Is bodybuilding realistic for those over 40?

If you have crossed the line at 40 years old, this is not a reason to be upset, quite the contrary. Unlike most sports disciplines, where performance decreases greatly with age, bodybuilding will give you confidence that even after 40-50 it is quite possible to improve your body.

Bodybuilding for those over 40.

Of course, in the process of life, some parameters that a person needs still decrease, this, first of all, concerns joints, the level of synovial fluid, ligaments, and so on, but for those who want to engage in strength sports, this only means that additional care is needed for these factors. To begin with, it must be said that bodybuilding for those over 40 has one important detail, this is training experience, that is, if a person trained until forty, he needs to train a little differently than a beginner athlete. Many famous athletes, such as Frank Zane and Ed Corney, were able to reach their peak in sports around this age period.

The first parameters that need to be changed with age are the duration, quantity and style of training. Why do this? Firstly: with age, the body changes and if earlier you could do a large number of exercises, approaches, using considerable weights, now this needs to be adjusted based on your well-being, the quality and duration of the recovery processes.

Bodybuilding for those over 40.

Secondly: if previously it was possible to train 5-6 days a week, paying attention to each muscle, now you should take slightly longer breaks between pumping individual groups. Thirdly: you don’t need to do prohibitively long workouts like before, it’s best to do it in a little over an hour.

For those who are just starting to train, the bodybuilding program for those over 40 will be almost the same as for young beginners, only with the use of initial weights and the number of approaches in exercises of 6-8.

There is no need to worry about your metabolism, it will be normal, so also devote a lot of time to proper nutrition and use various dietary supplements aimed at accelerating recovery processes.

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