When He Was Not Born Yet

The nine months spent in the mother's womb are an important time in the life of the unborn child. During this time, incredible changes occur that lead to the creation of a complex organism from a single cell. However, we do not think about this process, carried away by the growth of the mother’s belly and preparation for birth.

The modern approach to pregnancy as a medical problem, a process bordering on pathology, can lead to undesirable consequences. For example, a common result of pregnancy in bed is the birth of frail and unadapted children, for whom the birth process itself becomes unnecessarily traumatic.

Already during pregnancy, it is necessary to think about how to ensure that the child is ready for the serious demands that life will present to him after birth. It is important to remember that for us nine months is just a short period of time, but for a child it is an ocean of eternity.

During pregnancy, it is customary for a woman to be provided with complete comfort in order to protect her from physical exertion, cold, heat and malnutrition. She is advised to support her stomach with a bandage and take vitamins. However, placing too much emphasis on comfort can lead to undesirable consequences.

A common consequence of bed rest is children born with high birth weight. One of the reasons for this is the low physical activity of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The birth of a heavy fetus always occurs with great difficulties, most often with obstetric problems.

Therefore, it is important to remember that nine months in the mother's womb is not only the time when the belly grows, but also the time when the unborn child goes through an important developmental stage. It must be remembered that the child is preparing for life after birth, and his body and psyche must be ready for serious demands. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health during pregnancy and not forget about a healthy lifestyle in order to create favorable conditions for the unborn child.