Stereotactic Coordinates

Stereotaxy is a method for determining the location of various brain structures based on the use of conventional lines connecting intracerebral landmarks. This method allows you to accurately determine the location of subcortical structures, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and others, which play an important role in the regulation of various body functions.

A stereotaxic examination uses special instruments, such as a stereotaxic gun or a CT scanner, which produces three-dimensional images of the brain. These images are then used to determine the location of intracerebral landmarks, which are used to construct fictitious lines.

One of the main advantages of stereotaxy is its accuracy. It allows you to determine the location of subcortical structures with high accuracy, which can be useful for the treatment of various diseases associated with impaired brain function. In addition, stereotaxy can be used to study the functions of the brain and its interaction with other organs and systems of the body.

However, like any other research method, the stereotactic method has its limitations. For example, it may be inaccurate when used in patients with brain damage or tumors that may affect the location of landmarks. Also, stereotaxy cannot be used to study the functions of the cerebral cortex, which is located on the surface of the brain.

Overall, stereotaxy is an important technique for studying the brain that can help improve our understanding of brain function and help treat various diseases. However, before performing stereotaxy, it is necessary to consider all possible limitations and limitations of this method in order to obtain the most accurate results.

Stereotactic coordination is a concept used in medicine to refer to the coordinate system used to determine the position of points or structures in the brain during neurosurgery operations. This coordinate system allows the surgeon to accurately and safely position the surgeon's instruments in the desired location in the brain without the risk of harming surrounding tissue. The stereotactic coordination method can also be used for other areas, such as radiation procedures.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that the word “coordinate” means a line that connects two points that will be used as “landmarks”. These landmarks must be in strictly fixed places and have a certain orientation in space. In the case of the area of ​​application of the method of stereotaxic coordination, we are talking about an artificial “world” where there is its own “space” and its own “place”. Landmarks are certain places in the brain, such as the hippocampus, thalamus and others.

The method of stereotaxic coordination is based on the localization method. Localization means finding a geometric point in an object using binocular vision (essentially a method