Benefits of fish oil for facial skin

The secrets of beauty and youthful facial skin sometimes lie in simple products that seem to have nothing to do with cosmetology. Fish oil is proof of this. Who would have thought that a tasteless, oily liquid, consumed in childhood with tears to boost immunity, would take such careful care of your skin in the future.

Composition, benefits and effects

Fish oil is a completely natural product made from cod liver. The combination of drug components is unique:

  1. vitamin A (retinol) – consumption of 2-4 g of the product satisfies the adult body’s daily need for vitamin A, which is responsible for nutrition, restoration and hydration of cells, including facial tissues;
  2. vitamin D – facilitates the absorption of minerals (calcium, phosphorus), which in turn have a beneficial effect on strengthening and healing the epidermis;
  3. Omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids are an energy source for cells, help accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level, provide nutrition and abundant hydration. The result of a sufficient content of these components in the body is noticeable to the naked eye: dryness, flaking of the epidermis are excluded, various types of inflammatory, age spots, allergic reactions are a rare phenomenon;
  4. The presence of eicosapatented acid in the preparation prevents the formation of wrinkles and helps smooth out existing ones;

Storage and use of fish oil

Fish oil is the basis for the preparation of various types of serums and creams for problematic, aging facial skin.

To prevent hypervitaminosis A, D, you need to take breaks between courses of treatment. For example, it is not recommended to take the product during periods of increased concentration of sunlight (May-August). Masks and serums from this product must be used 2-3 times a week (not more often) for a month. Then take a break for 1-2 months.
Apply masks and serums from the medicinal product only to a thoroughly cleaned surface (first with a cleansing tonic, then again with warm water).

The drug should be stored, regardless of packaging (liquid, capsules), in a dark, cool place.


When to use the product and when not to use it

Fish oil occupies a leading position in terms of effectiveness on the skin of the face, thanks to its rich and unique composition. It can be used at the first signs of skin problems (dryness, loss of elasticity, gray color) and for the prevention of wrinkles and cell aging (the supplement is especially important in winter).

However, the product has a large list of contraindications for use. This applies to patients with cholelithiasis, with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, hemophelia, people with individual intolerance to fish medicine and a number of others. Therefore, before using the drug, consult a specialist (doctor).

Side effects from the drug are possible if the body has an excess of any component. Stopping taking the drug reduces the concentration of these substances and the ailments disappear. The use of the drug leads to a decrease in blood clotting. Please keep this in mind when using.

Secrets of quickly getting rid of any wrinkles

The best cosmetic product for combating wrinkles (facial wrinkles, around the eyes, mouth) are masks based on fish products. After just 10 days of regular use, skin elasticity will increase by 10%, rashes and redness will remain a thing of the past for a long time.
Mask No. 1: Combine finely chopped fresh parsley (1 tsp), fish oil (1 tsp), lemon zest (1 tsp) with 2 tsp. low-fat cottage cheese, mix the mass thoroughly and grind until smooth. Apply an even layer on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
Mask No. 2: The mask contains 1 tbsp of grated raw potatoes, 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of fish product. All this is mixed and applied to the face for 25-35 minutes.
Mask No. 3: Mix full-fat sour cream (1 tsp) with 1 tsp of medicine, add 0.5 tsp. melted honey to a flowing state. Apply the mixture for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.
Mask No. 4: Combine 1 fresh chicken egg yolk with fat (1 tsp), melted honey (1 tsp). Apply the resulting mass to the entire face and touch the neck and décolleté area. After 30 minutes, rinse everything off with warm water and wipe with chamomile decoction.

Complete solution

Fish oil mixes well with essential oils (peach, almond, etc.). Masks for the face, neck, décolleté and hair, prepared in their combination, are environmentally friendly and effective.

Significantly noticeable changes can only be achieved with constant use of the product. Because fish oil penetrates deep into the skin and actively acts from the inside. Simultaneously with cosmetics based on the drug, you can use it orally to enhance the effect.
You can enhance the rejuvenating effect of the drug and give the skin greater elasticity in combination with massages, for example, vacuum facial massage and facial gymnastics.

Hello, dear ladies! Today we continue the theme of beauty. As one famous French woman said, the three components of beauty are skin, hair and nails. And this is true, since these are also indicators of health. Only I would add teeth to this list.

And what do you think can improve all these parameters? Do you know?! No? This is fish oil! Its health benefits are truly invaluable. But the fact that fish oil for the face is the primary remedy for wrinkles has become known only recently.

If you want to be healthy

In the Soviet country, every child was spoon-fed and force-fed this “food of the northern gods” - few people liked the thick oil that smelled of fish. It was believed that such enhanced nutrition should help future builders of communism to grow strong and healthy.

And now, many years later, doctors have been able to explain all the beneficial properties and why fish oil helps maintain health. Delighted cosmetologists proclaimed in unison that a cure for old age had once again been found and began making masks with it.

What is the reason for such usefulness of fish oil? Well, of course, in its composition. Having examined it in more detail, we will see that it is simply a storehouse of rare vitamins.

  1. Fat-soluble vitamins are our favorite revivers of tired and dry skin A and E. Among other things, they also have an excellent effect on the liver (when taken orally, of course). And improved liver function is directly related to improved skin condition. The liver is also responsible for complexion, the level of sebum formation, the absence of pimples, acne, inflammation, and skin rashes.
  2. Vitamin D. It is responsible for bones, teeth, skin, its (that is, skin) protection and generally for health (by the way, children in the USSR did not suffer from rickets).
  3. Vitamin F. What kind of miracle is this? Have you heard of this? It's simple: doctors sometimes call vitamin F a mixture of essential fatty acids - exactly those that our skin needs (they also fight “bad cholesterol” and improve heart function) - Omega-3 and Omega-6.

And fish oil is also easy (much easier than other oils, even than the record holder in this regard - linseed oil) passes through cell membranes - which means it is well absorbed by the skin. In general, I won’t go into details, I have about the benefits and harms of fish oil There is a great article on the blog, I advise you to go to it. By the way, you can also decide which drug is suitable for your skin.

Am I the sweetest in the world?

I want, I immediately want to become renewed, improved, beautiful-young-healthy! What to do with this fish oil of yours? Eat? Drink? Apply it to your face? Both. And you can do it without bread. Or you can make a mask with bread... (but more on that later). So, ways to use fish oil.


It is drunk three times a day before meals. Reviews from those who have tried this product are reminiscent of the instructions for a magic wand. By purchasing general health and the opportunity to lose weight, you receive as a bonus an almost magical effect on the skin: pimples and flaking go away, wrinkles are smoothed out, especially around the eyes, your complexion improves, and you experience exactly what is called “radiant skin” in advertising. Well, plus hair and nails, of course.

Attention! There are contraindications:

  1. First, fish oil accumulates mercury from polluted oceans, so excess mercury in the diet can lead to poisoning.
  2. Secondly, it affects blood clotting, the liver, and the heart; it should not be used without consulting a doctor for chronic diseases.
  3. Thirdly, of course, you can’t overuse it - if you use it in excess, you can get hypervitaminosis A and D.


Masks, serum - for facial skin. Fat is very beneficial for hair, but because of the smell, it is used more for eyelashes - applied with a brush for 30 minutes. According to reviews I have encountered on various cosmetology forums, no set of complete facial skin care such as milk - lotion - tonic - cream is superior in the effects of weekly masks with RJ.

And a few more tips:

  1. This product is most beneficial for dry skin, well suited for normal and combination skin.

Attention! This product may not be suitable for oily skin. Take the test!

  1. We apply masks, as always, to cleansed (and it would be nice - to steamed) skin - thereby increasing the depth of penetration.
  2. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. After washing, rinse your face with lemon water and apply cream.
  3. It is better to carry out this procedure at night, in particular, so that the smell disappears by morning. But here it all depends on the husband’s reaction, of course.
  4. When treating wrinkles around the eyes, do not get fish oil into your eyes - the sensations are not very pleasant.
  5. I recommend removing such masks with a sponge dipped in warm milk or a decoction of herbs. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wash off (in the literal sense of the word) the oil composition.

And now – my favorite part, the recipes.

Wrinkles, goodbye

In America, an experiment was conducted on the effects of fish oil on the skin of the face. Women of Balzac's age rubbed this remedy into cleansed skin every day for a month. Their before and after photos are simply amazing, the wrinkles have really reduced!

The only thing that the prettier American women complained about was the killer fishy smell that accompanied them throughout the day. But I’ll tell you a little secret: lemon juice completely eliminates this “aroma.” Wash well after the mask and rinse your face with water and a few drops of lemon juice - and the problem of American women will not affect you. So,

Mask 1. Pure fish oil

Have you purchased fish oil capsules? Pierce three capsules with a needle and squeeze out our elixir of youth. You can apply it with a cotton pad or just with your fingers, patting it into the skin. You can apply fish oil specifically to the wrinkles themselves, or the entire face, even the area around the eyes. The irreplaceable Omegas will penetrate deep into the skin and do their job.

Note: if you have a choice, cosmetologists recommend buying American-made fish oil: it is additionally enriched with vitamins and glycerin. But for me, ours, dear, is better. Yes, it comes out cheaper.

Mask 2. Sweet fish

For wrinkles and wrinkles (except for the area around the eyes) - honey and the favorite medicine of Soviet childhood. Take equal parts, mix, apply. Honey face masks in itself an excellent remedy, but in combination with our today’s hero, it has no price.

Mask 3. Creamy around the eyes

Two components: cream and “food of the northern gods.” We take it equally.

Mask 4. With parsley and cottage cheese

Fish oil, parsley, cottage cheese. Parsley can be chopped, or you can squeeze the juice out of it. It's equal in total. If desired, you can add honey and lemon juice to this mask to create a complex, multi-component mask. And the effect will be complex.

Mask 5. Vitaminized

In addition to A and D, due to the presence of yeast, the entire group of vitamins B is present here. For the mask, we combine in equal proportions:

  1. sour cream,
  2. yeast,
  3. honey,
  4. and our today's main character.

Place the finished composition in a warm place so that the yeast can actively work. Apply the mixture to your face while still warm, hold for 10-15 minutes, and remove in the usual way.

Mask 6. Anti-inflammatory

I’m still afraid to try this mask, although it was warmly recommended to me:

  1. spoon of alcohol,
  2. spoon of fat,
  3. spoon of sour cream.

In theory, sour cream and fat should neutralize the drying effect of alcohol. And alcohol has an antibacterial effect. But the fact is that at one time (it happened!) I wiped my face with alcohol for a long time, and then I found out that cosmetologists do not recommend doing this. And now I’m afraid of alcohol even in masks.

But I still decide to try this mask. And when I decide, I’ll definitely write about my impressions.

Miracle serum

By mixing fish oil with water in a blender (ratio 3:1, there should be little water), we get a miracle emulsion, which has been talked about a lot lately. According to the cosmetologist's recipe, add a couple of drops of jasmine essential oil, so the serum will smell pleasant. This famous serum has the effect of a night cream. Its peculiarity is that its consistency and composition are ideal for human skin, creating excellent protection and nourishing it, including essential amino acids.

All the best, my dears, subscribe to updates and invite friends. I look forward to your feedback and wishes. Goodbye, dear ladies!


Fish oil for skin - a folk remedy that, as reviews say, helps against wrinkles and dry skin. This natural product has been used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers for decades to keep the body in good shape.. Over time, fish oil has been extensively studied through scientific research. This allowed doctors to identify and prove the beneficial properties of this product. At the same time, fish oil is useful both for internal use (in capsule form) and for external use.

Good to know! Previously, fish oil was a fatty and oily thick substance that had an unpleasant appearance and smell. Its use was quite problematic. Currently, fish oil is often used in capsules. Today, fish oil is extracted from sea fish, in particular from herring, mackerel, red fish and cod.

Benefits of fish oil

The benefits of fish oil for the skin are largely due to the rich composition of this substance. In particular, we can highlight:

  1. minerals;
  2. palmitic and oleic acids;
  3. stearic, valeric, acetic acids;
  4. vitamins A, D, E;
  5. polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6.

The benefits of fish oil for the skin are invaluable. This substance can nourish and moisturize dry skin. Fish oil has a positive effect on skin prone to redness and irritation. The substance relieves inflammation and itching and has a general calming effect. Fat is effective in combating pigmentation, and it also allows you to somewhat lighten the skin.

With regular use of fish oil and masks made from it, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of primary age-related changes. In addition, the product will be effective in the fight against existing wrinkles.. Due to the fact that fat increases the amount of vitamin A in the body, it is possible to activate the skin restoration process at the cellular level.

Surely many girls know that with poor metabolism in the body, evidence of this appears on the face. Usually these are acne and inflammation. Fish oil can regulate metabolism. As a result, the body is cleansed of toxins and wastes naturally, and not through the pores, as the body, working with an incorrect metabolism, tried to do.

Fish oil will be beneficial not only to the skin of the face, but also to the skin of the body as a whole. In addition to activating regeneration processes, this useful substance helps moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate the skin and protect against external factors. With proper and regular use, the result is elastic and tightened skin. Fat can give elasticity to tissues, eliminate cracks on the legs and arms, and smooth out uneven skin.

So, we can conclude that fish oil in cosmetology is used for such purposes as:

  1. nutrition and giving elasticity to the skin;
  2. reduction in the number of wrinkles;
  3. restoration of lipid metabolism;
  4. complex treatment of acne.

Indications and contraindications

Indications and contraindications for the use of fish oil are given in the table.

Skin sagging, age-related changes, acne, pimples, irritation and dryness, peeling and redness, decreased turgor.

Regular care for any skin type, including sensitive skin.

Individual intolerance to the drug.

In some cases, the fish used to obtain the substances contained dioxides and toxic waste, including mercury, which makes the product harmful. However, if you buy fish oil in specialized establishments and pharmacies, the problem will be avoided.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.

Increased levels of vitamin D and calcium in the body.

Use for skin in its purest form

The use of fish oil for skin in its pure form receives positive reviews. The fat can be applied to the skin around the eyes. In this case, the product does not need to be rubbed. The following algorithm should be followed:

  1. Apply the product to the skin around the eyelids in a thin and even layer.
  2. Leave for twenty minutes.
  3. Carefully rinse off the oil with clean water, being careful not to accidentally get the product into your eyes.

The best time to apply the product is before bed. In this case, it will be possible to achieve maximum benefits for the skin. The result is smoothing of wrinkles and maintaining overall skin tone.

It is important! Those with very thin skin in the eye area should consult a specialist before using fish oil.

Recipes for masks with fish oil

There are quite a lot of recipes for masks with fish oil. Each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the common ones in the table.

Anti-wrinkle (mask with honey)

You should prepare one teaspoon of fish oil, one tablespoon of boiled water (from the tap will not work) and one teaspoon of honey.

All ingredients should be mixed until smooth. Then the resulting mask should be carefully applied to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, you can wash off the product with warm water. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.

There is an improvement in complexion and inflammation is reduced.

Rejuvenating (with sour cream)

You will need one chicken yolk, one tablespoon of sour cream and one teaspoon of fish oil.

All components of a homemade cosmetic product must be mixed until smooth. The mask should be left on the face for half an hour, and then washed off with chamomile decoction (it should be slightly warm).

This composition helps restore skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles.

With parsley or lemon

You should take equal proportions (one teaspoon will be enough) of fish oil, cream and lemon (or parsley) juice.

The mixture must be prepared by mixing the ingredients. The composition should be left on the face for 20-30 minutes and then washed off with cool water.

This combination of ingredients can lighten pigmentation and freckles, and the mask also perfectly nourishes the skin.

Honey and fish oil – the proportions are equal.

Both components need to be mixed together, applied to the skin of the face and washed off after 10 minutes using warm water.

You will need sour cream, fish oil, lemon juice and low-fat cottage cheese. All ingredients are taken in the amount of one teaspoon.

All ingredients must be mixed together until smooth, cover the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Additionally, you can add chopped parsley to the composition.

Restoring the tone of aging skin.

You should prepare two teaspoons of dry kelp and a tablespoon of fish oil.

The algae must be ground to a powder and then mixed with fish oil. The exposure time of the mask is thirty minutes. Then the composition is washed off with green tea or chamomile decoction.

Facial skin rejuvenation.

You should use 15 drops of calendula tincture, three capsules of fish oil and 10 grams of clay (gray and black are suitable).

The mixture should be mixed until smooth and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Apply with light massaging movements and rinse off after the specified time.

Skin restoration and lifting effect.

You will need one tablespoon of starch, a teaspoon of fish oil and a little ginger essential oil.

It is necessary to pour starch powder into the container, and then add aroma oil and vitamin liquid into it. The product should be applied to the facial skin after steaming, gently smoothing with massage movements. You need to rinse off after one hour, washing with warm water.

Refreshes the complexion, quickly restores the dermis, smooths out wrinkles, prevents the formation of wrinkles (expression lines) and age spots, protection from UV radiation.

For the skin around the eyes

You will need 3 sprigs of parsley and 5 ml of fish oil.

The greens should be chopped and mixed with vitamin preparation. Next, you need to wash off the makeup from your eyes, soak cotton pads in the resulting solution and place on your eyelids. You can remove the cotton wool after half an hour, and you can simply blot off the excess with paper napkins.

Nourishes the skin around the eyes.

For dry skin

You will need 10 grams of sour cream, 5 capsules of fish oil and one quail egg.

The quail egg needs to be cooled and then beaten with a mixer, mixed with sour cream. Next, add liquid from fish oil capsules to the composition. After mixing, the composition is applied to the face, preferably in 2-3 layers. After 30 minutes, the residue must be carefully removed using a cosmetic disc.

Combating dry skin, replenishing vitamin deficiencies and lack of moisture.

To restore elasticity

You will have to arm yourself with 10 grams of honey, 5 ml of pharmaceutical product, 3-4 drops of jasmine essential oil.

All components must be mixed together and applied to the skin of the face, which has been previously cleansed and steamed. It is preferable to apply using a sponge. The action time of the product is 15-20 minutes, and then it needs to be washed off (a decoction of lingonberry leaves is excellent for this).

The mask can refresh the appearance of the skin, have a rejuvenating effect, and restore elasticity.

The product is especially useful in combination with facial massage. As a result, it is possible to prevent the appearance of early age-related changes.

It is worth preparing 50 ml of water and 10 ml of fat.

You need to add the medicine to a bottle of water and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Then you need to soak a paper towel folded in half with the mixture and place it on your face. After twenty minutes, you can remove the paper and wipe off the residue with a dry cloth.

With the help of a mask, you can get rid of traces of puffiness and smooth out static and expression wrinkles. In addition, the composition generally helps to improve complexion and strengthen blood vessels.

With lemon and cocoa

It is worth taking 10 grams of cocoa, 5 ml of fish oil, 5 ml of lemon juice.

Add lemon juice (freshly squeezed) and fish oil to dry cocoa powder. Next, the composition is well mixed, the facial skin is cleansed and a mask is applied to it along the blood flow line in an unbroken layer. After 25 minutes, wash off the product using a decoction of coltsfoot.

It is possible to speed up metabolism in cells, saturate the skin with vitamins and nourish it with the required substances, and also normalize oxygen respiration.

Fat and cottage cheese should be taken in equal proportions. One tablespoon of each product will be enough.

The cottage cheese should be diluted with a small amount of ordinary sour milk and blended with a blender. Fat is added to the composition, mixed and applied to the skin of the face. After 40 minutes, you can wash off the remaining product using a cotton pad.

This composition allows you to deeply nourish and moisturize the epidermis, promotes restoration at the cellular level, and protects from exposure to sunlight and dry air.

You should remember the following rules for using face masks:

  1. The general course of using masks is one month, provided that the products are not applied to the skin more than twice a week.
  2. After a mask with fish oil, you should not apply cream to your face.
  3. Before applying the mask to your face, you should take a steam bath.
  4. Before using a specific mask, it is rational to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to your elbow. If there is no redness, peeling or itching within two to three hours, then the mask can be applied.
  5. Always check the expiration date of fish oil before purchasing capsules.
  6. Follow the recipe recommended in the instructions so as not to harm the skin.


Oral administration is also possible. Fish oil can be found in pharmacies and stores today in two forms: capsules and bottles. The latter is not always pleasant due to the specific smell and taste. But capsules are an excellent alternative. But at the same time, doctors claim that fish oil in a bottle is more effective.

You need to take the composition twice a day, one tablespoon, if you decide to take the product in its pure form. The capsules should be taken according to the instructions, since the size of the capsules (and, accordingly, the amount of fish oil in each capsule) may vary. The standard dosage is 2 capsules three times a day. But it is best to consult a specialist or read the instructions.

The course of treatment should be 1-3 months depending on the condition of the skin and the desired results. Consuming fat once will not have an effective effect. The product must be stored in a dark and cool place. This applies to both liquid and capsules.

Attention! Do not take the product on an empty stomach. This can lead to disruptions in the digestive system.

Application for hair

The use of fish oil for hair is also important. This is a time-tested remedy that has already proven its effectiveness. With proper and regular use, you can achieve the following positive results for your hair:

  1. acceleration of growth;
  2. increasing density;
  3. adding shine;
  4. increasing firmness and elasticity;
  5. restoration of the structure of the hair shaft;
  6. strengthening and nutrition, including hair follicles;
  7. normalization of the sebaceous glands.

It is possible to achieve such a beneficial effect on hair thanks to the unique composition of the product. In particular, vitamin A (retinol) helps fight dryness and fragility, strengthens hair roots, stimulates regeneration processes, vitamin D promotes better absorption of phosphorus and calcium, omega-3 fatty acids improve metabolic processes.

For hair, you can use fish oil for external and internal use. In particular, 2 grams of the drug per day should be taken orally for 1-2 months to achieve significant results. Masks are recommended for external use, for example:

  1. You should heat 35 grams of fish oil in a water bath, beat 2 egg yolks (fork or whisk), mix both ingredients and apply the composition to the roots with further distribution along the length. After 30-40 minutes you can wash your hair. The result is giving hair shine, strengthening it, accelerating growth, preventing splitting and fragility. The mask is indicated for girls with normal and dry hair.
  2. Mix 35 grams of fat, two tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of sunflower oil and two tablespoons of corn seed oil in one container. The latter needs to be heated (to be warm) in the microwave. The ingredients should be mixed and applied to pre-washed hair. After half an hour, you can wash off and rinse with chamomile infusion. This mask helps get rid of dryness and accelerate hair growth. The product is indicated for slow-growing and dry hair.
  3. Mix all ingredients (17 grams of coconut oil, one tablespoon of burdock oil, one tablespoon of castor oil, 35 grams of fish oil) until smooth, heat slightly in a water bath and apply to hair that has previously been slightly moisturized. After 30 minutes, you can rinse off the product and wash your hair. This mask protects hair from mechanical damage and prevents split ends and hair loss. Indicated for split ends and brittle hair.
  4. You should mix 35 grams of liquid honey, 17 grams of fish oil and one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, heat the product in a water bath and rub into the roots, then use a comb to distribute the composition along the length. After 20 minutes, you can wash off the product. This mask allows you to restore the elasticity and firmness of your hair, accelerate growth, add shine, and nourish your hair with vitamins. Indicated for use on dry and thin hair.
  5. You should break the egg, separating the shell (it should be washed in boiled water and dried) and grinding it into powder using a coffee grinder or mortar). Eggshell flour should be mixed with 35 grams of fat and applied to the hair. The product should be rubbed in with massaging movements for 10 minutes, and after another 30 minutes the composition can be washed off. This mask saturates curls with minerals and substances, cleanses the scalp, prevents dandruff and strengthens the structure of the hair shaft. The mask is recommended for oily and combination hair.

Advice! Sometimes masks with fish oil have an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it, you need to rinse your hair with rosemary water and lemon juice or vinegar.

Features of using fish oil for skin

Knowing the specifics of using fish oil for the skin, you can achieve the maximum positive effect of this substance. In particular, it is recommended to pay attention to the following rules for using fat:

  1. Perform caring procedures in courses, taking breaks between them of one to three months.
  2. Always cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying fish oil to it.
  3. An excellent addition to fat (for example, for making masks at home) can be dairy products, aromatic and vegetable oils, cosmetic clays, and herbs.
  4. Getting rid of excess oil on the skin is very simple. Just use napkins.
  5. You can use fish oil in its pure form to treat dry areas, as well as to care for the skin of the eyelids (it is thin and delicate, so masks are contraindicated).
  6. When using capsules, they must first be dissolved in water. Its temperature should be warm, but not hot. An alternative option is a decoction of plants.

Reviews about home use of fish oil are no worse than about salon procedures. This can be explained by the natural composition, as well as the ability to choose the most suitable combination of products depending on your own preferences. In general, using fish oil at home is a worthy alternative to expensive salon rejuvenation.

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