Treatment of bronchitis: five tips from a family doctor

Every day it gets colder, the threat of viral diseases and their complications is growing. We will talk about bronchitis because the initial symptoms of the disease are similar to those of some other respiratory diseases. These are headaches, cough, fever, fatigue. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, so at the first signs of discomfort you should consult a doctor.

He will prescribe the treatment that is most suitable for you. But there are several general recommendations that Elena Sokolovskaya, a family doctor at the Ilaya medical company, shares:

  1. There is a good rule: “If you are sick, stay home.” You should not be a hero and go to work despite your illness, because in this case serious complications may arise. The body needs time to heal and recover. Therefore, it is very important to observe bed rest, or, in extreme cases, semi-bed rest.

  2. The room in which the patient is located must be regularly ventilated and kept clean. The humidity in the room should be approximately 50-70%, as this helps cleanse the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But heat is not the best ally in the fight against disease. It is ideal to maintain the room temperature at +20-22°C.

  3. Bronchitis most often occurs as a result of complications after acute respiratory viral infection when a bacterial infection is added. It can be either viral or bacterial. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics for the patient for 5-7 days, and will determine additional medications depending on the symptoms and general condition of the patient.

  4. A wet cough and sputum are frequent companions of bronchitis. In this case, it is recommended to take expectorants - of herbal or chemical origin. A range of such drugs is widely available in pharmacies.

  5. As for nutrition, you should take more foods containing vitamin C. After the temperature subsides, it is recommended to do inhalations and do breathing exercises to develop the respiratory tract. You can also inflate balloons for this purpose. To stimulate phlegm, a special therapeutic massage is recommended, but only performed by a professional.

Source: I WANT (based on materials from the Ilaya press service)