How to get ready for childbirth

How to get ready for childbirth

While the vast majority of pregnant women talk about the birth of a child with joy and impatience, the word childbirth always evokes a feeling of fear and anxiety in expectant mothers.

This is partly explained by the memory of our ancestors - not so long ago it was very dangerous to give birth. Cases of death of mother and child during childbirth have been repeatedly described in the classical literature on which we were all raised. Just look at the chilling scene of the death of little Princess Bolkonskaya in War and Peace! And each such case imprints information in the memory of the girl, and then the woman: giving birth is dangerous.

But let’s assume that our expectant mother is a reasonable woman and does not endure situations from the beginning of the century before last.

But she is still afraid of childbirth, because she is afraid of pain and blood, afraid of doctors and hospitals, and most importantly, she is afraid of getting into a deadly situation in which practically nothing depends on her.

In fact, fear of childbirth is a natural and normal feeling for a woman: the unknown is always scary, especially if this fear is recorded in the subcortex and passed on from generation to generation. But fear, even if not completely, can be overcome.

To do this, you need to know well what happens to a woman’s body during childbirth, what the woman herself can do in certain situations, and what the doctor can do. It is very important to trust the doctor who is delivering the baby, but in no case should you transfer all responsibility for the process to him. It’s still the woman who gives birth, not the doctor.

The understanding that the natural process should take place naturally returns. More and more women are giving birth without the use of anesthesia, insisting that medications should be used only for medical reasons.

More and more married couples are attending various childbirth preparation courses, where a woman is taught to work with breathing, voice, relaxation and pushing - that is, they are physically prepared to calmly and consciously go through the birth process.

Of course, during childbirth it is scary and painful even for the most prepared woman. But an unprepared woman is in more pain and fear - and this is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, before giving birth, you definitely need to prepare for it: find out what childbirth is from the point of view of the female body, what childbirth is like, how it goes, how to behave during each period of labor.

You need to decide in advance where and with whom to give birth: you cannot trust your life and the life of your child to a stranger; you need to meet the doctor in advance and discuss the details of the birth in advance.

And after the woman is sure that this is her doctor, we can assume that she is half ready for childbirth. The other half is preparing your body and soul for childbirth. You need to be able to listen to your body, understand what is happening, and constantly remember that childbirth is a process in which not only the woman and the doctor are involved, but also the child.

And the birth will definitely go well. And when the newly born baby is placed on the mother’s stomach, and she puts him to her breast, smells him and hears a sleepy smacking sound, then all the pain will immediately be forgotten. And maybe now the thought will arise that this baby is not her last child.