What to do if there is a fire

If you are in a room, check to see if it is hot before opening the door.
Don't use the elevator. Call the fire department "01".
If the room is smoky, get down on the floor and let it crawl. Smoke always rises, and breathable air falls down.
After you have left the fire scene, send someone to call 01 if this has not already been done.
Know the rules for using a fire extinguisher:
1. Use a fire extinguisher if there is a fire
small, for example, on the stove.
2. Remove the security seal, if present.
3. Approach the flame at a safe distance - approximately 3 meters.
4. Point the fire extinguisher at the fire site
and press the handle. Slow motion
cover the entire fire area. Avoid
breathing steam from the contents of a fire extinguisher.
Leave the burning room as soon as possible and do not return there until the fire is extinguished. If you cannot leave the room, close all cracks in doors and windows, and cover ventilation vents with a rag. If the phone is nearby, call “02”, even if the firefighters have already arrived, to tell the dispatcher where you are.