
Subependyma is an intraventricular glioma. In some cases, this tumor is located not quite typically for primary glioma - in the gray mass of the cerebrum, spinal cortex or corpus callosum. This leads to its displacement along the epiconus towards the third ventricle or to damage to the Mozhandie space.

It has its own normal name - subepindymoma. The classification is divided into three categories: II, III and IV. Category II is diagnosed exclusively with intracerebral masses, category III always indicates the presence of a subepindom, and category IV denotes a tumor in the suprasellar region. In each of these three categories, tumors of different cellular structures are represented: monomorphic, oligomorphic and polymorphic. Their number in each specific category is less than in others; there are 5 of them in total. The most common are polymorphic benign formations with astrocytic differentiation. Tumors of this group are observed at almost any age, most often in people from 30 to 60 years old. In children, astrocytomas occupy the first place; they are observed much more often. However, they all have a benign course. Rarely, patients present with fast-growing tumors ranging from 5 to 9 mm. They require immediate surgical treatment, as they can cause a tumor stroke, expressed in a sharp and persistent decrease in intelligence, memory and walking impairment caused by damage to the cerebellum and other structures. The presence of intraventricular formations of any group in older people is a reason for increased attention from a neurosurgeon, since we may be talking about the development of malignant formations. Such situations are very rare, however, they require careful study of such patients and immediate consultation with a neurosurgeon.