Smut mushrooms

Smut mushrooms are a family of mushrooms of the genus Ustilangia. Also called "head fungi", they are known for their ability to attack plants, especially berries and fruits. Smut, also known as blackcurrant spots, are blackish-purple in color and can appear on any berry or fruit, including grapes, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants and pears. They also attack trees such as almonds and cherries, as well as flowers such as roses and chrysanthemums.

Although smut fungi do not cause human disease, they pose a serious threat to crops. Fruits and berries that are infested with smut become less attractive and less tasty, and damaged trees and flowers can lead to reduced yields.

Smut fungi are very resistant to antibiotics and chemicals used to control fungal infections. To prevent the spread of head fungus, it is important to properly care for your crops and trees. This includes