Street running or treadmill – who wins?

But here’s a tricky question for you, our dear readers: what would you prefer:

  1. jogging through a stadium, a park, a forest path, in a word, a street?
  2. or the same thing as working on a treadmill indoors?

Let's look at all the pros and cons of both of these options in our current modern conditions, and try to find the answer: Street running or a treadmill - who wins?

By choosing a treadmill machine, in addition to regular jogging, we get a whole range of statistical data:

  1. heart rate and blood pressure indicators.
  2. number of calories burned.
  3. kilometers traveled and average speed.
  4. and other indicators for self-monitoring and medical supervision.

Also, when working on a cardio machine, we have flexibility in varying the load. For example, we can increase or decrease the speed at any time, we can run downhill (uphill), and other possibilities. We also have additional innovative advantages available to us:

  1. You can listen to your favorite music in the built-in player
  2. Or even watch a movie or TV show - most modern cardio equipment has a display and media player...

Another significant advantage is that you don’t have to go anywhere or look for a suitable place for jogging - get on the trainer, turn on the engine and run for your own pleasure.

Well, the advantages of an innovative machine are undeniable, but let’s look at the advantages of its good old opponent...

When choosing a street, you will, of course, name as arguments:

  1. Fresh air,
  2. pleasant breeze
  3. Sun,
  4. and the singing of birds.

However, all this is relevant if you live somewhere outside the city and such pure nature is available to you... But what about residents of large cities? Instead of all of the above, the following will be waiting for you on the streets of a big city:

  1. smoke, soot and gas pollution,
  2. solar radiation,
  3. machine noise and other industrial sounds.

The last argument in favor of street running is its accessibility. All you need is suitable sportswear and sneakers, and that’s it – you’re ready to go jogging. And a huge cardio machine, firstly, takes up a lot of space (at least two square meters), and secondly, it costs a lot of money. Well, of course, you can’t argue with this, although every day sports equipment is becoming cheaper and more accessible to ordinary users, and now many people can afford their own personal home cardio equipment.

Well, as we see, modern simulators are increasingly penetrating our lives, displacing the old “grandfather’s” training methods. Is it good or bad? – time will tell. Well, you, our dear readers, leave your comments: whose side are you personally on? Who will win? a home exercise machine, a treadmill or a classic, primitive open air? – vote! And we will compile statistics and promise to introduce you to them. So, in your opinion, who will win?

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