Motion sickness

Motion sickness is a disorder caused by the movement of a vehicle such as a ship, plane, car or other vehicle. It is also known as motion sickness, motion sickness or air sickness.

Symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, weakness and general malaise. These symptoms are usually worse when sailing on a boat or ship in rough seas. The same thing can happen on an airplane during turbulence. The movement of a vehicle disrupts the normal functioning of the vestibular system - the part of the inner ear responsible for balance and orientation. This causes symptoms of motion sickness.

Some people are more susceptible to motion sickness than others. Women are more likely to suffer from it than men. Children are also more susceptible to motion sickness. There are various methods to prevent and relieve symptoms, including taking anti-nausea medications, fixating your gaze on the horizon, and choosing a seat in the center of the vehicle where traffic is less noticeable.

Motion sickness is a physiological disorder characterized by impaired motility of the stomach, intestines and pharynx, resulting in discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen.

Motion sickness can occur under various conditions, such as long trips, airplanes, ships, cars, merry-go-rounds, tower cranes, etc. Typically, motion sickness is associated with sudden movements that cause acceleration or deceleration in the horizontal and vertical plane.

Symptoms of motion sickness can range from mild to severe, including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and sometimes even cramps and headaches. Symptoms of motion sickness usually begin immediately after movement begins, last from a few minutes to several hours, and then go away.

The causes of motion sickness are not fully understood, but research suggests that the condition may be associated with several factors, such as low sensitivity of the vestibular nerve, low blood pressure, nervous system dysfunction and heredity.

Treatment for motion sickness includes the use of certain medications that have antiemetic properties, such as metoclopromide, atropine, and dimenhydrinate, as well as lifestyle changes such as drinking enough water and reducing stress levels. However, if treatment does not help, you can try various relaxation and therapy methods such as yoga, meditation and massage.

It is important to note that motion sickness can occur in anyone and is especially dangerous for children and the elderly, as the condition requires immediate medical attention when symptoms appear. It is also important to remember that not all motion sickness is caused by movement. Some people have a strong sensitivity to changes in temperature and pressure, which can cause motion sickness in a wide range of circumstances.