Van-Bogarta-Oze Syndrome

Van Bogaert-Ose syndrome is a rare genetic disease that is characterized by pathological changes in several genes, leading to the development of various symptoms. This syndrome was named after the two scientists who first described it at the beginning of the 20th century - Louis Van Bogar and José Ozu.

Symptoms of the syndromes can manifest in varying degrees and range from mild discomfort to severe disability. Patients often experience the following symptoms:

1. Loss of sensitivity: loss of sensation of temperature and pain perception by the skin. 2. Discomfort: pain, discomfort in the stomach, back, head, fatigue and weakness.

Van Bogart Oese syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that manifests itself as recurrent muscle spasms, predominantly in the upper extremities. The syndrome is named for two scientists who described its symptoms and causes in the mid-20th century.

Symptoms of the syndrome go through three phases: