Special physical training of athletes.

Each article in this thread will describe in detail the selected sports training complex (or several such devices in one article), aimed at training athletes in various sports disciplines. You will learn about how it happens athlete's physical training using modern innovations. Not a single training complex from the ones described below is used in a regular standard gym. Here - only highly specialized training devices and unique devices.

  1. Sports technical training aids and methods of their use in training athletes.
  2. Computerized innovative complexes for training athletes.
  3. Domestic and foreign innovations in sports.
  4. Radiotelemetric and strain gauge equipment in scientific research and sports practice.
  5. Technical devices and training devices for training athletes.
  6. How to develop jumping ability or high jump training devices using the Fosbury Flop method.
  7. High jump stand with bar, training and sports equipment for high jump.
  8. How do modern TOP basketball players train free throws and regular throws?
  9. What special devices are used to train volleyball players?
  10. Volleyball and tennis players training on special devices.

Sports technical training aids and methods of their use in training athletes.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that modern sport is a whole industry, which is developing by leaps and bounds day by day. Moreover, we are not talking exclusively about bodybuilding and fitness, but about sports in general. The efforts of numerous scientists and researchers are aimed at improving the methods of training athletes and promotion their sports results. It’s no wonder that every day more and more technical solutions and even entire training complexes and systems come to the aid of coaches, aimed at more thorough preparation and polishing of key movements of athletes... It is these progressive techniques that we will talk about today...

Computerized innovative complexes for training athletes.

As part of our website: fitness and bodybuilding in Russian, we continue to study news of science and technology, designed to help modern Olympic athletes in physical, as well as psychological and tactical preparation. The main goal of all these innovations is victory for the upcoming competitions, and considerable resources and effort are allocated to achieve it. Well, let's find out what's available in arsenal coaches of professional athletes...

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Domestic and foreign innovations in sports.

Let's continue studying newfangled technical means, helping modern athletes achieve outstanding results, unimaginable for the previous generation of athletes, whose physical, tactical and psychological preparation was carried out using the good old classical methods... Let's consider the next complex advanced devices both foreign and our production...

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Radiotelemetric and strain gauge equipment in scientific research and sports practice.

Among the devices currently used for technology research sports movements, body reactions athletes for a certain load, strain gauge and radiotelemetry devices have proven themselves well... As part of this review, we will tell you about them, as well as other interesting developments VISTI and our foreign researchers...

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Technical devices and training devices for training athletes.

In this review, we will look at training devices, devices and technical solutions used by trainers in the physical training of their players. The article will cover various sports disciplines, but mainly: athletics with all the variety of elements it includes, such as race walking, jogging, hurdles, vault, throwing and others...

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How to develop jumping ability or high jump training devices using the Fosbury Flop method.

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High jump stand with bar, training and sports equipment for high jump.

We continue to consider all kinds of devices used in pre-competitive preparation of athletes various sports disciplines. In this article we will look at three devices, the first of which is practically an improved analogue of the complex of exercise equipment known to us from the world of bodybuilding and fitness, and the second and third are aimed at track and field jumpers: all kinds of racks equipped with a movable bar or crossbar and other training equipment...

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How do modern TOP basketball players train free throws and regular throws?

Dear readers of our sports portal, this article will tell you how to teaching devices And devices in interaction with athletes and coaches technology is being improved basketball games. You will learn what training tools are used to train: key ball movements, motion shots and free throws in basketball. So, let's go...

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What special devices are used to train volleyball players?

If the previous article of our sports portal was focused on the nuances basketball training, - then in this review we will please their fellow ball players. In this case we are talking about volleyball players. The review describes two original technical devices that are actively used in training and honing the skills of modern athletes who are fond of volleyball...

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Volleyball and tennis players training on special devices.

Dear readers of our portal “fitness, bodybuilding in Russian”, in this article we will continue the story about what devices and technical solutions are used to produce special physical training for volleyball players

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