Vitamin C for age spots

Many people know about the beneficial properties of vitamin C, but not everyone knows what it contains. For many years, vitamin C has been used for age spots, and it is taken in lemon. Since childhood, we have been familiar with the taste of tea with the addition of its juice, and it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Thanks to this citrus fruit, you no longer need to buy expensive whitening creams and masks, and you also don’t need to use cosmetic procedures, because it can effectively whiten and cleanse your skin.

Body pigments, vitamin C, indications and contraindications

The spectrum of action of lemon-based masks is quite high, and all thanks to its unique composition. If you follow certain rules, the effect on the skin will bring maximum effect:

  1. If you have very oily skin, you can get rid of this shine.
  2. Normal skin will be cleansed of various impurities.
  3. If there are pigments on the skin, vitamin C can whiten it, give it tone and firmness.

Despite such versatility, lemon-based masks also have some contraindications, and the whole point is in the high concentration of certain substances. If lemon is used incorrectly, you can get severe irritation. That is why cosmetologists have identified a number of contraindications, in the presence of which citrus should never be used for pigmentation:

  1. You have an individual intolerance.
  2. The capillaries are located very close to the surface of the skin, otherwise it can be called rosacea.
  3. There are wounds, scratches or stitches on the skin.
  4. Inflammatory processes on the skin, for example, acne, boils, etc.
  5. Malignant tumors.

If you use vitamin C against age spots, you can do this only in diluted form. There are also certain rules for preparing masks and other products, which we will consider below.

How to prepare vitamin C-based cosmetics

Lemon against age spots It must be used correctly, because the concentration of vitamin C in it is very high. In order for such miraculous masks to really help, they must initially be prepared correctly, and then applied correctly. So, you need to prepare masks and scrubs as follows:

  1. The pulp or peel of the lemon must first be ground in a blender. Squeeze the juice by hand; never buy it from the store.
  2. Before using the juice to prepare masks, it must be diluted with water.
  3. If the recipe calls for adding oil, it is best to use olive or natural oil.
  4. It is recommended to preheat any additional ingredients in a water bath.
  5. If you need water, then take filtered or mineral water, but without gas.

The prepared product must be used immediately after it has been prepared. The thing is that the beneficial properties of masks are quickly lost and they become simply useless. You can't even store them in the refrigerator.

You also need to prepare lemon-based cosmetics correctly and follow some recommendations. So, stick to the following rules:

  1. You must first conduct a sensitivity test; to do this, lubricate your wrist with a cosmetic product. If there is no reaction, you can safely use it.
  2. Before applying the masks, you need to open the pores, for this you can use a steam bath, and it is better to add herbs to it - chamomile, string, etc.
  3. The prepared scrub must be applied to the skin with massage movements. If you have oily skin, then the duration of this procedure should be four minutes; for normal skin, only two is enough.
  4. Any cosmetic product should be washed off with water only.
  5. To apply the mask, use brushes or your fingers.
  6. After using such products, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  7. If even the slightest discomfort occurs, the procedure must be stopped.

There is nothing difficult in preparing such products. You just need to follow some safety rules.

Mask recipes

If you have age spots on your body, vitamin C will be quite effective; preparing such cosmetics is not at all difficult.

By combining the components of masks correctly, you can quickly whiten your skin and make it fresh and healthy. Even the fruit itself gives a very good effect. Many people recommend simply cutting off a slice of lemon and rubbing it on problem areas, but this is a little dangerous, as you can get irritated.

Pigment spots on the body vitamin C and honey for dry skin

This product is more suitable for dry skin; it has a moisturizing and whitening effect. Take equal amount of honey and lemon juice, mix well and apply to problem areas. After ten minutes, everything must be washed off with warm water.

Pigmentation on the neck vitamin C, sour cream and egg

Take a chicken egg and beat it until foamy, then add a spoonful of lemon juice and two spoons of sour cream. The resulting composition must be used to treat pigmented areas. All this is left for fifteen minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Cream with whitening effect

If you have age spots on your hands, Vitamin C can remove them quickly enough; you can prepare such a cream at home. To prepare it, you need to take coconut oil and lemon juice. Mix the two components in equal proportions and apply to your hands, rinse after twenty minutes. This composition nourishes the skin, affects collagen production, and also tightens the skin.

Products for oily skin

Vitamin spots on legs C and yogurt

Thanks to this mask, you can whiten your legs, as well as stop any bacterial diseases if they occur. In a ceramic bowl, combine a spoonful of lemon juice and the same amount of yogurt. Apply the resulting mixture to the pigmented areas and leave for twenty minutes. After the time is up, rinse off the remaining cream with warm water.

Pigmentation on the head vitamin C

Dilute lemon juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to rinse your hair with this mixture after washing it with shampoo. The skin will be toned and can also be protected from drying out.

Pigment spots on hands vitamin C and salt

Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and add a spoonful of salt to it. Soak the gauze in the resulting mixture, then apply it to the problem areas; for better contact, you need to slightly iron the fabric on top. After ten minutes, remove everything and rinse with warm water.

If you have pigmentation on your face or pigmentation on your hands, vitamin C will also be effective if the immediate cause of this condition is eliminated. You also need to cleanse your skin before performing such procedures.

Vitamin C for age spots reviews

  1. Maria, Moscow. Good afternoon, I had pigment spots on my arms and legs, and after giving birth they became much more numerous. This problem bothered me, because it was difficult to cover them up with something, I constantly felt complex and embarrassed. Unfortunately, I did not have the funds for expensive skin whitening procedures. I once read on the Internet that vitamin C helps with pigmentation, and since it is found in large quantities in lemon, I decided to use it. I made masks with the addition of honey, yogurt, and applied them directly to those places where the spots were very noticeable. I performed approximately three procedures per week. Initially there was no result, I already wanted to stop the treatment, but then the effect really began to appear. Two months have passed and my skin is now clear and fresh.
  2. Margarita, Tver. Good afternoon, I would like to tell you about the miraculous properties of vitamin C. With its help, I managed to remove age spots from my face. I had them since birth, but then they weren’t so noticeable, but after I gave birth to my first child they began to appear much more strongly. Mom advised to wipe the stains with regular lemon juice, but naturally diluted with water. I performed three or four such manipulations a day. I managed to achieve a positive result in just three weeks. Of course, the joy knew no bounds. I would also like to say that every time after the procedure I lubricated my face with nourishing cream. I didn't have any irritation or other side effects.
  3. Irina Omsk. Hello, I have heard many times that vitamin C is good for our skin and, if necessary, it can whiten age spots. I had pigmentation on my face, I won’t say it was very strong, but nevertheless everything was ugly. I prepared masks and scrubs using lemon juice and treated my face with them every day. A week passed and I began to notice that the spots were getting lighter.

Pigmentation is, of course, unpleasant, but not dangerous. If necessary, you can happily get rid of such marks on your body. As you can see, even a simple lemon, which contains so much vitamin C, can whiten the skin quickly and without consequences.

Pigment spots can appear on anyone's skin. Their appearance is due to the uneven distribution of the skin pigment melanin. As you know, ultraviolet light stimulates pigment production. But sunlight is just one and far from the only reason for the appearance of age spots. Melanin production may be disrupted liver diseases, hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, doctors often prescribe vitamins for age spots on the face.

For pigmentation treatment to be effective, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance. Therefore, you will have to undergo a medical examination and tests. Only after this will it be possible to choose the most effective treatment tactics. Usually, doctors recommend a set of measures, including vitamin therapy. Let's figure out what vitamins can be prescribed against age spots on the face.

What vitamins will help lighten your skin?

Vitamin support helps to successfully treat pigmentation. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend taking vitamins during the period of using whitening products or performing cosmetic procedures to remove pigmentation. Please note that It is necessary to bleach age spots during the cold season, since in spring and summer it is too difficult to provide sufficiently reliable protection from sunlight.

What vitamins will help in the fight for an even complexion?


Vitamin E It’s not without reason that it’s called the beauty vitamin; this product contains antioxidants that effectively fight the signs of aging. To get the desired result, you need to ensure that tocopherol is present in your daily diet. If recommended by your doctor, you can take vitamin E capsules. Since this substance belongs to the category of fat-soluble, it is produced in the form of a solution in oil.


Retinol and other forms vitamin A often included in whitening cosmetics. This substance effectively neutralizes pigment and helps exfoliate dead cells. The product can be used both externally (in the form of masks and creams) and internally (as recommended by a doctor).

Ascorbic acid

About the benefits vitamin C even kids know it. This is a very strong antioxidant and is used to whiten and rejuvenate the skin. Ascorbic acid is often included in homemade masks.

You can use a pharmaceutical product or replace it with natural ingredients - fruit (especially lemon) or berry juices.

A nicotinic acid

Many people associate this name with tobacco smoke containing nicotine. But nicotinic acid is not a poison, but a beneficial one. vitamin PP. It is an excellent tool for preventing the appearance of pigmentation.

Cyanocobalamin and folic acid

Both of these substances belong to the group of vitamins B. Deficiency vitamin B12 can lead to darkening of the skin, as this substance helps normalize pigment production. Vitamin B 9 also helps slow down the production of excess melanin.


Overestimate the value vitamin D difficult for the skin. This product provides protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation and the appearance of excess pigmentation.


Vitamins for skin pigmentation should be taken orally as recommended by a doctor. Many people consider pharmacy vitamins to be completely harmless, but meanwhile, an excess of vitamins is no less harmful than their deficiency.

Therefore, you can only enrich your diet with natural vitamins on your own, that is, include more healthy foods in your diet - vegetables, fruits, low-fat protein products.

For oral administration, doctors often recommend complex preparations. For example, “Aevit” containing a “cocktail” of vitamins A and E. Or Ascorutin, which contains ascorbic acid and rutin. It is necessary to take vitamins according to the prescribed course.

External use

You can use vitamins for facial skin externally.

  1. The use of ready-made cosmetics enriched with vitamins. The advantages of this option are its ease of use. The disadvantages are that finished cosmetics contain a lot of preservatives.
  2. Enrichment of finished cosmetics with vitamin pharmaceutical preparations. To do this, you need to purchase vitamin solutions (in water or oil, depending on the type of vitamin). Then you need to add the solution to the finished cream or mask. It is not advisable to mix the entire jar of cream with vitamins at once; you need to prepare a new portion every day. For 10 grams of cream, it will be enough to add one drop of vitamin solution.
  3. Preparation of homemade cosmetic compositions enriched with vitamins. To prepare such masks, you can use vitamin solutions or tablets. In the latter case, you must first crush the tablet into powder. This option is preferable, since homemade formulations are prepared from natural products without preservatives or other artificial additives.

Rules for using homemade masks

For homemade whitening masks with vitamins to be effective, they must be prepared correctly and applied correctly.

Basic Rules:

  1. Before using a new composition, be sure to make sure that your skin tolerates its effects well. A simple skin sensitivity test will help avoid the development of allergic reactions.
  2. It is impossible to prepare formulations with vitamins in advance; they are made immediately before application.
  3. Before applying the composition, be sure to cleanse the skin.
  4. Most vitamin products can be applied to the entire face (with the exception of the eyelids), but some formulations, such as pure lemon juice (a source of vitamin C), should only be applied to pigmented areas, as the juice is very drying.
  5. After applying the composition, it is advisable to lie down and completely relax your muscles.
  6. Wash off the compositions after 20 minutes with warm water.
  7. Procedures need to be done regularly twice a week.
  8. After doing 15-20 procedures, it is recommended to change the composition of the mask, otherwise the skin will get used to it and stop reacting.

To prepare homemade masks, you can use pharmaceutical preparations or natural products containing vitamins.

Sources of vitamins:

  1. E – natural unrefined vegetable oils. There is a lot of tocopherol in the following types of oil - olive, wheat germ, sunflower, jojoba;
  2. A – carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, apricot, dandelion moldings;
  3. C – citrus fruits, berries, fruits;
  4. B – yeast, black bread, oatmeal;
  5. PP – pea, rice flour, tomatoes, avocado;
  6. D – chicken egg, fermented milk products.

Recipes with pharmacy vitamins

Here are several options for recipes for whitening compositions, which include pharmacy vitamins:

  1. With clay. To prepare the bleaching composition, it is recommended to use blue or white clay. Dilute a tablespoon of the product with cold chamomile tea so that the mass is convenient for application. Add a solution of vitamin E (five drops), tea tree ether (3 drops), lemon juice (15 drops) into the mixture.
  2. With butter. Mix a tablespoon of olive or wheat germ with one yolk. Add a spoonful of thick sour cream and five drops of vitamin E solution to this composition.
  3. With aloe juice. Take about a teaspoon of baby or any other nourishing cream, mix it with freshly prepared aloe juice (5 drops) and vitamin A solution (10 drops).
  4. With avocado. Mix a tablespoon of puree made from ripe avocado and one ampoule of retinol. Apply the mixture to pigmented areas.
  5. Butter-honey. This composition perfectly nourishes and whitens. You need to mix a teaspoon of coconut oil (pre-melt) and almond oil, add half a spoonful of natural liquid honey and 10 drops of vitamin A solution.
  6. With pea flour. If you don’t have pea flour at home, you can easily make it yourself. To do this, ordinary peeled split dry peas need to be ground in a coffee grinder and sifted through a sieve. Take a tablespoon of flour and prepared powder and five crushed Ascorutin tablets. Dilute this mixture with mineral water and add 4 drops of orange essential oil.
  7. With gelatin. Pour 10 grams of gelatin into half a glass of water, let the crystals swell, then heat the solution until the crystals are completely dissolved. Cool the mixture slightly so that it does not burn. Add a teaspoon of jojoba oil and prepared powder and five tablets of Ascorutin to the cooled mass. Apply the composition with a brush in several layers, each time waiting for the previous layer to dry. Remove carefully, as the composition hardens into a film.
  1. Banana. Prepare banana puree, we need 2 tablespoons of freshly prepared product. Mix the puree with a teaspoon of oatmeal and the contents of one ampoule of stable vitamin C. You can use ascorbic acid in tablets. To do this, you need to crush three tablets into powder, dilute it with water and pour the solution into the banana mass.
  2. Glycerin with honey. Grind the yolk, adding 10 grams of liquid honey (heat thick honey) and 10 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Pour half a teaspoon of glycerin into the prepared mixture and add the contents of three drops of Aevit (open the capsules with a sharp object, pour the contents into the prepared mass).
  3. With salt. For preparation, it is recommended to use the finest sea salt. Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of salt, add the contents of four Aevit capsules. Stir quickly and apply only to areas of pigmentation.
  4. The power of three vitamins. To prepare the whitening composition, mix a tablespoon of thick sour cream with the yolk, add 5 drops of vitamins E, A and D to the mixture.
  5. Curd. Mix 50 grams of cottage cheese with 10 grams of honey and 20 grams of sour cream, beat until smooth. Add 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 ampoule of aloe juice extract (pharmaceutical preparation), ampoule of vitamin B 12 into the composition.

Vitamin compositions from natural products

To prepare home whitening formulations, it is not necessary to use pharmaceutical preparations. Vitamins can be obtained from fresh natural products.
Lemon juice is an excellent whitening agent as it is rich in vitamin C. It can be used to scrub pigmented areas without diluting it with anything. This is a very effective recipe for getting rid of age spots. But if irritation occurs on the skin from undiluted juice, then the juice should be diluted with water - by half or by a third.

In addition, lemon juice can be included in whitening masks. The addition of this product allows you to saturate homemade cosmetic compositions with ascorbic acid.

  1. Mix equal volumes of honey and sour citrus juice, apply the prepared composition only to pigmented areas for 10 minutes.
  2. Beat a medium-sized chicken egg into a foam with the addition of 10 ml of lemon juice. Then add a tablespoon of sour cream. This composition can be applied to the entire face, provided that the skin is not prone to dryness and flaking. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  3. To whiten dry skin, it is recommended to mix equal parts of melted coconut oil and lemon juice. This composition is suitable for removing pigmentation not only on the face, but also on the hands and other parts of the body.

Other sources of vitamin C can be used to whiten age spots. This may be strawberry or currant juice, sauerkraut juice, kiwi pulp puree masks.

The mask does a good job of lightening age spots. yeast base. This product is a source of B vitamins. And adding citrus juice to it enriches the composition with ascorbic acid. To prepare the composition, you need to mix dry yeast with orange or grapefruit juice. Let the mixture sit and apply to the skin for twenty minutes.

Parsley juice is an excellent whitening agent.. It contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B9, B6 and others. Thus, parsley has a complex effect on the skin, destroying melanin accumulations. You can use fresh parsley juice, as well as a decoction of herbs or the roots of this spicy plant. To increase whitening properties, chopped parsley can be mixed with lemon or cranberry juice, sour cream or yogurt.

Cosmetologists' opinion

In order to maintain beauty you need to take care of your health. Cosmetologists warn that successful treatment of pigmentation is possible only after identifying the causes of its appearance.

You should not prescribe vitamin complexes for yourself; most likely, you will not get the expected result.

Contact a specialist to develop the optimal method for treating pigmentation.

Women's opinion

Good reviews from women who used vitamins to get rid of age spots confirm the effectiveness of this remedy.

Marina, 34 years old:

Two years ago, after a vacation in the south, age spots appeared on my face. At first I tried to fight it myself, bought various creams, but did not achieve noticeable results. Then, on the advice of a friend, I went to see a cosmetologist. After examination and tests, the specialist advised me to take the drug Ascorutin. To be honest, I was a little surprised how vitamins would help lighten pigmentation, but I trusted the specialist. I took the products according to the prescribed regimen and after a month I noticed that the spots became much lighter. Now I want to make more masks with these tablets.

Natalya, 28 years old:

My grandmother, a doctor, advised me to use ascorbic acid to whiten my skin. Since childhood, I remember how my grandmother made masks for herself and gave me these sour tablets to take orally. And when I grew up, and the freckles on my face began to bother me, I remembered my grandmother’s advice and began making masks with crushed ascorbic acid tablets. This product helps me a lot.

Maria, 30 years old:

Pigment spots appeared on my face during pregnancy. My mother and friends unanimously assured me that this was temporary, and after the birth everything would pass without a trace. But my son is already 6 years old, and the spots on his face remain, although they have become less noticeable. On the advice of a friend, I started using vitamin E to whiten my face. I took it in a course and added the solution to homemade masks. I am very pleased with the result, the skin has acquired an even color and has become more fresh.

Vitamins for age spots on the face are an effective way to get rid of cosmetic defects, strengthen the body and improve the condition of the skin.

Causes of age spots

Pigment spots on the face and neck are the result of an excessive concentration of melanin, which is found in various layers of the epidermis.

Signs of its deposition can be freckles, which do not cause discomfort. Another reaction among representatives of the fair sex is caused by hyperpigmentation on the face and body. Its roots are located in the deep layers of the epidermis. It spoils the appearance and becomes a problem to hide with makeup.

Causes of pigmentation:

  1. hereditary factor;
  2. changes in hormonal levels;
  3. skin diseases;
  4. prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  5. diseases of the digestive system;
  6. nervous system disorders;
  7. stress;
  8. avitaminosis;
  9. side effects of medications;
  10. allergy;
  11. age factor.

The effectiveness of taking vitamins

The cause of pigmentation may be vitamin deficiency. Spots on the face are a clear sign of malfunctions in the functioning of body systems. It should be removed by replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals. This is a must for removing blemishes on your face. The doctor should select medications based on blood tests.

Review of vitamins to reduce age spots

The use of vitamins in the fight against age spots can be internal and external. The first method is to restore the mineral balance in the body. The second affects the external condition of the skin using creams and ointments.

The following microelements have a beneficial effect on treatment:

Vitamin Products containing vitamin
A. Protects the skin of the face from weather conditions that negatively affect its condition. Sour cream, feta cheese, garlic.
AT 2. Restores metabolic processes in the body. Liver, fish, almonds, eggs.
AT 7. Restores and renews the skin at the cellular level. Corn, pistachios, processed cheese.
AT 9. Promotes cell renewal and prevents the destruction of blood vessels. Broccoli, champignons, lettuce.
C. Gives the skin elasticity and firmness. Citrus fruits, currants, spinach.
E. Helps normalize the cellular metabolic process. Dried apricots, prunes, salmon types of fish.
Vitamins of the PP group. Have a beneficial effect on cell respiration. Peanuts, beef, wheat, rabbit.
Zinc. Participates in metabolic processes of cells. Duck, liver, oatmeal, buckwheat, turkey.
Sulfur. Protects from the negative effects of sunlight. Sardine, rabbit, eggs.
Magnesium. Actively promotes metabolism. Oatmeal, buckwheat, almonds.

Efficiency of dietary supplements

You can saturate the body with missing nutrients by eating appropriate foods or taking dietary supplements - biologically active substances. The range of products available in pharmacies includes dietary supplements of domestic and foreign origin (German, Swiss, Israeli).

The drug "Aevit" is widely used to treat pigmentation. This is a multivitamin complex that protects the skin from temperature changes and ultraviolet rays. The effectiveness of the drug will be expressed in the appearance of smoothness and elasticity on the skin. Taking one capsule will provide the body's daily need for nutrients and minerals.

Another drug - "Aekol" - contains vitamins A, E and K. The latter helps normalize blood circulation in the affected areas. The solution is used externally.

According to doctors, Vitasharm is highly effective in treating pigmentation. This is a complex that includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6 and PP.

Contraindications for use

Given the undoubted benefits of each of the components contained in dietary supplements, they must be taken in moderation. Before starting use, you need to conduct a blood test and consult a doctor. Afterwards, read the instructions included with the drug. An overdose can cause additional disruptions in the body, which will negatively affect the functioning of the liver. If the dietary supplements used for treatment are water-soluble, then their excess will be excreted in the urine. If the substances are fat-soluble (A, K, E), then their excessive consumption can cause intoxication in the body.

Dietary supplements for age spots should be stopped if allergic reactions occur or if the body does not absorb one of the components of the drug.

Taking vitamins is an integral and important part of treating facial pigmentation. They, selected and prescribed by a doctor in the correct dosage, have a beneficial effect on the skin from the outside and inside, and can completely remove pigmentation. When carrying out a course of treatment, one should not forget about natural vitamins: fruits, vegetables, cereals and other products.