Count faster

Count Faster: How to teach children to count quickly

One of the key skills that children learn in school is mathematics. Including basic mathematics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Learning the multiplication table is one of the most important tasks that children perform at the initial stage of learning mathematics. However, many of them may have difficulty when it comes to calculating large numbers. In this article we will look at how to help your child count faster.

Inventory: Learning to count faster

One easy way to teach children to count faster is to use everyday situations to practice their math skills. For example, you can take inventory together with your child. Ask him to count the number of items on each shelf. If each shelf has six drawers, ask him to calculate how many drawers are on the entire rack. This will help your child develop fast counting skills and self-confidence.

Using games: Learning by playing

Games are another effective way to help your child improve their math skills. Many games, such as Monopoly or Battleship, require players to quickly calculate and make decisions, which helps develop math skills. In addition, there are many special games designed specifically to help children learn math. For example, Math Domino or Math Flash Cards are simple and fun games that will help your child better understand math concepts.

Using technology: Learning with apps

Nowadays, there are many apps that help children learn mathematics. They offer interactive lessons, games and activities that help children better understand math concepts and develop quick calculation skills. Some of these apps include "Mathletics", "Math Game Time" and "Khan Academy".


There are many ways to help your child improve their math skills and learn to count faster. Taking inventory, using games and technology can all help your child become more confident and successful in learning math. Remember to support and motivate your child to continue to develop their skills and reach new heights in their studies.