Vision During Pregnancy

their pregnancies and others.

One of the most common vision changes during pregnancy is deterioration in visual acuity. This may be due to changes in the internal pressure of the eye, changes in the curvature of the cornea, and changes in the refraction of the eye. In addition, pregnant women may experience a decrease in the sensitivity of the visual analyzer, which can lead to a decrease in color discrimination and impaired contrast perception.

However, vision changes during pregnancy are not always pathological. For example, some women may experience a temporary improvement in vision due to changes in hormonal levels. This can be useful when choosing spectacle correction, which can only be prescribed if the refraction of the eye is stable.

In addition, pregnant women may experience increased intraocular pressure, which can lead to the development of glaucoma. Therefore, it is important to regularly monitor eye pressure, especially in women with a predisposition to glaucoma.

Many studies confirm the connection between pregnancy and myopia. However, scientists have different opinions about whether high myopia is a contraindication for pregnancy and natural childbirth. It is important to note that each case must be assessed individually, taking into account all the factors and characteristics of the woman’s health.

Thus, changes in vision during pregnancy can have serious consequences for the health of both mother and child. Therefore, regular monitoring of the organ of vision and timely treatment of eye diseases are important measures to maintain the health of a pregnant woman and her child.