Parainfluenza Sera Types 1, 2, 3 Diagnostic

Serum, Parainfluenza types 1 and 2 diagnostics

For the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, “Parainfluenza” serum, drugs of the 1st and 2nd types, which include antibodies to parainfluenza viruses, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus, are used. Therefore, they are actively used for influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and viral complications (bronchitis and pneumonia). The drug is also used during the rehabilitation period after pneumonia and resuscitation. Both forms of drugs are freely produced in the Russian Federation and have permits from Roszdravnadzor; subject to quality control. Systematic use of the drug on a large scale makes it possible to prevent epidemics in a timely manner. Serum “Paragryposis” is produced in various dosages and concentrations and has a wide range of indications.

In medical practice, the diagnosis of viral lesions of the bronchi, lungs and larynx is used. The diagnosis is based on the determination of specific antigen markers. This is done when the infectious agent has already entered the blood, as well as when registering children over 3 years old for influenza. Serum analysis to identify parasites is carried out when obtaining information about the disease in a patient by contacting a doctor (generalist, pediatrician, ENT specialist, pulmonologist): symptoms can indicate not only a cold, but also a viral infection. It is possible to conduct the study regardless of the time of year, but it should be taken into account that in damp weather the carriage of viruses is more pronounced, and sometimes symptoms occur without the addition of a bacterial infection. Vaccination of children, if a reaction dangerous to health is detected, is carried out 3 months before the start of epidemic outbreaks, and for adults - six months or earlier. During outbreaks, vaccination covers those who, due to their duty or military service, perform public functions, come into contact with a large number of people, etc.