
Unithiol-Ferein: Russian antidote for poisoning

Unithiol-Ferein, also known by the international name Dimercaprol, is a drug produced in Russia. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of antidotes and is used in cases of poisoning with various toxic substances. Unithiol-Ferein is produced by Bryntsalov-A and is presented in the form of a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

The active substance of the drug is dimercaprol. This component has the ability to form stable complexes with various heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, gold, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel, bismuth and antimony. Unithiol-Ferein can also be used to treat intoxication with cardiac glycosides, hepatocerebral degeneration (Wilson-Konovalov disease), diabetic polyneuropathy and chronic alcoholism.

However, before using Unithiol-Ferein, contraindications must be taken into account. The drug is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in the presence of severe liver disease and hypertension.

Some side effects may occur when using Unithiol-Ferein, such as nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, hypertension, dizziness and anxiety. The interaction of the drug with other drugs also requires special attention. Unithiol-Ferein is pharmaceutically incompatible with drugs containing heavy metals and alkalis, as it quickly decomposes in their presence.

In case of an overdose of Unithiol-Ferein, symptoms such as shortness of breath, hyperkinesis, lethargy, lethargy, stupor and short-term convulsions may occur. In such situations, gastric lavage, activated charcoal and laxatives are recommended.

It is important to note that in case of acute poisoning, Unithiol-Ferein should be used in combination with other therapeutic measures, such as gastric lavage, glucose administration and oxygen inhalation.

Information about the drug Unithiol-Ferein is based on data from the 2005 Encyclopedia of Medicines and the reference book “Medicines” by M.A. Klyuev. 2001. When using the drug, it is recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional and familiarize yourself with the latest instructions for use and safety.

It is important to note that the information I have provided is based on my knowledge as of September 2021. It is recommended that you consult current sources of information or consult a medical professional for information about the current status and use of Unithiol-Ferein.