Doctors: Avoid sex and sports in hot weather

Doctors recommend refraining from sex and sports in extreme heat, so as not to increase the stress on the cardiovascular system.

As Olga Zhikhareva, a cardiologist of the highest category, explained, during sexual intercourse the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and the breathing rate increases.

“Sex in the heat is a double load that increases the risk of a heart attack,” the doctor noted. “The demands placed on the heart during sex in the heat can be compared to running or climbing stairs at a fast pace.”

For people with problems with the cardiovascular system, it is better to abstain from sex in the heat, Zhikhareva concluded.

To reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels, the cardiologist advises having sex with a familiar partner and in a familiar environment.

In hot weather, you should also be wary of exercising, even if it is part of your normal routine. Senior researcher at the Department of Atherosclerosis Problems of the Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Sergienko advises excluding physical activity.

“We’re even talking about those physical education and sports activities that were done regularly. For example, daily jogging in the park and so on,” the doctor said.

Let us remind you that on the weekend of August 4-5, meteorologists predicted abnormal heat in Ukraine - +40-42°C.
