Serum Polyvalent

Serum polyvalent

Polyvalent serum is a drug that contains antibodies to several viruses or bacteria. It is used to treat and prevent viral infections such as influenza, hepatitis, HIV, etc.

Polyvalent serums were developed in the 1950s and have since become one of the most effective tools for combating infectious diseases. They contain antibodies that recognize and neutralize viruses or bacteria.

In the production of polyvalent serum, various methods are used, such as immunizing animals, obtaining antibodies from human blood, or using genetically modified bacteria. These antibodies are then purified and concentrated to produce a highly concentrated drug.

Depending on the type of infection for which polyvalent serum is used, it may contain antibodies to different viruses or bacteria. For example, to treat influenza, sera containing antibodies to the influenza virus are used, and to combat hepatitis, sera containing antibodies against hepatitis are used.

To prevent infections caused by viruses or bacteria, polyvalent serum can be used in the form of injections or in the form of a nasal spray.

Despite the fact that polyvalent serum is an effective remedy for combating viral infections, it has a number of limitations and side effects. For example, it may cause allergic reactions in some people and may also interact with other medications. Therefore, before using polyvalent serum, you should consult your doctor.

Thus, polyvalent serum is an effective and safe drug for combating various viral infections. However, before using it, you must consult a specialist and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Polyvalent serum is an immunological preparation that contains antibodies to several viruses. It is used to treat and prevent viral infections such as influenza, hepatitis B and C, HIV, etc.

Polyvalent serum is made from the blood of donors who have been vaccinated against several viruses. Antibodies are then isolated from this blood, which are then purified and concentrated. The resulting drug contains antibodies to various viruses, which makes it universal and effective in combating various infections.

The use of polyvalent serum reduces the risk of infection with viruses and speeds up the healing process. It can be used either alone or in combination with other drugs.

However, it must be remembered that polyvalent serum has its contraindications and can cause side effects, so you should consult your doctor before using it.