Stenosis of the Outer Leg of the Stomach

Gastric outlet stenosis

Gastric outlet stenosis is a violation of the evacuation of food from the stomach, caused by scarring of the initial part of the duodenal bulb or the pyloric part of the stomach. The causes of stenosis are peptic ulcer, antral cancer, burn, and rarely pyloric hypertrophy. The development of cicatricial stenosis is preceded by a ulcer history of varying duration.

There are compensated, subcompensated and decompensated stages of stenosis. In the compensated stage, symptoms are mild. In the subcompensated stage, pain, vomiting, and weakness appear. In the decompensated stage - daily profuse vomiting, exhaustion, dehydration.

Diagnosis is based on anamnesis, clinical picture, and x-ray examination. Differential diagnosis is carried out with cancerous stenosis and functional stenosis in an ulcer.

Treatment of stenosis is surgical. Pyloroplasty and gastric resection are indicated. Preoperative preparation is aimed at correcting water and electrolyte disturbances. Prevention - timely treatment of peptic ulcer.