Masks for the elderly at home


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Tuesday, July 10, 2012 14:27 + to quote book

As you know, a woman is only as old as she looks.


And how she looks depends, first of all, on how a woman takes care of her appearance, in a word, how she loves herself.

Facial skin requires significant care at any time in life. It is necessary to protect your facial skin from harmful environmental influences, moisturize and nourish. According to experts, there are five main stages in a woman’s age when the skin requires different care. Facial skin care in adulthood is the key to beautiful skin without wrinkles and visible signs of aging.

Don't forget that a healthy lifestyle is just as important. If you eat right, give up bad habits, and your sleep lasts at least 8 hours, then you will maintain a young and blooming appearance of your facial skin for a long time. By observing these simple truths, in adulthood you will not have to use special products so often to restore your facial skin to youth and freshness.


The second stage is 25–30 years.

At this age, the skin of the face begins to age: the first small wrinkles appear. The skin still produces many young cells and therefore needs protection. You will need products that contain minerals and vitamins to help your skin produce the most young cells and collagen. It is also necessary to drink a lot of mineral water - this will remove toxins from the body.

The third stage is 30–40 years.
We begin to fight wrinkles as soon as they appear. You shouldn’t wait until they become deeper and, naturally, more noticeable to others.
Scientists have developed special anti-wrinkle products that contain hylauronic acid. This acid is produced from natural materials. The process of filling the skin with hyaluronic acid is called mesotherapy. To do this you will need to contact the salon. This is a very effective method to combat wrinkles.
You can choose either a slightly unpleasant and painful method or a painless one. In the painless method, drugs are injected into the skin with oxygen pressure rather than needles. But keep in mind that the painless method costs a little more.

Cellulite also begins to appear. Massages and wraps will help you fight it. Quite a lot of creams have been produced now. We choose the option that suits us best and begin to prevent the appearance of cellulite. You also need to take care of your bust. POPArt offers you wonderful tools. Their cosmetics contain substances to moisturize the skin, and also create a special protective film.

Fourth stage – 40 – 50 years .
The skin loses its elasticity and becomes more weakened. This means that you need those products that will restore the tone of your skin. A light massage is also necessary to stimulate the metabolism.
Novadiol Nuit creams from Vichy, Beautytox from Nora Bode, evolution or EJ from Glass Onion will help you. Masks that smooth the skin are also useful. For example, Antiage Mask from Velvet will not only smooth your skin, but also refresh your complexion. Don't forget that there is also photorejuvenation and mesotherapy. If you combine these procedures, it will be most effective, as they strengthen and complement each other.

The fifth stage is 50 years and after.
The skin loses its vitality. At the same moment, the body undergoes hormonal changes, and means are needed that are adapted to these changes. Mesotherapy and photorejuvenation with laser devices will also help here.

Let's take a closer look at mature skin

A woman’s age is “given away” by her hands, neck, and most importantly, wrinkles. It is very important to what extent you care for your skin in old age. In old age, the structure of the face changes; the facial skin has such imperfections as “bags” under the eyes, wrinkles in the eye area, lips and forehead, as well as saggy, sagging skin. Even if you have been closely monitoring your skin all the previous time, these signs will still be present to you to one degree or another (see. Mechanisms of skin aging)

But why, you ask.
Firstly, The sebaceous glands can no longer work as well as before, and a gradual decrease in the rate leads to the deprivation of the skin’s natural protection.
Secondly, There are collagen fibers inside the skin which helped you naturally moisturize our skin. Over time, they lose their ability to absorb large amounts of moisture, which means your skin is deprived of hydration.
Third, The blood supply to the skin deteriorates and the number of new cells produced by the skin decreases. As a result, your skin becomes thin and dry, and, therefore, you have to moisturize it and protect it from harmful environmental factors more carefully.


It is possible to completely eliminate these shortcomings only through surgery. But not every woman can afford expensive operations, and there is no need for it. After all, there are simpler ways to care for facial skin in old age.

Of no small importance for the skin in adulthood are proper nutrition and sleep. You need to sleep at least eight hours. During this time, the skin rests and gains strength for a new day.

To maintain freshness and elasticity of the skin, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and fatty fish – they contain essential vitamins and microelements.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of water in a day. This will remove harmful waste and toxins from your body.

In any case it is necessary additional hydration for the skin. There are many creams that will help the skin in this case.
You must use the cream morning and evening. Pay the most attention to the cheek and forehead areas.

To remove cosmetics You should not wash your face with soap and water. It is better to avoid soap altogether. Use special milk and soft eau de toilette for your face. Make sure that the eau de toilette does not contain alcohol, otherwise your skin will become drier.

Using simple masks will allow you to refresh and smooth your facial skin.
I'll tell you about some of these masks. You won't have to do anything complicated, and devoting 15 minutes a day to your skin will make it softer and more attractive.

For a moisturizing mask required:

  1. one teaspoon of cream,
  2. one teaspoon carrot juice
  3. one teaspoon of cottage cheese.

Mix all components and apply to facial skin. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off.

It will also help apple and carrot mask . To prepare this mask, mix grated carrots and apples in equal proportions. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

If you have inflamed skin, then two masks will help well.
For the first mask you need to take

  1. 250 grams of onion,
  2. 200 grams of sugar,
  3. two tablespoons of honey
  4. half a liter of water.

Finely chop the onion and mix with sugar. Add water and cook over low heat for about 1.5 hours. Then cool and add honey. We filter and now our first mask is ready.

For the second mask we need

Grate the onion and mix with flour in equal quantities, then apply the mixture to your face and cover with a napkin soaked in onion juice. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with milk, which we first dilute with water.

For a mask that will refresh and smooth your skin , required:

  1. three carrots,
  2. one tablespoon of mashed potatoes,
  3. half an egg yolk.

Grate the carrots, then add the puree and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash it off.

You need to repeat the procedures 2-3 times a week and your skin will maintain its excellent appearance for a long time.

Very useful for aging facial skin daily morning washing with cold boiled water with the addition of lemon juice: 15-20g per glass of water.

Wiping your face with pieces of ice made from water or milk diluted with water 1:1 .

Gives a good effect on facial skin care contrasting washes and lotions , and they start with warm procedures and end with cold ones (5 alternations in total).

In old age, to activate blood circulation, improve skin elasticity, and also to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, it is good to use lotions prepared from medicinal plants:

Add a liter of white wine

  1. 20-30g mint,
  2. 40g chamomile,
  3. 10g rosemary
  4. 20 grams of marigolds.

Leave for two weeks. Then strain. In the evening, wipe your face with this lotion and lubricate with a rich cream.

Grate 400-500g cucumbers into 500g of good vodka. Add 20g white lily petals, 30-40g rose petals. Mix. Leave for three weeks and then strain. For 200g of tincture, add 200g of boiled water and 30g of glycerin and lemon juice.


providing facial skin care for elderly women You can also prepare it at home:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over the zest of three medium lemons and leave for up to 12 hours. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze well. Combine the infusion with 1 teaspoon of honey and 20 g of olive oil. Add 100-120g lemon juice, 20-30g cream, 40-50g cologne and 100g rose petal infusion. You can use jasmine or white lily. Mix well. This liquid cream is rubbed into the face at night.
  2. Dissolve 15g of beeswax and 30-50g of bone marrow in a water bath. Mash a piece (about the size of your little fingernail) of red capsicum with 20g of vegetable oil. Combine both mixtures. This cream is intended for pale, dry, aging skin. It promotes blood flow to the facial skin.

To cleanse and nourish the facial skin of older women, cosmetic masks should be made 2-3 times a week:

  1. Lettuce leaves, burdock, radishes, olive oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice. The leaves are finely chopped, mixed with the other ingredients, mixed thoroughly and applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with parsley extract.
  2. 1 banana, 1 teaspoon milk or cream. Mash the banana and mix with milk. Apply to pre-cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm boiled water. To obtain the greatest effect from the use of creams and masks, you should alternate them.

In addition to masks, you can also use special cosmetics for facial skin.
For example, ampoules. Scientists have developed special ampoules that contain biohyaluronic acid. It helps to accumulate moisture.
After cleansing your face, apply a few drops of liquid to the skin, rub in gently, then apply a nourishing cream.
Rememberthat ampoules should be used in extreme cases - when the skin looks flabby and a network of wrinkles appears.

It is best to use creams enriched with vitamins . They make your skin smoother, firmer, fresher and more elastic.
You can also use creams that contain vitamin E. Due to its mild action, the growth of new skin cells is stimulated.
Remember that creams must be used after cleansing procedures.

Facial massage is also essential for your skin. . It should last from 3 to 5 minutes.
Massaging should begin from the center of the forehead to the temples and from the nose to the cheeks. Movements should be smooth. Do not press too hard on the skin as this may affect the results. With proper massage, facial skin will become firmer and more elastic.

Also effective hydromassage procedure. It can be done while taking a shower. You need to massage the lower part of your face with a strong stream of water to eliminate sagging cheekbones.

For vertical wrinkles around the mouth and on the bridge of the nose In older women, it is useful to use the following self-massage techniques: you should place your fingers parallel to each other and perpendicular to the wrinkle.
You need to squeeze the skin with your fingers, but your fingers should not touch. Then, moving your hand from bottom to top, you need to make pressure, arching the wrinkle in the other direction, thereby smoothing it out.

There are several negative factors that affect the appearance of our skin.

Smoking, as you know, does not lead to anything good. This is most harmful to the skin, as blood vessels narrow under the influence of nicotine. And this affects the color and formation of new skin cells.
You should quit smoking altogether. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this. Those who cannot should at least limit their cigarette consumption to five a day.
And you definitely need to increase the amount of vitamins C, since they are the main builders of collagen - proteins that will allow your skin to remain young and fresh.

It won't bring you anything good either. ultraviolet. As is known, ultraviolet radiation destroys the components
cells, dry out collagen and elastic fibers. This means we get wrinkles and dry skin. To avoid this, before going out in the sun, apply a special protective cream with a high protection factor.

Another important factor is that how much fluid do you drink. With its deficiency, our body begins to take it from skin cells, thereby destroying them. Thus, promoting the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, drink at least three liters of water per day.

Sport also has a beneficial effect on your skin. Experts advise doing sports in the fresh air. Set aside three hours a week for exercise - this will allow you to stay toned, and your skin will be saturated with oxygen, which will allow it to remain elastic and young for a long time.

Which mask will be the most useful for wrinkles after 60 years? Masks are useful regardless of age, for very young ladies of Balzac age. Whether they are 40, 50 or even over 60. Many women remember the words of A.S. Pushkin from the poem “Eugene Onegin”: “All ages are submissive to love...”

Effective store-bought masks against wrinkles at 60 years old

Masks are used for all skin types: very young, young and more mature. The whole question is just one of desire. Is this necessary? Do you want to look cool? It's not too late to start at any age! Even at 70 years old, there are women with well-groomed skin to whom the interlocutors do not give their age; they only hear admiring compliments after them.


It is worth noting that the older a person is, the fewer collagen fibers become, which is why the skin loses its firmness and elasticity.

In addition, the amount of a substance responsible for the presence of moisture in tissue cells (hyaluronic acid, a natural component of everything that lives and moves) in tissue cells decreases significantly, so the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby, and wrinkles appear. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish all skin cells with moisture. Don't forget about store-bought facial skin care products. At this sensitive age, it is necessary to use products that contain the following components: hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen fibers, and also, of course, vitamins, and vitamins A and E are especially beneficial. But nevertheless, masks prepared at home should be given special attention not the last role.


Miracle vitamin face masks after 60 years at home

A special role should be given to DIY face masks. No one forces you to buy expensive cosmetics for skin care in stores, but it is enough to learn and remember what products can be used for skin care at this age.


  1. Sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, i.e. dairy products;
  2. Cucumber and strawberry, apple, banana (vegetables and fruits);
  3. Honey;
  4. Nut seeds;
  5. Eggs and egg shells;
  6. Greenery;
  7. Potato;
  8. Gelatin;
  9. Various flours (pea, oat, buckwheat);
  10. Butter and vegetable oil (olive);
  11. Herbal decoctions and tinctures.

It is possible to check the effectiveness of masks with your own eyes.


Anti-wrinkle mask after 60, used by Empress Elizabeth II herself!


  1. 50 g homemade fat sour cream;
  2. 50 g pea flour (or ground lentils or ground green peas).

Mix everything very well and apply to skin for 35 minutes. Subsequently, rinse with a decoction of juniper and infusion of a decoction of medicinal chamomile. Another secret mask from Elizabeth the Second herself is warm pea porridge, mixed in equal proportions with sour cream and olive oil.

Gelatin tightening masks

Gelatin is natural collagen. Very good at keeping the skin toned and rejuvenating it. Before use, soak gelatin in purified water or milk for 30 minutes, then dissolve it in a water bath.


If your skin is dry, add 7 drops of vitamin complex (A and E) to gelatin; if your skin is oily, then add the white of 1 egg.

In addition, you need to add 9 ml of olive oil and the same amount of ml of aloe juice to the composition. Apply this mask in several layers, for 25-30 minutes. It is removed from the bottom up, that is, hook it on the chin and carefully remove it. The “second skin” will be removed, and the skin of the face will become elastic and toned.


Magic yeast masks

It turns out that yeast can be used not only to make delicious pies and strong drinks, but also to use face masks in old age. At home, every self-respecting “grandmother” (after all, ladies have been reading us for... years!) has a piece of yeast. After all, your beloved grandchildren come to visit on the weekend, and you really want to treat them to aromatic, tasty, crispy pastries. We use only fresh yeast (check expiration date).

To prepare the mask you also need:

  1. Chamomile oil (a few drops, about 10);
  2. One raw egg;
  3. A spoon of honey;
  4. Juice of any citrus fruit (for skin whitening).


Mix everything while warm and can be used. Apply only along massage lines in several layers. The skin of the face, neck, décolleté – this is the calling card of a self-respecting lady. How attractive she will be depends only on the woman, on her desire to make herself attractive. Even at 60, it’s nice when someone gives you a compliment. After washing off the mask, after 35 minutes, apply age cream to the skin.

If a woman loves bananas, then this mask is for her

Banana is a fruit that has ceased to be exotic and often lies unused on grocery shelves. If you don’t want to eat it, you can always make a mask from it.

Masks can be made from the following components:

  1. Flower honey and banana;
  2. Starch and banana;
  3. Olive oil and banana;
  4. Lemon juice, chicken protein and banana.

After preparation, the banana mass must be used immediately, that is, a fresh mask should be prepared each time. I would like to focus on a face mask made from banana and honey.

For the mixture you need:

  1. One small banana.
  2. One large spoon of flower honey.
  3. If you don’t have flower honey, you can use what you have.



The honey is heated in a water bath until liquid, and the banana is ground to a paste. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. At the same time, do not forget to apply carefully, with gentle massage movements. After which, after 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with a warm herbal decoction, this is at best, or with cooled boiled water. That's all! The skin comes alive, its cells are filled with energy, the skin glows. Looks velvety, silky.

Banana masks are considered very effective, because they contain vitamins such as:

  1. Groups C, slow down skin aging, natural antioxidants, giving the skin freshness and natural shine, capable of smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  2. Groups B, which simply do not allow our cells to grow old. If you constantly replenish it, using all kinds of mask recipes, then the skin will appear young, fresh, bursting with health;
  3. Groups E, which preserve youth, serve to nourish cells.

Don't be lazy! Masks give a good effect only with regular use. It's better to start at a young age, but it's never too late to start. Even if you are well over 60. You should never forget about your feminine beginning! It’s nice when they don’t give you as many years as you really do. Even if a woman is very tired, there is no time to make complex compositions; you can simply anoint your face with sour cream or kefir or yogurt. Place a fresh grated cucumber on your face. After 12 minutes, rinse thoroughly, and the woman will immediately feel that the skin is tightened, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and pleasant freshness appears throughout the body, not only on the face.

Anti-wrinkle face mask (video)

A woman should please herself, make herself more pleasant, smile! Go through life laughing. Just love yourself at 40, and at 50, and at 60!

Despite their age, most women try to take care of themselves, their appearance, and the condition of their skin. Of course, at a young age, care is kept to a minimum, but in the second half of life it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin, nourish, moisturize and protect it. In addition to the tonics, lotions, scrubs and creams known to us, special masks also have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin; they help tighten the contour of the face, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and so on. Homemade face masks for skin after 60 years have a similar effect to store-bought ones, so sometimes it’s easier to prepare the right mixture for the skin yourself.

Features of care

It is known that after 60 years, elastin and collagen are not produced (or produced in minimal quantities), and metabolism slows down. Therefore, the skin loses its elasticity, the complexion changes for the worse, the skin flakes off, becomes dry and flabby, the face often swells, redness and allergic reactions appear on it. However, if you take action in time, you can, if not prevent these symptoms, then reduce them to a minimum. Do not forget that care should be systematic and include hydration, nutrition, and protection from sun rays.

You also need to buy only high-quality cosmetics, eat right and visit a professional cosmetologist who will do massage, laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, photo-rejuvenation procedures and so on, depending on your desires and needs. Some women resort to the services of a specialist who injects Botox, hyaluronic acid or visit a plastic surgeon, everything is individual and depends on the initial condition of the facial skin.

Using masks for aging skin

With age, skin type usually changes, from oily to dry, from normal to oily, and so on. It is important to understand what type of skin you have after 60 years and, based on this, choose face masks for yourself. It is simply necessary to use them at this age; it is convenient to do it even at home. Of course, such procedures cannot be compared with salon ones, but the effect will still be visible, especially if the skin is not very deformed.

There are different masks: nourishing, moisturizing, toning, whitening and so on. The main thing is to choose the right mask for your skin and perform the procedure regularly.

Homemade mask recipes

Aging skin requires additional care, everyone knows this. If she looks bad, daily use of masks is allowed. The advantage of making masks yourself is that all the ingredients are natural, and you know what exactly is included in the composition. In addition, homemade masks are also good because they do not cause allergies to chemical additives, which are often included in purchased cosmetics.

Before applying a mask, regardless of its purpose, it is necessary to prepare the skin, it must be clean. First you need to wash off your decorative cosmetics, then get rid of dead skin cells using a water bath, scrub or peeling. Apply the mask to the entire face (and décolleté, if necessary), avoiding the area around the eyes. The only exception can be a product intended specifically for this area.

It is recommended to wash off masks using a contrast method. First warm, then cold water. Upon completion of the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream, depending on the type of skin. Moreover, masks are prepared for one use; there is no need to prepare the product for future use, as the mask will simply lose its beneficial properties.

Whitening mask

The product is suitable for those who, with age, have age spots on their skin or whose skin color has become uneven. After the procedure, you should not go outside and avoid sunlight. Therefore, it is best to apply the mask before bed or in the evening.

There are many recipes for whitening masks; here are just a few of the most effective and easy to prepare.

Recipe 1 – Mask of oatmeal with kefir

Grind the flakes in a blender, add kefir, you should get a paste. If you have sour milk at home, you can replace kefir with it. The mask is applied evenly to the skin for 20 minutes, then washed off.

Recipe 2 – Mask with honey and lemon juice

The honey needs to be warmed up a little (it’s convenient to do this in the microwave), pour lemon juice into it, and mix thoroughly. The ingredients are taken 1:1. The mask is left on the face for 15 minutes, then washed off thoroughly.

It must be said that whitening masks can be done daily, this will result in results much faster.

Nourishing masks

After you have crossed the milestone of 60 years, you simply need to nourish your skin; special masks based on cottage cheese, banana and other natural ingredients are suitable for this.

Recipe 1 – Mask with banana and oil

Mash the banana with a fork, add 1-1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the resulting mass, stir the mixture well. The mask is applied to both the face and neck for 10-20 minutes, rinsed off with warm running water.

Recipe 2 – Cottage cheese mask with orange juice

It’s worth saying right away that the juice should be natural, you don’t need to buy it in the store, it’s better to squeeze it from an orange. So, add 6 tablespoons of juice to 2 tablespoons of rich village cottage cheese, mix until smooth, apply to the skin for 25 minutes, and rinse off.

Lifting mask

To achieve a lifting effect, you must regularly use a coconut mask. To prepare it you will need 1 tablespoon each of ground rolled oats, honey and coconut milk. Mix all the ingredients, put the resulting mass in a warm place for 20 minutes, during which time you need to prepare the skin (steam it). Then the mask is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Effective oil-based masks

Vegetable oil and butter are excellent ingredients for making masks. In addition to moisturizing and nourishing, this product increases skin elasticity. If you are wondering how to take care of your face after 60 years at home, a video on the Internet will help you learn it.

Facial care after 60 years (video)

Recipe 1 – Mask with butter and yolk

To prepare the mask, you need to take a small piece of butter and grind it. You should not bring it to a liquid state on the stove; this is not required. Add the yolk of one chicken egg, 1 teaspoon each of glycerin and honey to the oil, mix. The mass is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, then washed off with a cotton pad moistened with warm water.

Recipe 2 – Mask with vegetable oil and honey

The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, for example, 1 teaspoon, this will be enough. Oil and honey need to be heated in the microwave for 1 minute, stir thoroughly. Apply the composition to the skin for 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Fruit based masks

It must be said that fruit masks are not only accessible to everyone, but are also very beneficial for the skin; they give quick results with regular use. You can apply this product for 30 minutes, and it is best to rinse off with cool water. The mask can be done at any time: morning, afternoon or evening, the result will not change.

Recipe 1 – Banana mask with sour cream

The sour cream should be rich, add a banana mashed with a fork and mix. If the mixture ends up being too thick, it is recommended to dilute it with milk.

Recipe 2 – Apple and lemon mask

Peel one apple and make a puree from it (using a blender or fine grater). Add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture and mix. The resulting paste is applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off with water or a damp cotton pad.

Recipe 3 – Strawberry and banana mask

The pulp of the berries, 8-10 pieces is enough, is mixed with the pulp of one banana. The ingredients can be mashed with a fork or blended in a blender until smooth. Apply the mask for half an hour, rinse with cool water.

In addition to fruit masks, you can make vegetable or berry masks. Moreover, it is very useful to simply apply the pulp of berries or, for example, cucumber juice to your face. When we prepare a salad, we cut off the ends of the cucumber, there is no need to throw them away immediately, rub them on your face with gentle movements, without stretching the skin, this way useful substances and vitamins will get into it.

It is recommended to do the same with berries, for example black or red currants, strawberries, wild strawberries or gooseberries.

Effective masks for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, it requires different care, more thorough and gentle. If you don’t moisturize it in time, “crow’s feet” may appear in your youth, it will become dry and peel. All these symptoms lead to early wrinkles. After 60 years, the skin not only needs to be moisturized, it simply needs it. Therefore, you should regularly make moisturizing masks. You can also prepare them at home, which is very convenient. In addition to masks, you need to eat right, avoid stress and hassle. Spend more time in the fresh air, introduce gentle physical activity, for example, walk more often.

Recipe 1 – Tea

Of course, the first recipe cannot be considered a full-fledged mask, but this method helps a lot, so it’s impossible not to mention it. After brewing, warm tea bags should be placed on your eyes and lie down so that they do not fall. This type of tea is also popularly called sleepa. If you prefer to brew loose leaf tea, you can soak regular cotton pads or regular cotton wool in it. The tannin contained in the tea leaves away puffiness and dark circles under the eyes caused by lack of sleep or fatigue. The method is great if you need to appear fresh at a business meeting or date.

Recipe 2 - Natural oils

It should be said right away that the oils are applied using a tapping motion. Do not rub them on the skin. Moreover, it is best to do this at night. All kinds of oils (butter, almond, olive) have an excellent effect on the skin around the eyes. But you can also buy any other at the pharmacy, for example, orange, grape, and so on.

Reviews on the use of homemade face masks after 60 years

In conclusion, it must be said that using masks prepared with your own hands, you can put your skin in order, minimize the appearance of wrinkles, and remove peeling. Reviews from women who regularly use homemade masks are only positive.

Lyudmila, 61 years old

I try to take care of my appearance, I often do lifting masks, the results are pleasing.

Valeria Georgievna, 67 years old

Thanks to the Internet for the opportunity to read and later use anti-aging masks. The result, as they say, is obvious.

Elizaveta, 65 years old

I constantly use masks made from fruits, I really like them and they nourish well. Periodically I make whitening masks based on kefir. I recommend it.

Anti-aging face masks after 60 (video)