Invasion Syndrome

**Invasion Syndrome**

Invasion syndrome is a mental disorder that can lead to a deterioration in a person’s quality of life, as well as a violation of social norms and rules of behavior. This condition manifests itself as an obsessive fear of being involved in an unwanted situation or being pressured into participating in an unwanted activity that may have negative consequences.

Etiologically, intrusion syndrome occurs due to a conflict between the impulse to make independent decisions and confidence in the correct choice of object (often triggered in conflict situations). A person feels as if he does not belong to him, but to others, and these other people may require him to perform certain actions or participate in unpleasant events. Standing up for your own opinion or trying to teach other people a lesson can also trigger this syndrome.

*This syndrome leads to emotional instability, obsessions and increased anxiety.*

Sleep disturbances are common among patients with intrusion syndrome.