
Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - Antihypertensives - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

Manufacturers - Veropharm (Russia)
International name - Perindopril
Synonyms - Coverex, Perlicor, Prestarium
Dosage forms - 4 mg tablets
Composition - Active substance - Perindopril.
Indications for use - Arterial hypertension, incl. renovascular, chronic heart failure.
Contraindications - Hypersensitivity, history of angioedema, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood (safety and effectiveness have not been determined). The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.
Side effects - From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): arterial hypotension, chest pain, anemia, increased hemoglobin levels (at the beginning of treatment), leukemia/neutropenia, thrombocytopenia. From the nervous system and sensory organs: weakness , asthenia, headache, dizziness, mood and/or sleep disturbances, paresthesia, convulsions. From the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, taste disturbance, stomatitis, dyspepsia. From the skin: rash, alopecia. Others: dry cough, allergic reactions, angioedema, impaired renal function, increased levels of potassium, creatinine, urea in the blood, impotence
Interaction - Hypotension is enhanced (additive effect) by other antihypertensive drugs, incl. beta-blockers with significant systemic absorption from ophthalmic dosage forms, diuretics, imipramine antidepressants, antipsychotics, alcohol; weaken - estrogens, NSAIDs, sympathomimetics. Cyclosporine, potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium-containing drugs, potassium supplements, and salt substitutes increase the risk of hyperkalemia. Potentiates the hypoglycemic effect of oral antidiabetic drugs (dose adjustment of the latter is necessary), the hypotensive effect of some general anesthetics and muscle relaxants; reduces hypokalemia and hyperaldosteronism induced by diuretics; increases the concentration of lithium and the toxic effect of lithium. When used simultaneously with NSAIDs, the risk of renal dysfunction increases, with myelosuppressants, interferon - neutropenia and/or agranulocytosis with a fatal outcome. Antacids and tetracyclines reduce the speed and completeness of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.
Overdose - Symptoms: acute arterial hypotension, Quincke's edema. Treatment: dose reduction or complete withdrawal of the drug; gastric lavage, measures to increase blood volume (introduction of saline and other blood-substituting fluids), symptomatic
Special instructions - An assessment of the risk-benefit ratio is necessary in the following cases: severe autoimmune diseases, aortic or mitral stenosis, constrictive pericarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with hemodynamic disturbances, the presence of obstructive changes that impede the outflow of blood from the heart, bilateral renal artery stenosis or stenosis of the artery of a single kidney , presence of a transplanted kidney; obliterating atherosclerosis: arteries of the lower extremities, widespread with damage to the coronary and carotid arteries; moderate renal failure, hyperkalemia (from 5 to 5.5 mmol/l), hyponatremia or sodium restriction in the diet, dehydration, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, general anesthesia and surgical interventions. Treatment is carried out under regular medical supervision. In patients receiving diuretics, they should be discontinued 3 days before starting treatment with perindopril, and in case of chronic heart failure, the dose should be reduced (to reduce the risk of developing symptomatic hypotension). During therapy it is necessary to monitor blood pressure