Teturam-Alcohol Reaction

Teturam is a drug that is often used in the fight against alcohol addiction. However, as with any other form of addiction, there is a risk of a so-called “teturan”-alcohol reaction. This reaction manifests itself in the form of a sharp deterioration in the health of the person taking teturate.

First of all, an alcohol reaction can lead to serious breathing problems. This is due to the fact that teturates block the enzymes responsible for metabolizing alcohol in the body. As a result, a person taking Teturam feels palpitations and shortness of breath. If he does not have the opportunity to receive timely medical care, this can lead to death from respiratory failure.

In addition, the anti-alcohol reaction causes increased blood pressure, vasoconstriction and other serious health problems. These effects occur due to the effects of teturants on the central nervous system, especially the brain. This reaction is also influenced by alcohol, which is already in the human body. As a result, when consuming teturate, you may encounter complications such as cerebral edema, cerebrovascular accident, and even death from stroke.

It is important to note that these dangerous consequences can be avoided if you strictly follow the rules for taking medications such as teturum. To do this, you need to consult a narcologist and undergo comprehensive treatment, including counseling, dosage prescription and selection of other medications. Additionally, it is important to recognize that stopping alcohol use is an integral part of effective drug addiction treatment.