Theory of Infant Swimming. FAQ

The theory of infant swimming. FAQ.

Can babies swim?

Of course, and this is very useful. Systematic swimming exercises evoke positive emotions in infants, improve sleep, help strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, and musculoskeletal system, promote the normal development of infants by stimulating metabolic processes.

Is baby swimming new?

In Russia, swimming lessons have been used for more than 20 years as a means of improving the health and hardening of young children. Over the years, the view on the methods of carrying out procedures has repeatedly changed, but the effectiveness of the method remains undeniable.

How complex is this technique?

The technique of swimming and hardening infants is quite simple and accessible to parents. However, training should be carried out by experienced instructors - nurses, and swimmers need systematic pediatric supervision.

When is the best time to start swimming lessons?

We believe that the optimal age for starting classes is a full month of the child’s life, when the adaptation processes end, the child begins to gain weight well, and undergoes the first preventive examination by specialists.

It should be remembered that by three months the innate swimming reflexes fade away, and it is much more difficult to carry out exercises with the child. Thus, it is better to start classes in the first three months of a child’s life.

Can all babies swim?

All healthy children can take part in swimming and exercise classes. Classes in this case are of a general strengthening nature. In addition, swimming is also prescribed for children with various health conditions, and in this case swimming is exclusively therapeutic in nature. It must be taken into account that children with health problems can only be allowed to swim with the permission of a specialist.

What are the contraindications to conducting classes?

Contraindications to swimming are: all diseases in the acute stage, congenital deformities that exclude the possibility of swimming.

Swimming procedures are terminated if:

  1. the child becomes overexcited in the water;
  2. he develops pronounced vegetative reactions in the form of goose bumps, marbling of the skin, and bluish coloration of the skin;
  3. a brief episode of respiratory arrest occurs.