Vitrum Life

Country of origin: United States of America

Pharm-Group: Multivitamins with microelements

Manufacturers: Unifarm Inc. (United States of America)

International name: Vitrum Life

Dosage forms: film-coated tablets, tablets

Ingredients: 1 film-coated tablet contains vitamin A (retinol and beta-carotene), vitamin E, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Indications for use: Hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals in adults with increased physical activity (prevention and treatment), recovery period after illnesses.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.

Side effects: Allergic reactions, when taking large doses - nausea, pain in the epigastric region.

Interaction: No data available.

Overdose: No data.

Special instructions: Prescribe with caution in case of increased risk of thromboembolism, severe cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction. While taking it, it is not recommended to take other vitamin-containing medications. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.


  1. Register of Medicines 2004.