Seborrhea Oily

Oily seborrhea (syphilis livida) is an inflammatory skin disease caused by the irritating effect of metabolic products of yeast and streptococci. Occurs predominantly in boys and girls aged 5 months to 3 years. Predisposing factors are frequent intertriginous diaper rash, careful child care, resulting overheating, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, prolonged or heavy use of ointments with inorganic petroleum jelly. The disease occurs in three stages: i) prodromal stage (1–4 days); ii) dermatitis; iii) keratotic. Patients do not sleep well at night. The rash usually occurs on the extensor surface of the shoulders, as well as on the buttocks, external genitalia, inner thighs and neck. The skin peels, which is accompanied by a feeling of tightness. The secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are increased. At the end of each stage, positive skin tests with yeast fungus and microscopic signs of damage to the hair shaft and the mouth of the sebaceous duct are observed (giant horny plugs, canal-like dilations in the gland ducts). When examining peripheral blood, neutrophilic leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are detected. Treatment is carried out - careful hygiene, especially treatment of skin folds, perineal skin and external genitalia; indifferent ointments (with tannic acid), ranisan, chloramine solution, and antibacterial aerosols are used. Dermatol ointment, naphthalene ointments are used externally when the disease is combined with eczema, and sulfonamide preparations are used for scarlet fever rash.