Lateral Anterior Anterior Malleoligament

The Anterior Lateral Malleolar Ligament (ALML) is one of the ankle ligaments that connects the lateral process of the tibia to the lateral process of the talus. It plays an important role in stabilizing the joint and preventing dislocations.

The lateral malleolus anterior ligament runs along the anterior edge of the lateral process of the tibia and attaches to the lateral process of the talus, passing through the articular surface between them. Thus, it provides stability to the joint and prevents dislocations, especially when the foot flexes laterally.

Normally, the ligament of the lateral ankle of the anterior is in a stretched state and does not cause problems. However, if the ligament is injured or damaged, pain, swelling, difficulty walking, and even dislocation may occur. In such cases, consultation with a doctor and treatment is necessary, which may include conservative methods (physiotherapy, massage, compresses) or surgery.

It is important to remember that the lateral ankle ligament is very important for the normal functioning of the joint, so it is necessary to take care of its health and protect yourself from injury. If you experience pain or difficulty moving in the ankle area, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The lateral malleolus anterior ligament is a strong fibrous formation that is located between the thin circle of flexor tendons and the talus bone. It helps maintain a strong foot and absorb shock to the foot when walking or running. Without this ligament bones and ligament lo