Women are banned from smoking and drinking soda

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Scientists from the Fox Chase Cancer Center in the United States concluded that estrogen exacerbates the effects of tobacco smoke, which can cause cancer. Considering that estrogen is a female hormone, smoking-related cancer primarily affects women.

A number of experiments have shown that in lung tissue, estrogen can be transformed into carcinogens that activate the growth of cancer cells even without exposure to smoke. If tobacco smoke enters the lungs, the level of harmful substances in females doubles. Experiments were carried out only on laboratory mice. Scientists are going to test this trend in humans, and while research is ongoing, they recommend that women, if possible, refrain from smoking.

In addition to cigarettes, sweet soda is contraindicated for the weaker sex. It causes fat deposits around the waist (abdominal fat), which contributes to heart disease, strokes and diabetes. The reason, again, is hormones. Abdominal fat promotes the production of hormones that inhibit insulin production, which can lead to diabetes or heart failure. Men are more resilient when it comes to belly fat and can drink more soda without compromising their health.

Author: Maria Lukina