Causes of dry heels and cracked heels

Many people face the problem of dry heels. Not only does this phenomenon cause a lot of discomfort, but also the appearance of the legs becomes unattractive. If you want to show off your soft and pink heels, then you need to provide them with gentle care.

Dry heels: cause

Girls love to show off their beautiful legs. On the street, on the beach, in the office, at home - anywhere. However, dry heels can significantly spoil the mood and force beauties to wear closed shoes. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may be the following factors:

  1. wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes
  2. lack of vitamins A and E, which affect the condition of the skin
  3. fungal infections (in this case, in addition to dryness and cracks, there may be a change in skin color)
  4. improper foot care and neglect of personal hygiene rules
  5. disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Should you see a doctor?

Dry heels are a fairly common problem. What to do if the problem does not go away over a long period of time? Of course, consult a doctor. The fact is that if the problem of rough skin cannot be solved with the help of cosmetic procedures, then most likely the reason lies in health problems:

  1. lack of vitamins in the body (both seasonal and chronic)
  2. fungal diseases
  3. problems with the thyroid gland
  4. fungus or herpes
  5. eczema
  6. diabetes mellitus of any type.

If you have any of the above problems, then no cosmetic procedure can cure dry heels and cracked heels. You will have to undergo complex drug treatment.

Softening procedures

Dry heels are a serious problem, but it can be solved. Constant and careful skin care is important. The main thing is that at the first signs of dryness, you need to start intensive therapy, which may include the following procedures:

  1. Regularly pamper your feet with herbal baths. A combination of chamomile, calendula, string and sage helps to cope with dryness and cracks. It is worth noting that such a procedure has not only a softening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect, which will be an additional prevention of fungus.
  2. Sea salt or regular table salt is an effective remedy against cracked and peeling skin on the heels. You need to immerse your feet in a warm, concentrated solution for a quarter of an hour. If dryness has reached a critical level or there are deep cracks, then add milk to the bath.
  3. Red wine has a beneficial effect on the skin. It will not only soften your heels, but also relieve fatigue. For two liters of water you need to take 2 glasses of wine (can be replaced with grape juice). In 20 minutes you won't recognize your heels.

For the effect to be noticeable and lasting, you need to complete the procedures correctly. Feet should be wiped dry and lubricated with moisturizing creams or nourishing oils. You should also wear cotton socks.


Compresses for dry heels

Due to the fact that the load on the feet and heels is quite large, they quickly lose moisture. As a result, the skin cracks and becomes rough. To revive dry heels, you need to regularly make nourishing compresses. The following recipes work best:

  1. Onions will help you remove the top rough layer of skin. It needs to be grated on a fine grater, then mixed with a small amount of honey and milk. Apply the resulting pulp to a bandage or gauze, apply it to the heel and wrap it with polyethylene. Put on thick socks on top and leave the compress on overnight. To eliminate the unpleasant onion smell in the morning, wash your feet well with laundry soap and be sure to apply cream.
  2. Honey is a real salvation for dry skin. They need to lubricate problem areas, cover with plastic and put on warm socks. It is better if the honey compress remains overnight. After you wash your feet in the morning, be sure to apply the cream.
  3. If the skin is not too rough, then a green apple will help you solve the problem. Rub it into a puree, wrap it in a piece of bandage or gauze and apply it to your heels. You need to secure the compress with plastic bags and socks. It's better to leave it overnight.
  4. Perhaps the simplest and most effective is a cabbage compress. You just need to knead a clean sheet in your hands or beat it with a rolling pin and apply it to your heel. Secure the compress with a bandage, and the next morning remove and lubricate your feet with cream.
  5. Celandine is a healing plant that helps to cope with many problems. If you have dry heels, you can make a healing compress at home. Chop a fresh leaf (you can beat it with a rolling pin) and apply it to the problem area. As in previous cases, you need to wrap your feet in polyethylene, put on socks and leave the product on overnight.

Pumice treatment

Many people face the problem of cracked or dry heels. What to do? Of course, treat them with pumice. Even though this is the most popular method, many people make mistakes. For example, it is wrong to treat your heels while taking a shower, or immediately after, while they are heavily steamed. It is better to do this about half an hour before swimming. The effect will be more pronounced if you lubricate your heels with a nourishing cream before treating with pumice.

Dry heels - treatment with pharmaceutical products

In the pharmacy you can find many products that are aimed at solving not only medical, but also cosmetic problems. So, if your heel is dry and cracking, then try using the following medications:

  1. "Five Days" is a nourishing cream with a rich composition, thanks to which your legs will simply be transformed. It has not only nutritional, but also disinfectant properties. Thus, in addition to healing cracks, fungal diseases will also be prevented.
  2. "Sea Wolf" is an effective budget remedy that fights a lot of problems (from the aggressive effects of water, sun or cold to a lack of vitamins and nutrients). The components of the cream promote rapid regeneration, and therefore your heels will be transformed in the shortest possible time.
  3. "Bepanten" is a popular remedy that helps cope with skin problems. Thanks to a component such as lanolin, the epidermis softens and cracks heal quickly.

Proven "grandmother's" remedy

Dry fives and cracked feet are a perennial problem. At the moment, in pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can find a lot of products and devices that help cope with it. What did women do in those days when only ineffective pumice was available? There is one effective recipe.

Buy a bottle of glycerin, as well as vinegar essence. This is all you need to prepare the product. The glycerin container will not be full. You need to add vinegar essence to the neck, close it tightly, and then shake vigorously.

Wash your feet well with laundry soap, steam them in a bath (you can use herbal or salt water) and rub thoroughly with a pedicure brush to remove the top layer of rough skin. Now you need to dry your skin with a towel.

Shake the bottle with glycerin and vinegar essence thoroughly, soak a cotton swab in the liquid and treat all the roughness that is on the feet, paying special attention to the heels. Next, you need to put cellophane bags and thick socks on your feet. It is best to do the procedure at night. But if you decide to do it during the day, then rest assured that the composition will be absorbed into the skin in about 40 minutes. After the procedure, you can lightly rub your heels with pumice, but this is not necessary. Wash your feet with soap and lubricate them with cream.

If your heels are in a bad state, then at first the procedure will have to be carried out daily until the skin returns to normal. After this, once a week will be enough to maintain the effect.

Preventive measures

Dry heels and cracks can cause ladies not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort. Naturally, preventing a problem is much easier than dealing with it later. Preventive measures include the following:

  1. try to wear comfortable shoes, and also use special gel insoles
  2. do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene - wash your feet daily using antibacterial agents
  3. regularly use pumice stones, as well as scrubs (store-bought or homemade)
  4. before going to bed, lubricate clean feet with moisturizing creams or nourishing oils
  5. Periodically take a course of vitamins A and E, and also include foods containing them (carrots, apples, grapes, etc.) in your diet.


Dry skin on the heels, cracks - all this does not add beauty to your feet. Unfortunately, many women do not pay enough attention to this problem, which can lead to quite serious consequences. If you want to be on top in any situation, if you like to wear open shoes, and also if you want to become the queen of the beach, then your feet need regular and high-quality care. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene, monitor your health and nutrition, and regularly pamper your feet with herbal baths and natural peelings.

Many people notice that their heels have very dry skin and don't know what to do if their heels are cracking.

This causes discomfort and sometimes pain when walking.

The causes and treatment methods for dry skin on the heels discussed below will help you deal with this problem.

Reasons why the skin on the heels becomes very dry, rough and cracked

Uncomfortable shoes

This is one of the most common causes of rough feet. If you are familiar with the situation when the shoes of your dreams are a size too small or “very comfortable to fit in,” but you still wear them, then this is your case. When wearing uncomfortable or poor-quality shoes, the load on the feet, and especially the heels, increases.

Low-quality synthetic materials do not allow the skin to breathe. This leads to thickening of the skin and the appearance of corns. The heels become rough and rough to the touch. In advanced cases, cracks form, sometimes very deep, causing pain when walking.

Insufficient care

We are accustomed to paying attention first of all to our face, hands, then our body, and, last but not least, our feet - mainly our fingers and nails. Heels are often left without proper care. Few people apply sunscreen to them on the beach few people think about their condition in open shoes in hot or windy weather. In the end, We are used to applying care products to our face and hands every night before going to bed, but much less often to our feet.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

The skin of our entire body experiences the consequences of vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency and a lack of various microelements. Because of this, skin problems can occur seasonally or constantly if the body does not receive any vitamin therapy.

Some diseases

Dry skin can primarily be caused by many dermatological diseases. And at the top of the list of these diseases is a fungus. It is followed by eczema, dermatitis, and allergic reactions. All of them are accompanied by additional severe peeling, deep cracks, itching, and blisters. If they are present, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist.

Hormonal diseases, pregnancy and menopause, diabetes mellitus dry out the skin of the feet.

IMPORTANT! Diabetics are advised to take extreme care of the skin of their feet due to the risk of developing diabetic foot.

Basic care recommendations

Heel care should begin with cleansing.. For this, it is good to use various baths, but you can limit yourself to a regular bath or shower. The stratum corneum of the skin should be removed regularly with a brush or pumice stone. It’s good to use a scrub several times a month.

You can use any creams to moisturize., available in large quantities on store shelves. If you are a supporter of natural care products, you can replace them with vegetable oil (olive, almond and others) or vitamins A and E in capsules.

The third link in the care chain is nutrition. You won’t have to look for long for nourishing creams and balms either. But it should be emphasized that it is also important to balance the diet, because vitamins and nutrients must enter the body with food. It is recommended to include fish, vegetable oils, and nuts in the diet.

It is recommended to apply the cream to the skin of the feet daily before bed.

How to get rid of dry skin on your heels?

You can turn to folk remedies, medications and salon services. Let's take a closer look at them.

Folk remedies


Steam baths are one of the most effective treatment methods. With very rough skin, they can be done daily, and when the heels return to normal, once a week will be enough.

Bath recipes

  1. Saline. Dissolve 50 g of salt in hot water (both sea salt and regular table salt are suitable). Keep your feet in the bath for 15 minutes, and then gently treat them with pumice.
  2. Herbal. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of dried herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage, string - into a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then add water and heat it up a little. You need to take a bath for 20-25 minutes. This recipe is good for painful cracks. The aroma of dry herbs additionally has a relaxing effect.
  3. Wine. Mix 0.5 liters of red wine or grape juice with two liters of hot water (40-45 degrees). Keep your feet in the solution for 20 minutes. This bath softens the skin and restores strength.


This is also a very effective method of treating dry heels. Compresses can be easily prepared at home, and the result will be soft, well-groomed feet.

Compress recipes

  1. With hydrogen peroxide. Mix peroxide with warm water in a ratio of 1:5. Soak gauze with the resulting solution and apply it to the feet, wrapped in cellophane. Keep the compress for 2 hours, then apply nourishing cream to the heels.
  2. Onion. Grind the onion to a pulp and mix with 1 tbsp. milk. Spread the mixture over problem areas and wrap with cling film. Put socks on top and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the compress and lubricate your heels with cream.
  3. Cabbage-honey. It is recommended to do it after a bath. Apply honey to the heels, cover with cabbage leaves, wrap with cling film and leave overnight. In the morning, wash your feet with warm water.
  4. Oil. One of the best softening oils for heels is olive oil. It should be applied to the heels and rubbed in a little. Put on cotton socks and leave overnight.


Scrubs and peels prepared independently will help get rid of dead cells. The effect of the scrubs will be enhanced if you first soak your feet in the bath.

Scrub recipes

Sugar. To one small cup of tea (medium brew) add 3 tbsp sugar, 2 tsp. coconut oil, juice of half a lemon. Stir quickly so that the sugar does not dissolve. Apply to the heels and rub the mixture with massage movements for several minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Rice. 1 tbsp. Grind the rice (not very finely). Mix with 1 tbsp. almond oil, honey and apple cider vinegar. Treat the steamed skin with the resulting mixture, rinse and apply cream. Coffee. 1 tsp ground coffee, 1 tsp. salt mixed with 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Apply the scrub after the bath using massage movements. Rinse off with warm water.

IMPORTANT! This product should not be abused by those with white skin - coffee gives it a tan tint.

Foot masks

Masks for the skin of the feet are as effective as for the face. But rarely anyone makes them, since they are not so popular.


1 egg yolk, ½ tsp. starch, 1 tsp. Mix lemon juice until smooth. Apply to the skin of the heels after the bath and leave until dry. Then rinse and apply moisturizer.


Dilute blue, white or pink clay with milk or water until it becomes liquid sour cream. Apply to prepared feet and leave until dry. Rinse with warm water, apply emollient cream.


Mix honey and cottage cheese in equal proportions to a paste. Apply to feet for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your feet with film and put on warm socks. Rinse off with warm water.


Modern clinics provide patients with the service of hardware pedicure - this is not a decorative decoration of nails, as we are accustomed to understanding, but the treatment of feet and nails with a special device. During this procedure, the specialist removes corns, the skin becomes soft and smooth. Some beauty salons (where there is a cosmetologist) also perform the same procedure.

Pharmacies offer a wide range of different foot skin care products: creams, ointments, sprays. The “Sea Wolf” anti-crack cream, which is made from natural ingredients, is very popular. It is also good at fighting inflammation. For cracks and severe peeling Bepanten or Panthenol cream and ointment help well. The healing and softening effect is visible after just a few uses, making this product well suited for treating fresh calluses.


Treating heels with pumice stone has already become a classic means of caring for heels. Before this procedure, the heels need to be steamed well.

ATTENTION! Rub the skin with a pumice stone in one direction.

It is best to use natural pumice of medium porosity. But if your skin is very dry, you can treat your heels with a fine-pored stone.

Salon treatments

Pedicure is one of the most popular services in beauty salons. A hardware pedicure gives very good results, but an experienced specialist can achieve ideal smoothness of the skin manually. In addition to pedicures, massage services, peelings, masks and other SPA treatments can be provided.

IMPORTANT! The salon may refuse to provide services if there is a fungus on your feet. If you suspect a fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist.


Only proper care and respect for your legs will ensure their decent appearance. It is enough to follow only a number of simple rules to forget about the problem of dry heels:

  1. choose quality shoes in your size
  2. Carry out regular foot care: treat with pumice and take baths once every 1-2 weeks and apply cream daily
  3. Make sure you have enough vitamins, minerals and amino acids in your diet.

Dry foot skin and cracked heels are a very common problem, but they are quite easy to get rid of with a little effort. If you want your heels to always look perfect, use simple recipes several times a month, and you won’t even remember about dry heels.

The problem of dry skin and cracked heels bothers many people. The causes and treatment of this disease depend on many factors. Cracks often cause pain when walking, especially when they are deep, and cracked heels have an unaesthetic appearance.

Causes of cracked heels

Among the reasons for the manifestation of cracking of the skin of the heels, the following are noted:

  1. improper care
  2. fungal infection
  3. uncomfortable, low-quality shoes
  4. overweight
  5. poor nutrition
  6. lack of vitamins, microelements
  7. hormonal disbalance
  8. disease of the endocrine system, digestive tract
  9. the presence of parasites in the body
  10. foot injury
  11. high heels
  12. other diseases


Even if dry feet and heels do not yet cause pain, this problem begins to bother many women at the beginning of the beach season.

To eliminate dryness and cracks, you should find out the main causes of the phenomenon and begin to eliminate them comprehensively. Most often, roughness and roughness of the skin is caused by dryness of the epidermis.

Doctors noted the main causes of cracking feet:

  1. insufficient intake of healthy fats and poor vitamin reserves (especially lack of vitamins A, E) provoke cracking of the skin on the heels
  2. hidden diseases, pathological, chronic exacerbations, common reasons for treating cracked heels
  3. diabetes mellitus, failure of the thyroid gland to produce hormones
  4. synthetic clothing, tight shoes (steaming feet) improper hygiene lead to fungal diseases that are difficult to say goodbye to
  5. using pumice (it’s better to switch to moisturizing baths with oils).


In order for the treatment of dry heels to be effective, it is necessary to establish the causes of this problem.

Drug treatment for cracked skin on heels

Today, there are a large number of treatment methods for heel cracks and dry feet. In each case, people choose a more acceptable drug or method for themselves.

Healing foot cream against cracked skin


Cream “Healing” contains active ingredients: walnut oil, plantain extract.

If we take into account the reviews, they talk about the good effect of the product on small cracks, since The cream moisturizes well, but with more serious problems of advanced stages, its use is useless.

The product can be found in the series of skin care products from the Green Pharmacy brand.

Foot cream Healing cracks. Feet care


Cream remedy “Healing cracks. Foot care" is produced by the brand "Green Pharmacy".

Thanks to the enhanced complex containing active, natural components, it is able to moisturize, saturate, soften and revitalize the keratinized epidermis of the heels with moisture.

The cream promotes disinfection, relieves inflammation, and heals injured areas on the heels. Effectively tones, soothes and refreshes feet.

The product is intended for application to the feet and heels before bedtime. Suitable for all skin types for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections, dryness and cracks.

Pine cream for cracked heels Allga San

Cracked skin on the heels: causes and treatment - Allga San cream can help
Compound Action
Mountain pine (oil) Softens
Allantoin Renews and stimulates the epidermis
Turpentine Improves blood flow
Bisabolol Relieves inflammation

Result: increased firmness with elasticity, moisturized top layer of skin, high regeneration.

Cream Zorka


Initially, the product was intended for treating the udder of cows and other milk-producing animals. After identifying beneficial properties for human skin, the drug is widely used for cosmetic purposes for people.

The activity of the cream is noted thanks to the Floralizin included in the composition. This is a complex of unique biological substances with high efficiency. Thanks to these substances, microcirculation of blood flow in the epidermis is enhanced and its composition is enriched.

The composition also contains petroleum jelly, which is known for its softening properties. Both components promote rapid healing of cracked heels.

Ointment "Radevit"

This ointment is used in therapeutic therapy for dermatitis, burns, and eczema. High efficiency has been noted in the treatment of heel cracks.

Radevit contains a vitamin complex, namely vitamins D2, E, A, this indicates the ability of the drug to treat vitamin deficiency pathologies of the skin. The drug deservedly has positive reviews with an appropriate price.


When the skin on the heels cracks, only baths and compresses will not be enough. Be sure to lubricate your feet with an emollient cream.

Gel Schoil

A highly effective product that restores cracked heel skin with a softening, moisturizing and healing effect. Helps prevent infections and fungi on the skin of the feet.

Gel BioAstin


This gel is based on Hematoccocus algae, which contain healing substances - astaxanthin.

These algae feed with Omega 3, Omega 6 fatty acids, amino acids, monoacids, polyacids, as well as vitamins B, C, and microelements.

The effectiveness of this product is noted as an antifungal, healing gel.

After using it, cracks and wounds disappear, sweating and peeling disappear, the unpleasant aroma and itchy symptoms are eliminated.

Ointments and creams containing antibiotics (erythromycin ointment, levomikol, benamycin and syntomycin)

The use of ointments and creams containing antibiotics helps to avoid infections, especially with deep wounds on the heels.

Broad-spectrum antifungals: Termicon, Nizoral, Lamisil


Thermikon cream will help treat cracked heels and dry feet. Most often, it is fungus and vitamin deficiency that become the main causes of foot skin disease.

Thermikon medicine actively fights fungal infections, therefore it is recommended for topical application. The drug has active substances with a wide spectrum of action.


Relieves discomfort, unpleasant symptoms, and destroys focal lesions. Thanks to Thermikon, complex symptoms caused by fungal infections are eliminated its action completely stops the proliferation of fungal infections, neutralizing fungi at the cellular level.

The drug actively fights yeast and mold fungi. It is recommended to use for fungal infections for the purpose of therapeutic treatment of skin infections of the legs and other parts of the body, eliminates diaper rash, even lichen.


Nizoral cream is justified by its high rates of effectiveness in the treatment of fungal infections and lichen. Recommended for use once a day, the course of therapy is most often 15-30 days. The drug has no serious contraindications.


The product in question is in wide demand for the treatment of fungi. Intended for the treatment of fungal diseases, the course of therapy is designed for 7-14 days with twice daily use.


Physiotherapeutic treatment using grinder and lamp

The skin on the heels is cracking: causes and treatment in beauty salons - in cosmetology there is a physiotherapeutic salon method for treating feet. The procedure is carried out using a grinding machine and an infrared lamp.


The proposed procedure gets rid of rough layers of skin that cause cracks, softening the feet. Frequency of sessions reduces the risk of cracked heels. An infrared lamp enhances tissue trophism and starts the process of collagen production.

Important! Treatment with infrared lamp procedures for cracked skin on the heels is prohibited for some people due to varicose veins.

Folk remedies for cracked heels

With time and proper attention, cracked heels can be treated at home on your own.

Baths (from medicinal herbs, baking soda, laundry soap, boric acid)


  1. Medicinal herbs. Herbal baths heal wounds and relieve inflammation. For them I use chamomile, sage, string, St. John's wort, calendula. It is enough to take 5 tbsp. l. any selected herb, add boiled water (2 liters), leave for half an hour, the bath is ready.
  2. Baking soda to combat dry and cracked heels. In 2 liters of water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda, after the procedure, you should clean your feet with pumice and apply an emollient.
  3. Laundry soap. In a container with hot water, add 2 tbsp. l. crushed soap (grate).
  4. Boric acid. Add 2 tbsp to a bowl of hot water. l. powder, after thorough stirring the bath is ready for use.

You can steam your feet in the baths every day the procedure takes a quarter of an hour, after which the feet are wiped dry.

Oil lotions (olive, castor, almond)

Night lotions made from olive oil, almond oil, and sea buckthorn oil perfectly heal cracked heels. Castor oil has the same effect.

For treatment, you need to apply the oil to a cotton cloth, apply it to the affected area, cover with cling film, and put on socks. After half an hour, wash off.

Step-by-step recipes for making homemade compresses

Problem heels create a feeling of fatigue, cracked heels cause painful discomfort while walking, feet smell unpleasant, calluses and spurs form.

The cause of dryness may be a fungus that requires effective treatment. There are homemade compresses for treating feet. Here are some of the most popular recipes.


Honey compress

A compress of honey is applied before bed, rinsed with water in the morning, a moisturizer is applied, and the cracks are sealed with a band-aid.

Lotion: butter, marshmallow, burdock root

2 tablespoons of chopped marshmallow, half a glass of finely chopped burdock root, 3/4 cup of butter. The butter is melted, prepared raw materials from burdock and marshmallow roots are added to it, and boiled for 6 minutes.


Ground marshmallow root

After cooling, the mixture is stored in the refrigerator, you need to lubricate your heels before going to bed, put socks on top. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.

Olive oil, vinegar and yolk

The yolk of one chicken egg is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. vinegar. The mass will have a sour cream consistency. Apply to the affected areas, cover with a bag, then with a sock, the course of therapy is three procedures.

If such lotions are applied after medicinal baths for 5 days, the heels will become soft, pink, healthy-looking, and cracks will disappear.

Vinegar with glycerin

By 3 tbsp. l. glycerin, add 1 tsp. vinegar. Apply compresses from a bandage soaked in the prepared potion, on top of polyethylene and a sock. Apply the lotion before going to bed and wash it off in the morning.


Resin and mumiyo

Therapeutic ointment for lotions is prepared as follows: Heat the butter in an enamel bowl (200 ml when heated), remove the foam, leave the pure yellow product without additives, discard the impurities.

Add 5 g mummy, 2 tbsp. oleoresin (ground, can be frozen), put on fire. Remove without bringing to a boil (85 degrees). After cooling, strain through 3 layers of gauze. Lotions with this remedy should be applied before going to bed, the course of therapy should continue until healing.

Cabbage mush

Thanks to cabbage pulp, you can cure even the most neglected feet in a week.

Grind the cabbage leaves in a food processor or pass through a large mesh meat grinder, add honey to the resulting pulp, mix, moisten the prepared gauze pads, and apply to sore heels. Cover with cling film, then put on cotton socks, do not remove the compress until the morning.

Positive reviews from people indicate the high effectiveness and healing properties of the compress for cracked heels, due to dry skin, this treatment should be carried out as needed.

There are many recipes for cracks with onions, here is the simplest one. Wash your feet well, make a bath, prepare one large onion, cut in half.


Divide the half of the onion into petals, remove the film from the inside, apply to the heels, wrap with cling film, hold for 3-4 hours. After freeing the feet from the compress, remove the softened rough skin, wash the feet, and apply an emollient.

Apple vinegar

Mix apple cider vinegar with water in equal parts, soak thin cotton socks in the resulting solution (do not twist too much), put them on your feet, wrap them in cling film, and put dry socks on top.

In the morning, remove the compress, remove loose skin, wash your feet with water and lubricate with an emollient or oil. This is the fastest way to get your heels in order.

The feet need regular hygiene and proper care, then you won’t have to suffer with unpleasant cracks, and your feet will always look well-groomed.

The skin on the heels is cracking. Recipe for an effective treatment cream:

Causes and treatment of dry skin on feet and heels: