Vitamins for oily skin

The struggle to preserve the beauty and health of facial skin and attempts to stop age-related changes is not only about daily masks, massages and professional cosmetic procedures. The skin needs fortification and often a balanced diet is not enough. Cosmetologists argue that it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem and use all possible means that provide complete care.

Read in this article

What vitamins affect facial skin health?

There are a lot of useful elements, it is simply impossible to introduce absolutely all of them into the body. If we consider the benefits of vitamins for facial skin, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic and resilient, eliminates dryness and flaking;
  2. B2 accelerates regenerative processes, makes skin respiration more active at the cellular level, stabilizes metabolic processes;
  3. B7 or riboflavin is optimal for sensitive and dry skin, as it restores the strength of the epidermis;
  4. B9, or folic acid, works as an anti-aging agent, making the skin fresh and with a natural color;
  5. C strengthens the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries), eliminates “bags” under the eyes, enhances the production of collagen by the body itself;
  6. E or tocopherol moisturizes the skin, suitable for dry skin types;
  7. R, or rutin, has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, preventing their fragility;
  8. PP, or niacin, activates the respiration of skin cells and the synthesis of enzymes “responsible” for renewal and rejuvenation;
  9. K has a positive effect on regeneration processes at the cellular level and significantly accelerates blood circulation in all layers of the skin.

The best vitamins for facial skin

You cannot thoughtlessly use any vitamin complex that comes into your field of vision for facial skin care. This can cause harm and provoke the development of inflammatory processes, the appearance of age spots, and rashes. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to base it on your skin type.

For problematic

This type of skin is characterized by the presence of acne, increased activity of the sebaceous glands and peeling of certain areas of the face. The best choice would be the following vitamins:

  1. A – reduces sebaceous shine, tightens pores, relieves inflammation;
  2. B2 – makes metabolic processes directly in the skin faster and more complete, provides a natural complexion;
  3. B6 – takes an active part in the treatment of skin diseases, which causes the disappearance of acne;
  4. K is an excellent remedy against swelling and inflammation.

For acne

This problem indicates not only the malfunction of the sebaceous glands and hormonal problems in the human body, but also a lack of certain vitamins. Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend using vitamins B, A and E for massive rashes.

You can use ready-made complexes, or you can use them as separate preparations. It all depends on individual preferences and recommendations of a specialist.

To combat acne on the face, it is important to take ascorbic acid (vitamin C) orally. It is this that increases immunity as quickly and fully as possible, which helps to stop the process of inflammation of the skin, relieves it of irritation and improves its structure.

Beneficial for youthful skin

If you constantly “feed” your facial skin with well-chosen vitamins, you will be able to stop age-related changes. Of course, you won’t be able to completely stop the formation of wrinkles, but making them less deep, and therefore less noticeable, is quite possible.

For mature skin, vitamins that can restore and improve the regenerative abilities of the skin will be useful. These include K, A, E and D. In combination, they will have a more active effect on the dermis, but each individual vitamin will also have benefits. Cosmetologists and dermatologists claim that vitamin C will also be useful for mature skin, since to some extent it affects the level of firmness and elasticity of the skin.

For dry, oily, combination and normal

Different skin types require an individual approach, and the overall health of the dermis and a person’s appearance depend on how correctly vitamin complexes are chosen. When making a decision, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  1. For dry skin, it is extremely undesirable to allow a lack of vitamins A and E. They ensure normal and stable blood flow in the capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and get rid of peeling and redness of certain areas of the face. It is imperative to use vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in caring procedures; it relieves itching and irritation for a long time, even with prolonged exposure to the open air.
  2. Oily skin is characterized by the massive formation of pimples, wen and blackheads. Vitamins C and B will help solve this problem. E is also necessary; it normalizes and stabilizes the water-lipid balance on the surface of the skin, which, when disturbed, causes rashes of various types.
  3. Those with normal facial skin type should be happy - they need care, but there is no need to focus on any specific vitamins. The fact is that this type of cover reacts well to any beneficial substances. This is why cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend that such people actively use multivitamin complexes.

As for the combined type, it would also be appropriate to use complex preparations that include the main beneficial vitamins for the face.

To learn how to slow down aging with vitamins and nutritional supplements, watch this video:

What vitamin complexes should you pay attention to?

There are really a lot of them, but not all are suitable for facial skin. The best option would be to consult a cosmetologist. But if this is not possible, then you should pay attention to the following means:

  1. Complements the radiance. Available in tablet form, the composition is enriched with microelements - zinc, copper, folic acid. Regular intake of these vitamins in courses accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and promotes normal collagen production. The result will be not only the smoothing of the skin texture, but also the disappearance of small/shallow wrinkles and the return of natural color.
  1. AEvit. This is generally a universal complex, consisting of only two components of the vitamin group - A and E. According to various studies, they combine perfectly and complement each other, enhancing the beneficial properties of each. The complex is produced in the form of capsules with a jelly-like coating and oil content; it can be used both for oral administration and for treating facial skin (just crush the capsule).
  1. Perfectile. This complex has high regenerative properties and causes rejuvenation of facial skin cells. In addition to vitamins, the preparation contains zinc, copper, selenium and biotin. This complex will be the optimal choice for dry, mature facial skin.
  1. Vitrum beauty. The composition is familiar, enriched with microelements. The only caveat is that this complex contains antioxidants, which means that regularly taking the capsules will help get rid of toxins and waste accumulated in the skin of the face. The result of this effect will be cell regeneration, narrowing of pores, a decrease in the number of blackheads and pimples, and the disappearance of peeling.

In order for facial skin vitaminization to be effective, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Before using any complex, a visit to a cosmetologist is mandatory. Only a specialist will be able to accurately identify the problems, find out which vitamin is missing, and prescribe the appropriate drug with daily dosage and course duration.
  2. Simultaneously with the consumption of vitamins orally, it is necessary to influence the surface of the integument. We are talking about masks made from fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. After completing the course of taking vitamin complexes, you again need to consult a doctor. It is recommended to change the drug to avoid saturation with specific elements.

You can prepare a face mask by mixing several pharmaceutical products from the vitamin category. In principle, this is quite advisable, but only subject to one point: you can only combine vitamins A and E, all other combinations are prohibited.

To learn how vitamins affect facial skin, watch this video:

What foods will be useful?

Of course, food products contain vitamins. And naturally, they will help make up for the lack of some specific elements. But if we talk about vitaminizing the skin of the face, then the diet should be adjusted towards increasing the inclusion of the following products in the menu:

  1. Strawberries and fish (sea and river). The berry contains ellagic acid, and representatives of aquatic fauna contain fatty acids. These elements are necessary to moisturize the skin, so it would be appropriate to increase their amount in the menu for dry facial skin types.
  2. Kiwi, pumpkin seeds and watercress. These products are needed by those who have combination or oily skin types, as they contain large quantities of vitamins B, C and E, as well as phosphorus, iron and potassium. With constant use, it is possible to get rid of rashes and acne, frequent inflammation of the skin.
  3. Cottage cheese, eggs, fish and meat with herbs. These are the products that should prevail on the menu for a person with normal facial skin type. They contain a number of vitamins from the B line, which will make the skin firm, well-hydrated and elastic.

This list does not mean at all that you need to switch only to eating healthy foods. Firstly, many of them can provoke a powerful allergic reaction. Secondly, the diet should be varied, which will ensure normal and stable functioning of the whole body.

Vitaminization of facial skin should be ongoing. At the same time, you should not get carried away with professional cosmetics without first consulting a cosmetologist. Such “zeal” in pursuit of beauty and healthy skin can result in big problems:

  1. liver function is disrupted, since vitamin processing products are difficult to remove from the body;
  2. constant nausea appears - evidence of an overdose;
  3. the person experiences fatigue, notes lethargy and apathy.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. You may need not only a correction of your facial skin care regimen, but also a full therapeutic treatment of hypervitaminosis.

Useful video

Watch this video about nutrition for perfect skin:

Do you want to know which vitamins are good for oily skin? If your answer is “Yes”, you should read this article. will show you the 12 best vitamins for oily skin care. Provides cosmetic solutions to reduce oily skin from trusted sources. However, they are for informational purposes only.

Top 12 vitamins to combat oily skin

Oily skin can be irritating because it has an unattractive, stale appearance. It can cause low self-esteem in adolescents. Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands overproduce oil. These glands produce oil to keep your skin supple and soft, but too much oil can lead to problematic skin. Overproduction of fat can be caused by poor diet or hormonal imbalance.

1. Vitamin D

Vitamins are important elements for maintaining our life and health, which are mainly found in food and reach a person through the daily diet. On the other hand, vitamin D is a technical hormone that is synthesized by the skin in the presence of ultraviolet radiation, which is abundant in the sun's rays.

Some studies show that vitamin D helps reduce oily skin. The sebaceous glands produce oil (a substance similar to cholesterol) that converts ultraviolet rays from the sun into vitamin D. If there is not enough vitamin D, the glands begin to produce more sebum to increase production of this vitamin. Therefore, by increasing the amount of vitamin D3 in your diet, you reduce the need for excess oil production and thereby limit one of the factors that causes acne formation as well as oily skin.

You can increase your vitamin D intake in two ways. First, spend more time in the sun. To sunbathe, you will need about half an hour a day, preferably before 10 am or after 4 pm.

Secondly, you can take a vitamin D supplement. If you decide to buy a supplement, you need to make sure that it is vitamin D3 and not D2 or other types of vitamin D. From an absorption perspective, vitamin D3 is fat soluble, which means that taking it Needed with fatty foods.

2. Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is another important vitamin for oily skin. Research has shown that vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to oily skin, pigmentation and age spots.

Eating more foods rich in vitamin B2 will help balance the secretion of the sebaceous glands. This vitamin can be found in most foods derived from plants and animals. Good sources of vitamin B2 include egg yolk, yeast, meat, wheatgrass, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables, melon, black beans, nuts and whole rice. Store these foods in a dark place because light can destroy vitamin B.

3. Vitamin B3

Apart from vitamin B2, vitamin B3 is also beneficial for oily skin. This is a water-soluble form of vitamin B that is used to combat acne. B3 is also called niacin and is increasingly found as an anti-aging cosmetic.

4. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps protect skin and control oiliness through its antioxidant properties. Additionally, large amounts of vitamin B6 may help treat acne because having enough vitamin B6 reduces excess sebum production. Simply consume a small amount of this vitamin daily, just 1.9 mg per day for women and 2.4 mg for men.

Vitamin B6 is very important in the process of caring for oily skin, so you should not ignore it, and be sure to add it to your daily diet.

5. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 also affects the production of sebum, the healing of damaged skin and the maintenance of skin tone. In addition, one of the features of vitamin B12 is the ability to prolong the youth of the skin. Vitamin B12 is found in liver, eggs, meat, crustaceans, cheese and fish.

6. Vitamin E

Dark spots on the skin can occur due to a variety of factors, such as aging, free radical damage, and liver problems. Vitamin E helps cope with these problems. It is a rich source of antioxidants and helps fight free radicals that can be associated with hyperpigmentation. Vitamin E also helps remove waste and other impurities while maintaining the oil balance in the skin.

Vitamin E can also help regulate the production of skin proteins such as elastin and collagen. In addition, vitamin E is fat-soluble, so it is easily absorbed into the skin. It can reduce scars as well as dark spots caused by acne by increasing tissue regeneration.

The effects of vitamin E on acne scars will not happen overnight. The scars will disappear gradually. It may take more than 3 months for the effect to appear.

Some of the foods that contain a natural source of vitamin E are sunflower seeds, avocado, spinach, kale, pine nuts, Swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens, parsley and almonds.

7. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is considered the best among vitamins for oily skin. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining, repairing and strengthening the protective tissue of the skin. There are 5 main compounds that are related to vitamin A (4 provitamins called carotenes and retinol). Carotenes are found in plant sources, while retinol is found in animal sources. Vitamin A is useful in treating acne, reducing oil production by the skin, and also for skin rejuvenation.

This vitamin also helps reduce inflammation, which is a response from immune cells, and helps improve hormonal balance. Through these mechanisms, vitamin A helps prevent the production of excess sebum as well as the formation of acne.

Vitamin A is available as an oral supplement. However, you can get it naturally and safely by eating foods rich in vitamin A, such as:

  1. Sweet Potatoes (cooked) – 19,218IU (384% DV) of Vitamin A per 100g
  2. Carrots (cooked) – 17033IU (341% DV) of vitamin A per 100g
  3. Cabbage (cooked) – 13621IU (272% DV) of vitamin A per 100g
  4. Nut (cooked) – 11155IU (223% DV) vitamin A per 100g
  5. Rosemary Salad – 8710IU (174% DV) of Vitamin A per 100g
  6. Dried Apricots – 12669IU (253% DV) Vitamin A per 100g
  7. Cantaloupe Melon – 3382IU (68% DV) of Vitamin A per 100g
  8. Mango – 1082IU (22% DV) of vitamin A per 100g
  9. Sweet red pepper – 3131IU (63% DV) of vitamin A per 100g

Where IU - International Unit or IU in Russian - is an international unit used when measuring drugs, DV is the daily value, taken as 100%.

9. Vitamin B5

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This vitamin has 2 mechanisms such as preventing and relieving acne symptoms. First, vitamin B5 helps reduce the size of pores on the skin. When your pores shrink, the oil that has built up in them can be pushed to the surface of the skin. Tapering also helps reduce the chance of your skin's pores becoming clogged with bacteria, dead skin cells, and excess sebum. Secondly, pantothenic acid helps improve acne symptoms, with the participation of coenzyme A. When pantothenic acid increases the production of coenzyme A, it speeds up the metabolism of fats, as a result, sebum production will be reduced.

Additionally, eating more foods rich in vitamin B5 will help balance the secretion of the skin's sebaceous glands. Here are good sources of pantothenic acid:

  1. Shiitake, cooked – 3.59 mg (36% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  2. Trout, cooked – 2.24 mg (22% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  3. Avocado – 1.46 mg (15% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  4. Eggs – 1.53 mg (15% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  5. Fillet, cooked – 1.65 mg (17% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  6. Veal shoulder, cooked – 1.61 mg (16% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  7. (Chicken leg, cooked - 1.32 mg (13% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  8. Sunflower seeds – 7.06 mg (71% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g
  9. Sweet potatoes (baked) – 0.88 mg (9% DV) pantothenic acid per 100 g

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for maintaining skin elasticity and also helps in wound healing. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant to protect the skin from free radicals. In addition, vitamin C helps create collagen, which helps repair skin, as well as protect your immune system. Eating plenty of foods rich in vitamin C will help balance your skin's sebaceous gland secretions. Good sources of vitamin C are:

  1. Yellow Bell Pepper – 183.5 mg (306% DV) of vitamin C per 100 g
  2. Papaya – 60.9 mg (102% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  3. Mangetoux – 60 mg (100% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  4. Tomatoes (cooked) – 22.8 mg (38% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  5. Citrus fruits (oranges) – 53.2 mg (89% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  6. Berries (strawberries) – 58.8 mg (98% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  7. Broccoli – 89.2 mg (149% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  8. Kiwi (green) – 92.7 mg (155% DV) vitamin C per 100 g
  9. 100 g of dark green leafy vegetables contains 120 mg (200% DV) of vitamin C
  10. Guava – 228.3 mg (381% DV) vitamin C per 100 g

11. Zinc

Zinc can reduce large pores and acne associated with oily skin. Zinc supplements will provide the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are needed to combat oil-producing glands. However, zinc is not produced by the body, so it must come from an external source. Products containing zinc:

  1. Cooked porcini mushrooms – 0.9 mg (6% DV) zinc per 100 g
  2. Cooked mung beans – 0.5 mg (3% DV) zinc per 100 g
  3. Cocoa powder – 6.8 mg (45% DV) zinc per 100 g
  4. Cashews – 5.6 mg (37% DV) zinc per 100 g
  5. 100g pumpkin and squash seeds contain 3mg (69% DV) zinc
  6. Spinach – 0.8 mg (5% DV) zinc per 100 g
  7. Wheatgrass (roasted) – 16.7 mg (111% DV) zinc per 100 g
  8. Cooked Beef Thongs – 12.3 mg (82% DV) zinc per 100 g
  9. Cooked oysters – 78.6 mg (524% DV) zinc per 100 g

12. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for maintaining skin health, combating flaky skin and improving elasticity. Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent the androgen hormone from releasing too much sebum. Good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include cauliflower, soybeans, tofu, salmon, sardines, walnuts, shrimp, flaxseeds and Brussels sprouts.

As we saw from the article, vitamin deficiency can cause unhealthy skin. However, you also need to remember that just taking vitamin tablets is not enough. It is better to undergo a comprehensive course of treatment. Before starting the course you should consult your doctor.

And again, this article is intended for informational purposes only, so you should consult a doctor and get tested for vitamins before purchasing special supplements. If you have any questions or know of other vitamins to treat oily skin, please leave them below in the comments.

Today I am again writing answers from an expert in the field of beauty supplements! Vitamins for dry and oily skin perfectly help cope with skin problems along with cosmetics. And with weak blood vessels and dark circles, special vitamins for bruises help! Let's find out more...

Leading expert in the field of beauty vitamins Shabir Daya spoke about vitamins for facial skin that improve appearance.

Vitamins for the skin are one of the most popular topics in nutraceuticals, ratings in this particular category began to appear most often, they are popular, and in 2014, an expert supplement magazine published its rating of the Best vitamins for the skin, award 2014

The latest text from the expert in my translation is below. He talked about what vitamins for skin to choose, about vitamins for dry skin and vitamins for oily skin. There are also vitamins for bruises that I didn’t know about.

Although I also used to have anemia and bruises appeared on my legs almost every day, and I definitely remember that I didn’t hit the corners and didn’t fall on the spot! ))

The skin is the largest organ in our body, spanning about 2 meters and accounting for almost 16% of the total body weight. Being the largest organ and the most active, it's no surprise that many vitamins and nutrients have an impact on skin health from the inside out.

The appearance of our skin is a good indicator of our internal health. In this article I'm going to look at three areas of skin health; dry skin, oily skin and skin that bruises easily, as well as specific supplements that help these skin types.

Phytoceramides improve the condition of dry skin, protect against dehydration and external irritants.

Dryness, itching or flaking of the skin are all indicators of a specific skin condition such as eczema. Although some forms of eczema are common in children, it can actually develop at any age and can be a lifelong nuisance for many. There is a combination of factors associated with eczema, and often the skin improves with measures taken, such as changing your washing powder and cutting back on dairy, meat and alcohol.

There is a supplement that is especially effective for all dry skin problems and it is Skin-restoring phytoceramides (Skin Restoring Phytoceramides).

Until now, ceramides (ceramides) were used exclusively in cosmetic skin care products, but scientists have found that taking them internally They relieve all dry skin conditions, and also improve skin with eczema and other inflammatory skin diseases.

Ceramides are tiny lipid-like particles that are embedded between cells and prevent moisture loss (skin dehydration) and stop the effect of external irritants on damaged skin. Here are these valuable vitamins for dry skin:

  1. Life Extension, Skin Restoring Phytoceramides with Lipowheat
  2. Neocell, Glow Matrix, Advanced Skin Hydrator (ready-made complex of hyaluronic acid + phytoceramides)

Dietary supplements with zinc and burdock improve the condition of oily and inflamed skin.

Oily skin is most common in teenagers and women with hormonal imbalances, especially during menopause!

Nutritionists believe that proper nutrition, cleansing, rest, exercise and sunlight are important, but in practice most people do not adhere to these rules and demand quick results.

To achieve perfect skin, free from acne and inflammation, I recommend complex for clear skin with zinc (which restores hormonal balance) and blood purifying herbs to cleanse toxins that cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Wherein zinc should be at least 30 mg!

Such herbs and zinc in the dosage we need are perfectly combined in a complex of vitamins for problem skin, reduce skin oiliness and help in the treatment of acne that occurs in youth and adulthood.

  1. Enzymatic Therapy, Derma Klear Akne Zime, Skin Health

I have a post about this complex, Vitamins for problem skin, I also recommend reading it if you plan to take vitamins to treat acne.

Citrus bioflavonoids strengthen skin that bruises easily.

This supplement is obtained from the pith of citrus fruits and it helps to strengthen the structure of all soft tissues, including the skin, throughout the entire period of use. It is useful to take such vitamins for rosacea and weak, fragile blood vessels.

  1. Solgar, HY-C, Vitamin C, with Bioflavonoids, Rutin, Hesperidin & Rose Hips
  2. Solgar, Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex, 1000 mg
  3. Citrus Bioflavonoids Natural Factors, Citrus Bioflavonoids, 650 mg

These are the vitamins for dry and oily skin, as well as for bruises, recommended by a world-famous expert. What can you say, what vitamins for skin do you choose and what are your reviews? Can vitamins replace moisturizer or acne treatment?