Sense Organ, Analyzer (Sense Organ)

Sense organ, analyzer (sense organ) - this is a complex of anatomical structures in the human body that perceives and analyzes various irritations coming from the external and internal environment of the body. Each analyzer consists of a peripheral part (receptors), a pathway and a cortical center.

The peripheral part perceives the energy of the stimulus and converts it into nerve impulses. The pathway transmits impulses to the central nerve, and the cortical center analyzes the information and forms the body's response.

The sense organs allow a person to perceive light (vision), sound (hearing), body position in space (equilibrium), heat (thermal analyzer), pain and pressure (touch), as well as smell and taste (olfactory and gustatory analyzers).

Each sense organ has its own characteristics and performs its own function. For example, the organ of vision perceives light signals and converts them into visual images, which are then transmitted to the brain. The organ of hearing perceives sound signals and transmits them to the brain, where they are analyzed and interpreted. The organ of balance allows a person to determine the position of the body in space and maintain balance. The sense of touch allows us to feel pressure and temperature on the skin, and the olfactory and gustatory analyzers are responsible for the perception of smells and tastes.

It is important to note that each sense organ is closely connected with other organs, since information received by one organ can be used for analysis by another. For example, a visual analyzer can use information from the auditory organ to determine the direction of a sound, and a taste analyzer can be used to determine the quality of food.

In general, the senses are important tools for perceiving and interacting with the world around us. They allow us to obtain information about the world and make decisions based on this information.

The senses play an important role in perceiving information about the environment in which we live. They are a complex of anatomical structures of the body that perceive and analyze various external and internal stimuli. Each sensor performs a specific function for the overall functioning of the body. This article will look at how the basic sense organs in humans are structured and work.

The organ of hearing (ear) is the main sensor that allows us to perceive sound and navigate the environment. It consists of the auricle, auditory canal, eardrum, cochlea and auditory ossicles. The pinna serves to direct sound, and the ear canal delivers sound to the eardrum. The eardrum is the most sensitive part of the ear and receives sound vibrations, which are transmitted to the auditory ossicles and then to the cochlea, where the sound waves cause vibration of the sensitive cells (hairs). Inside the cochlea are various nerve cells that transform sound waves into electrical signals and transmit them to the brain. The cortical hearing centers are located in the temporal lobes of the cerebrum and allow us to recognize sounds and perceive speech.

Vision (eye) is