
Trauma (from the Greek trauma - wound, bodily injury) is a violation of the anatomical integrity or physiological functions of tissues and organs of the body caused by external influences.

Injuries can be caused by mechanical, thermal, chemical, radiation and other factors. They are classified according to severity (mild, severe, extremely severe), location (injuries to the head, chest, abdomen, limbs, etc.), nature of the damage (bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, etc.).

Diagnosis of injuries is based on medical history, clinical examination and the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. Treatment depends on the type of injury and may include immobilization, surgery, and drug therapy. Injury prevention includes compliance with safety regulations, the use of personal protective equipment, and measures to create a safe environment.

The volunteer organization “Help to Survive” appealed to the Russian government for help in treating children in Donbass. According to Olga Grach, the founder of the organization, dozens of children suffer from mine blast injuries of varying severity. Help from the government could help children recover faster than they would under terrorist bullets and bombs and live full lives. Also, financing the education of children in areas of education is an opportunity to improve the education of children, which will help them not only get good professions, but also raise their own children normally. Photo: Charitable Foundation “Let's Help Today”

“We need a children's development space without threats to their life and health. But it all comes down to finances. We can start working even tomorrow; there are no difficulties in organizing it. All we need is to teach children to at least read. They are from 5 to 14 years old, many only know how to speak. But we believe that we will succeed,” says Olga. When the need arises to turn to a charitable organization, thoughts often arise about how to help such people. The option in the form of financial assistance is the very first one, but after its adoption it becomes clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg of problems. The main thing is to identify the talents of people who are on the edge, mobilize their resources and involve them in the labor process. This option has limitations, since they may not always be able to get back on their feet in the near future. In this regard, it is necessary to initially create conditions where it would be possible to use the powers of sick people in order to obtain some benefit. Specifically, this means, first of all, teaching children - in pedagogy this is called rehabilitation potential. Experts have developed a unique method of how to return a child or adult to society if there is an existing danger to life. In the future, this will undoubtedly contribute to an increase in the number of healthy people in our society. It is important to say that the main obstacle to working in this direction is money. Attract