Shaljam - turnip

This is an elevator, and it has already been mentioned. There is a wild variety called junjuli.

Various forces operate within it.

Its seeds, if made into a medicinal bandage or hung, are strongly driven by the winds and get rid of tumors in the groins.

Nutritional organs.
Turnips are slow to digest, but wild turnips are quicker to digest.

Eruption organs.
The seeds, due to their swelling properties, greatly arouse lust.

Galen says: “Well-cooked shaljam provides nutrition. Constant consumption of it causes blockages and winds.” Shaljam boiled in water with salt is less nutritious. The best shaljam is the one cooked with fatty meat.

If you take one piece of shaljam, take out its insides and dilute wax with rose oil in it, holding it on hot ashes, then it helps against the old “fox” disease.

In the same way they help with ulcerated fissures from cold; boiled shaljam in a medicinal bandage has the same effect.

Breast organs.
Boiled shaljam with fatty meat softens the throat and chest.

Nutritional organs.
Shaljam, boiled with meat, greatly nourishes and warms the kidneys. Shaljam lingers in the stomach for a long time.

Tools with joints.
Its decoction is poured over joints affected by gout, and it is very useful; Shaljam cooked with meat warms the back.

Organs of the eye.
Shaljam, whether eaten boiled or raw, is said to be good for eyesight.

Eruption organs.
The shaljam itself generates the male seed, and its juice drives urine, and both of these forces are clearly manifested in it. Shaljam cooked with meat drives urine and arouses lust in the same way as its seeds, which cause increased sexual desire. Eating shaljam leaves causes urine to leak. Shaljam boiled in water with salt does not arouse lust so much.”