Salab - fox

Actions and properties.
The fox promotes resorption, and its fur is the warmest of furs; People with moist nature benefit from it due to its absorbent properties.

Tools with joints.
If you boil a fox in water and pour this water on your sore joints, it helps a lot. The olive oil in which the fox was boiled also becomes much stronger, and one should sit in it for a long time, and it is best to do this after emptying and cleansing, so that the oil does not attract juices to the joints with its drawing and dissolving force. And if you use it after the body has cleansed itself, then nothing will seep into the joints, and if the pain returns, it will be mild. Fox fat also acts in the same way: it sometimes draws out a lot of juices that have dissolved. Sometimes the fox is boiled alive in olive oil until it is tender, and it is also boiled slaughtered, but no matter how you cook it, it absorbs the juices that have accumulated in the joints.

Organs of the head.
Fox oil soothes ear pain when put into the ear.

Breast organs.
Dried fox lungs are dried and are beneficial for asthma sufferers. They give you one dirham to drink at a time.