Water dries out the skin, what to do?

Have you noticed that after a shower, your skin becomes dry and an unpleasant feeling of tightness appears? It's all about the water: the harder it is, the more it dries the skin, although it would seem to be supposed to moisturize. How can we explain such a contradiction?

  1. The role of water in our life
  2. The effect of tap water on the skin
  3. Suitable cleaning products

The role of water in our life

The human body is 70% water. We drink it to maintain hydration. We cleanse the skin with it. But along with its unconditional benefits, water can also cause some discomfort.

Constant contact with water affects the skin © iStock

Everyone knows that the quality of tap water is quite strictly regulated. Water treatment plant systems are configured to:

removal of insoluble contaminants from water - sand, rust, etc.;

softening - precipitation or removal of calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. salts;

removal of dissolved gases and oxides of iron, manganese and copper;

biological purification from microorganisms.

Therefore, from the point of view of physical health, tap water cannot be harmful.

The effect of tap water on the skin

What to do

It is clear that it is impossible to refuse water. After all, even regular washing without cleansers helps remove approximately 30–35% of impurities from the surface of the skin. You just need to take into account that the following are of great importance:

chemical composition of water;

These two indicators are especially important for people with sensitive and reactive skin. Problems can be avoided if you follow our advice.

When washing, follow "safety precautions" © iStock

Wash your face with water at room temperature; your skin doesn’t like it too warm (not to mention hot).

Chlorinated tap water is not suitable for you; use mineral water or bottled water to cleanse your skin.

Choose gentle cleansers that don't dry out your skin.

After washing your face, be sure to use a toner and moisturizer to restore pH balance and maintain moisture balance.

Suitable cleaning products

Gel-foam for removing makeup and cleansing facial skin Miel-En-Mousse, Lancôme Gently removes impurities, softens and does not leave a feeling of tightness thanks to acacia honey in the composition. When it comes into contact with water, the gel turns into foam.

Toleriane cleansing gel-care wash, La Roche-Posay Suitable for sensitive skin, gently removes makeup. Niacinamide and panthenol help maintain the natural protective barrier to retain moisture. Lather in palms with a small amount of water, apply to face with massaging movements.

Cleanser for even tone and smooth texture Clearly Corrective Brightening & Exfoliating Daily Cleanser, Kiehl’s with white birch extract and perlite gently exfoliates and thoroughly cleanses away impurities. Visibly evens out skin tone and texture, softens and adds radiance. Suitable for use twice a day.

  1. March 10, 2017

King's College London conducted a study confirming that hard water can cause atopic dermatitis (eczema) in infants. Bathing infants in hard water increases the risk of disease by 87%.

In adults, hard water dries out the skin, causing a feeling of tightness and flaking. Babies perceive bathing in hard water much worse: the skin’s natural defense mechanisms are disrupted, it becomes more susceptible to allergens, and as a result, eczema appears, which is then very difficult to get rid of. Previously, this was called infantile diathesis, but today doctors recognize that this is a rather serious problem.

Today, approximately every fifth schoolchild and every tenth infant suffers from atopic dermatitis. The harm of hard water is obvious: the skin reacts to any allergens, cold, heat, red itchy spots, inflammation, and discomfort appear.

Interestingly, in Britain the “map” of atopic dermatitis completely coincides with the “map” of hard water. In southern areas, hard water contains more calcium carbonate, which is where eczema is more common in infants.

A hard water filter can reduce the likelihood and even completely prevent the occurrence of atopic dermatitis.

How did you study the dependence of the appearance of eczema on water hardness?

Experts selected about 1,300 infants aged 3 months from different regions where water hardness levels differ. The presence of atopic dermatitis was checked, and the main indicators of the skin were recorded. The control group also included those infants who already had eczema; in this case, the barrier functions of the skin were tested on clean skin. At the same time, scientists measured the level of water hardness in family homes (the main emphasis was on chlorine and calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, that is, hardness salts).

In addition, scientists recorded other conditions that could influence the occurrence of eczema: the use of creams, nutrition, installed filters for hard water, and conducted genetic tests (it is known that there is a special mutation of the FLG gene, which causes a violation of the barrier function of the skin and can be passed on from parents).

Results of a study on the effect of hard water on children's skin

Children with a genetic predisposition were much more likely to get atopic dermatitis from hard water, but those without the gene mutation were 87% more likely to suffer from eczema than the control group. That is, the risk of atopic dermatitis from hard water increases significantly.

How to determine whether water is soft or hard?

The presence of hardness salts is determined visually and usually does not require any research or tests. Here are simple signs that can help you understand whether a hard water filter is needed:

Shampoo and soap lather poorly and produce little foam;

  1. Lime quickly appears in the washing machine, dishwasher, and kettle;
  2. White stains are visible on washed and dried dishes;
  3. Lime deposits appear on plumbing fixtures;
  4. After taking a shower or even washing your face, the skin feels tight and peeling.

Hard water treatment

At the state level, the problem is not being solved in any way: it is believed that hard salts are not too harmful to health. That is, you need to buy a filter for hard water yourself.

As a rule, a hard water cartridge uses an ion exchange resin backfill; it reduces the concentration of hardness salts to a level that is safe even for children. It is recommended to choose Aquaphor hard water filters as they are some of the best on the market. Geyser filters for hard water, as well as some others, have proven themselves well. Do not buy cartridges in markets or without original packaging!

To reduce the amount of chlorine, carbon filters are needed: ordinary polypropylene filters do not help, retaining only mechanical pollutants.

How to choose a filter for hard water?

Many manufacturers offer solutions for cottages, as well as small systems for apartments. You can either study the characteristics and properties of hard water filters yourself, or seek advice from specialists. For example, for apartments they often buy the compact WaterBoss 400 (a popular filter for hard water from Aquaphor), and for cottages they order the WaterBoss 900. Everything is individual.

A high-quality filter for hard water is the key to healthy skin not only for the child, but also for all household members. Even if your area has very hard water, a good filter will handle it.

Flaky skin, dry and brittle hair - this problem is familiar to many, especially in cold weather. Genetic predisposition and the wind at hand with frost, of course, play a role, but the water with which we regularly wash ourselves is no less important.

Hard water contains so-called “hardness salts” that get on the skin, nails, hair and inside the body. It is because of their harmful effects that we observe all these irritating symptoms and are forced to buy liters of moisturizing creams, hair balms and endlessly drink vitamins.

Signs of hard water

How do we know that the problem is really hard water and not, for example, our heredity? Let's analyze all the signs of such water:

  1. white and gray deposits inside the kettle, on cutlery, plumbing fixtures,
  2. unpleasant, bitter taste of water (even after boiling),
  3. muted and distorted taste of drinks (there is a possibility of addiction),
  4. high consumption of soap detergents due to low foaming.

If, in addition to dry skin and hair, at least one of these signs is observed, there is hard water. Unfortunately, in addition to purely cosmetic aspects, it also negatively affects health:

  1. causes joint problems
  2. kidney problems (including can provoke the development of urolithiasis).

In addition, hard water causes frequent breakdowns of the washing machine, dishwasher and other household appliances.

What to do?

How to fight? The market most often suggests removing the consequence:

  1. buy moisturizers,
  2. use moisturizing hair conditioner,
  3. drink vitamins A and E,
  4. put a filter jug ​​in the kitchen and drink water from it,
  5. use various means to descale a kettle, washing machine, etc.

Based on this list, you will need to purchase many household items, and on an ongoing basis. Hard water harms not only your appearance and health, but also your wallet.

How to properly deal with hard water?

There is another option, less popular due to its cost-effectiveness. Fight the cause. Why not purify all the water in the house before the hardness salts reach us and our household appliances?

In addition to pitcher filters, which quickly exhaust their already small resource, there is another way out. Flow-through main filter softeners are installed directly on the pipe, purifying the water immediately. Thanks to this, drinks acquire a pleasant taste again, and the skin stops peeling and cracking.

How to choose a filter?

The TITANOF company, known for its innovative titanium filters for removing iron and other impurities, offers a softener for apartments and country houses. The cation exchange resin in the cartridge has a high resource and will last up to 12 months. Such a long life of the filter is ensured thanks to simple maintenance - sometimes the cartridge needs to be removed and regenerated in a solution of ordinary table salt.


Installation on the main line allows you to completely purify all the water. If water hardness is a concern only in terms of the taste of drinks and water, and you wash your face, for example, with micellar water, it makes sense to choose an installation under the sink. In this case, the filter will last even longer.