Machine Noise

Machine noise is one of the main problems of modern industrial enterprises. Every year it becomes more intense and dangerous to the health of workers. As technology develops, the intensity of machine noise increases significantly. In addition, there is a need to process a significant amount of information coming from both machines and between them. In this regard, the noise level increases, which comes not only from mechanisms, but also from microcircuits and other electronic components. In large corporations, work is monotonous and monotonous; machine noise in such conditions should be harmful to health. To study the propagation of technical noise, you can use the following methods: 1) Study of propagation lines or modeling

Name of machine noise/double machine noise: Machine noise or Double machine noise. (or according to the old SHUM-1 or SHUM double machine or ShDM from the abbreviation Sh.D.M.)

The term machine/double machine is included in the name so that it is more familiar and meaningful. Although the machine sound itself is not very different from an ordinary double.

**Machine noise/double machine noise can be roughly divided into** - Strong and loud, which can drown out the ears and seriously injure the brain if you listen too closely. If a lot of machine noises fall under the ear, a person becomes deaf, the pulse quickens, migraines become more active, discomfort from exposure to high-profile noise and other side effects can be life-threatening. The loudest sound of all machine double machine noise varieties. Cars (single, paired) with high fuel consumption can produce such sound that the ears experience pressure from the power. Like when an airplane takes off, for example, but in theory, such loud noise can have worse consequences. Mosquito tones are often called “whistling”; they are machine-made (double) loud high-pitched noises in a certain spectrum. I will just mention him.

During machine clapping we hear this high frequency sound. And all this noise from cars is harmful, yes, but **low frequencies and loud sounds are especially dangerous**