrate provides energy for metabolism, and the second one normalizes blood sugar levels.
  11. Sterols. Lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system.
  12. Gossypetin and rhodiol flavonoside. Kill Staphylococcus aureus.
  13. Alkaloids. Relieve pain and spasms, stop bleeding.
  14. Microelements. There is manganese, copper, zinc.
  15. Anthraglycosides. They have a laxative effect, enhancing colon peristalsis.


The scope of application of the plant is incredibly wide. It is difficult to list all the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea; there are practically no contraindications. It is used not only for treatment, but also for cosmetic procedures. Pink root is useful for:

  1. problems of the central nervous system;
  2. poor vision;
  3. hearing impairment;
  4. cardiovascular diseases;
  5. allergies;
  6. neurosis;
  7. with oxygen starvation;
  8. hypotension;
  9. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  10. VSD;
  11. decreased performance and chronic fatigue;
  12. impotence;
  13. smoking addiction;
  14. poor concentration, memory problems;
  15. colds;
  16. mountain sickness;
  17. scurvy;
  18. sleep disorders;
  19. acne and other skin problems;
  20. diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  21. uterine bleeding.

Today, many people know the name Rhodiola rosea or, as it is also called, Golden Root (and even Siberian ginseng). Let's figure out together what it is, what medicinal properties it has, and what contraindications there are to its use.

Rhodiola rosea as a medicinal plant began to be studied relatively recently - in the second half of the 20th century. The rhizome and roots of the plant are mainly used, which contain a huge amount of useful substances - here are organic acids, phenols, essential oils, sugars, trace elements and tannins. That is why products with Rhodiola rosea extract are used in many areas of medicine, cosmetology, as well as in sports and bodybuilding.

Rhodiola rosea: medicinal properties

Rhodiola extract is a natural adaptogen - a drug that increases the resistance of our body to a variety of unfavorable conditions, which in general are usually called the general word “stress”. Therefore, the use of drugs based on Rhodiola extract is indicated for fatigue, increased physical and mental fatigue, decreased performance, and neurasthenia. Studies have shown that Rhodiola extract helps improve concentration, normalizes sleep, improves memory, and feels a surge of strength. All this is very important in today’s rapidly changing world, and especially for women who are involved in sports and fitness, or simply lead an active lifestyle. In terms of stimulating and adaptogenic properties, Rhodiola rosea is superior to the well-known Eleutherococcus.

Rhodiola rosea is valuable for women due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. The main active ingredient is salidroside, which is characterized by high biochemical activity and a wide range of beneficial qualities.

Products based on Rhodiola rosea are widely used in gynecology. Women are recommended to use such drugs in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, fibrocystic mastopathy - a disease of the breast, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea - a disorder of the menstrual function of the body, and diseases of the fallopian tubes. In early menopause, it is used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and nervousness. At an earlier age, it is used to reduce pain during menstruation and normalize the menstrual cycle.

The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea are also used in cosmetology. Clinical studies have shown that its use improves the condition of sensitive, irritated and aging skin. Creams with golden root slow down the aging process of our skin, reduce its dryness, increase the speed of skin restoration, normalize metabolic processes, and help the skin better protect the body. As a result, the skin rejuvenates, becomes smoother, more elastic, the oval of the face improves, and a pleasant feeling of comfort appears.

Also, preparations that include Rhodiola rosea, the medicinal properties of which we have examined, also have an unexpected effect - they improve the functioning of the gonads and the reproductive system as a whole, both in women and men.

Golden root extract helps the body cope with colds, has an antipyretic effect, and is used for pulmonary tuberculosis. In traumatology, Rhodiola rosea is used to stop bleeding, accelerate the healing of wounds, bruises, and bone fractures. Rhodiola suppresses allergic reactions of the body, has a choleretic effect, stabilizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach. The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea are also used to normalize blood pressure and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, which reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Rhodiola rosea has applications in many other cases, for example, in some cases it is effective in diabetes mellitus, obesity, and the treatment of cancer. Golden root is also used in the treatment of smoking addiction.

For athletes and those women who are involved in fitness, the value of Rhodiola rosea is to increase endurance, accelerate recovery after training, improve the elasticity of ligaments, and build muscle mass.

How to use Rhodiola rosea?

The use of any products with Rhodiola rosea extract should be strictly according to the instructions, preferably after consulting a doctor. Based on what goal you are pursuing, the use of one or another form of the drug is determined - whether it will be a tincture, liquid or dry extract, or a decoction, tea or tablets.

Most doctors and competent trainers know what Rhodiola rosea is and how to take it. Like many adaptogens, it is best to take this supplement before training, or in the morning, and avoid taking it in the evening, as Rhodiola can cause insomnia. Rhodiola rosea has properties that allow active women to feel more energetic, which is especially important for anyone who has small children.

Contraindications for Rhodiola rosea

Anyone interested in Rhodiola rosea and contraindications to its use should remember the following. Taking supplements with Rhodiola is strictly contraindicated for hypertension, mental disorders, fever, and epilepsy. The use of golden root preparations is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. When taking medications in the afternoon, you may experience increased blood pressure, headaches, and insomnia.

When used together with other adaptogens, Rhodiola rosea tends to increase their side effects, so even when prescribing such drugs together, it is necessary to reduce their dosage.

The use of alcohol tinctures is contraindicated for people with alcohol addiction, liver disease, pregnant and lactating women.

So, if you feel tired and urgently need to gather your strength, the wonderful plant Rhodiola rosea will certainly help you! And in many other situations, golden root preparations will come to your aid, but when taking them, you must strictly follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of the drug.
