Sensitization Passive

The sensitizing properties of serum and other serum preparations obviously depend on the content of gamma globulins, which have antigenic properties. The introduction of serum of a hyperimmune person is the main method of passive immunization (the entire body becomes passive, and not just that part of it that is related to it by origin, as is the case with immunization due to active independence). Antigens themselves include blood proteins. However, whey can increase the antigenic properties of some lipids, carbohydrates, and a number of chemical compounds (arsenic, mercury, phosphorus, bromine, γ-globulin). Serum gamma globulins contain mainly single-specific antibodies and are capable of binding to one antigen molecule, however, the nonspecific nature of their action is confirmed by the fact that some thymosin-containing drugs related to gamma globulins can increase the sensitivity of ribonuclease A reactive centers by only 2 times. The principle of passivity is that antibodies introduced into the body in sufficient quantities are able to attach to surrounding objects and interact with the allergen. Proteins that bind to foreign substances are called fixatives, or agglutinogens. Fixed proteins are easily recognized by the body in the process of delayed-type hypersensitivity, since for the existence of each such system the presence of a special complex of fibroblast and cellular

Sensitization, in other words, is a sustained increase in the immune response to repeated contact with the patient. In other words, the first contact is an introduction to the pathogen. As a result of sensitization, an already formed immunocompetent cell will become active, releasing antibodies to meet a new one, by smell - the causative agent of infection, but the blood must be protein and warm. After this, an illness with symptoms occurs, during which passive immunity is formed.