Kashleva symptom

Development of pathology

Inflammatory processes of the hollow organs of the abdominal cavity (for example, intestines) and peritoneum, accompanied by the formation of effusion, cause a significant weakening of the protective properties of the connective tissue of the anterior abdominal wall. As a result, the traumatic effects of the diseased organ on the parietal peritoneum begin to prevail, causing its damage: erosions and even perforations occur. Irritation of sensitive nerve endings located in the loose subperitoneal tissue and the aseptic inflammatory reactions that occur in it cause persistent spasm of the parietal peritoneum. All this gives impetus to the development of cough symptoms. Exhalation leads to forced relaxation of the abdominal muscles, which causes a loss of tone in the parietal abdominal fascia, their stretching, and fixation of the diaphragm and intestinal loops. With subsequent cough shocks, the intestinal loops are further displaced and twisted around the transverse colon. The compression of the nervous system of the internal organs that develops under these circumstances continues. There is a decrease in the synthesis of the neuropeptide downcaine and an increase in the production of cholinergic substances. At the same time