Bide - eggs

Eggs are known.

The best eggs are fresh, from chicken, and the best part is the yolk. It's best to cook them without deep-frying them. After chicken eggs come the eggs of birds that look like chickens, that is, pheasant, roach, mountain and steppe partridge. As for the eggs of ducks and other birds of this kind, they give rise to bad juices.

Eggs are almost balanced in nature, but their white is rather cold and the yolk rather hot; They are both moist, especially the whites. The dryest eggs are goose and ostrich eggs.

Actions and properties.
Eggs have an astringent property, especially the fried yolk; protein, on the other hand, soothes burning pain due to its ability to stick together and because it is absorbed into the stomach, remains there and does not leave as quickly as, for example, milk. The tougher the egg, the slower it is digested. The most nutritious and best eggs are soft-boiled, because they quickly pass through the human body.

Egg white is applied to the face, and this protects against sun tanning and removes it. If you fry the yolk and grind it with honey, it serves as an ointment for freckles and black spots. Bustard eggs are said to be an excellent hair dye. They can be tested to see if they are suitable for this purpose by inserting woolen threads into the egg and leaving them there to see if they turn black. The same is said to be the case with stork eggs.

Tumors and acne.
Eggs are included in medicines that prevent tumors, and in enemas that are given for internal ulcers and tumors, and carbuncles are lubricated with an egg and olive oil.

Wounds and ulcers.
Eggs are useful for wounds in the anus and pubic area and for fire burns; they are applied on a woolen rag, and they prevent ulceration. The same applies to burns caused by boiling water.

Tools with joints.
The white and yolk soften the nerves and help with all kinds of joint pain.

Organs of the head.
Eggs are part of medicines that stop bleeding from the meninges and are useful for the common cold. The yolk of chicken eggs helps with hot tumors in the ears. Land turtle eggs are said to be beneficial for epilepsy.

Organs of the eye.
White soothes pain in the eye, and yolk with saffron and rose oil is very useful for throbbing eyes. Mixed with barley flour, the yolk in the form of a medicinal bandage will prevent catarrhs ​​from descending into the eye. Along with incense, they also smear the forehead with catarrh of the eyes.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Soft-boiled eggs are useful for roughness in the throat, cough, phlegm, consumption, voice hoarse from heat, shortness of breath and hemoptysis, especially if you suck the yolk warm into your mouth. Land turtle eggs are a proven remedy for coughs in children.

Nutritional organs.
Eggs, boiled as they are in vinegar, prevent the outpouring of matter into the stomach and intestines and help against roughness of the esophagus and stomach; fried eggs turn into something smoky in the stomach.

Eruption organs.
Eggs, boiled as they are, in vinegar, prevent weakening and ulceration of the intestines. The yolk, especially if sucked into the mouth raw, helps against ulcers of the kidneys and bladder, and eggs baked in ashes, which do not smoke, if eaten with something astringent, such as the juice of unripe grapes, are useful in softening the nature and with abrasions in the intestines. Baked eggs also help with roughness of the intestines and bladder. An enema is prepared from their protein with sweet clover for ulcers and rot in the intestines. Eggs are useful for abscesses in the anus and pubic area.

When there is a tumor in the anus and when there is a beating in it, a wick dipped in egg and rose oil is inserted there. A candle is made from egg whites using henna oil, which helps against uterine ulcers and softens the uterus.

If the egg, as it is, is sucked into the mouth raw, it helps with bleeding and when urinating blood. All eggs, especially sparrow eggs, increase the ability to copulate. Goose eggs mixed with olive oil and inserted lukewarm into the uterus are said to induce menstruation in four days.