Workout Before Childbirth

Training before childbirth: how to combine an active lifestyle with bearing a child

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up physical activity. On the contrary, regular exercise and aerobics can not only improve the health of the mother, but also have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. Larisa Podkhalyuzina, a professional aerobics instructor at the international aerobics studio WORKOUT in Moscow, talks about how to combine an active lifestyle with bearing a child.

To train before childbirth, it is important to choose the right set of exercises that will correspond to the physical fitness of the expectant mother. The main thing is that her condition allows her to exercise, and this must be confirmed by a doctor. Aerobic exercises can be adapted for expectant mothers of any level of physical fitness. But pregnant women who are not accustomed to physical activity cannot do without restrictions when doing aerobics.

Avoid jumping and running. All loading should be based on normal steps and movements. Strength exercises that cause overstrain in the body are also excluded. It is also recommended to avoid heavy loads on the abs, inner thighs and any stretching in general. Flexibility exercises require caution, especially those that involve a large range of motion - bending, turning, etc.